
Night's Fall

Which are the truth from countless lies? What is loyalty among allies? Is there love between enemies? Who are faithful to one's promises? Leone used to believe everything around her but she's not sure anymore. Her colorful world is slowly being dyed in dark hues. She began to notice the shadows lurking behind every sweet smile and kind touch. She wanted to deny it but the bud of doubt slowly, very slowly blossoms as time passes by. And the recurring nightmares that haunt her every time she sleeps drive her even crazier. Leone's desperate ways to resolve her doubts and escape her destiny will lead her to a path without return, struggling against the problems that will challenge her beliefs, emotions, and morality. Will she be able to overcome the aftermath of the discovery of twisted secrets that would shake her world even more? And will the warmth of the night's fall be in her favor? Please do support Leone in her journey by leaving a review and voting for it. Many thanks!

mina_ren · Fantasie
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23 Chs

A Rainy Night

Leone was silent at first. Does she not like his son working in this kind of profession?

"May I ask if you come to understand him after reading these kinds of papers?"

"I did. I grew up in a good family but I could not say the same for my son, perhaps the difference in our upbringing has given us different perspectives. It is a bit late but all I could do now is support him."

"Your son is blessed enough to have a mother like you, Ma'am."

"He should realize that too. And I wonder when he would remember coming home."

"He would perhaps if he comes to the Capital. May I also ask if those clothes the young man is wearing belong to your son?"

"Hohoho. Yes. I knew right away they would fit him."

"Do you mean they're of the same age?"

"Oh, no. Those were his clothes from 2 years ago."

"He was gone that long? And weren't he quite young when he left?"

"Yes. He should be 22 now."

"I'd say, you have a reckless unfilial son, Ma'am."

"Hohoho. You think so too, right?"

"Have you read your son's articles? Or do they write for papers like this?"

"I don't know if they write articles for papers like this. All I know is that they are interested in reading this, recording his observation and findings. Basically, he's just a nosy and curious man even when he was still a kid."

The conversation was interrupted by a knock. Daisy came in and whispered something to the old woman, who nodded in return.

"It seems my presence is needed now at the shop. Also, it looks like the rain has still shown signs of stopping. I don't mind if you spend the night here. There's another room for you to use."

"But, I'm overstaying my welcome already."

"Of course, you are not. Come, I'll show you the way before I go downstairs."

Leone was shown to another room. It has the atmosphere of a young lady due to its designs and color.

"Feel free to use anything in the room. Good night."

"Thank you, Ma'am. You too, good night."

Leone was a bit burdened receiving the old woman's warm welcome. But she also recognizes that the latter must have felt lonely and sees someone in her.

That's a sad conjecture but if what she's thinking is right then that would make her uncomfortable. In the meantime, she shall accept this hospitality and make sure she repays them their kindness.

Leone surveyed the room. Just like the other room, it has signs of being unused. She also noticed that perhaps the person who used to stay there also shares the same interest as Mrs. Amelia's son evidenced in the shelves of books beside the study table.

She traced the books until her fingers stopped on one of the oldest books on the shelf. She had always been interested in these kinds of references. There's just charm in it that attracts her.

It was a medical book.

She opened the book and saw a picture of two people in their uniforms. They look alike, the shape of their strong eyes reminds Leone of Mrs. Amelia.

The young man has dark violet hair that reaches his shoulder tied with a black ribbon to the back of his neck. He looks scholarly with a round eyeglass seated atop his tall nose. His violet eyes look distant but he gives the overall impression of intelligence as he carried a book in his arm.

The young lady next to him wore a white laboratory gown atop her uniform. Her long straight hair was slightly disheveled, her hands seated on her hips, and her smile was warm and wide. She gives someone the impression of bravery.

At the back was a young man with golden hair, sleeping on the couch.

She flipped the picture. Written behind it were the words 'Congratulations on your coming of age, Mika. I saved this one picture for various reasons. Your friend, Avy. P.S. As my coming of an age birthday present, do arrange a date with that guy sleeping at the back. Thanks!'

Leone chuckled at the equally courageous confession of this girl named Avy.


On a similar night of heavy downpour, a cloaked assassin stealthily advanced towards a dormitory. The guard by the fence was fast asleep to even notice the approaching enemy. It was far too late for him to utter a sound when a blade ran through his neck. He fell down, his blood mixing with the rain as it run towards the nearest canal. His last vision was that of the silhouette of the invader flashing into the dorms.

Gael has just finished writing his report and leaned against the chair, watching the raindrops at the glass window trickle now and then. The candle waned and liquid wax harden as it fell around the candlestick. Its fire danced in a light touch of air.

He closed his eyes and listened to the rhythm of the rain, lulling him to sleep until the door opened and closed. The fire flickered and died against the sudden gust of the cold wind, plunging the whole room into darkness.

A deafening stillness.

Gael opened his eyes, slowly adjusting to the dark. To the other end of the room is the uninvited guest, melding with the darkness due to its black cloak. With little to no presence, but obviously there.

His nose twitched as he recognized the metallic smell of blood until he heard the soft drop of liquid on the floor. And it might be faint but there was one more thing mixed up in that scent and Gael could not remember where he encountered it.

A moment later, the sound of alarm woke the whole compound. At the same time, Gael and the intruder exchanged blows. The sounds of swords clashing and furniture crashing broke the short-term peace.

To his surprise, or maybe to his naivety, the thought that he would lose didn't cross his mind. He did not imagine he would, when even his best friend, the Prince, could not win against him. He believed he would not lose to a murderer, a criminal.

To his irritation, his movements were easily read like an open book. He could feel as though he was fighting against the better version of himself. It was as if he had been thoroughly observed. Would he die a vain death?

Unlike textbook swordsmanship, he is fighting against a more barbaric yet refined one. A proof of this was the unexpected kick he got which made him step a few backward. It was shameful.

He got himself back when he noticed the invader opening the door to the terrace. The strong gust of wind and rain entered, drowning the scent of blood and candle away.

Gael ran as he followed the invader into the terrace but the latter has already jumped down and vanished into the woods. At the same time, the door to his room flew open once again and a couple of soldiers barged in to chase the intruder.
