
New World Magic System in Asoiaf

Transmigrated to Asoiaf with the purpose of reviving magic.

Damon_Jager · Bücher und Literatur
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55 Chs

Episode 1

Ned had asked me and my family to join him when the king arrived as he wanted help keeping an eye on the Lannisters and Robert as not to get out of hand.

I had hoped the man would come via train as the Lannisters and their goods are banned from using Airships. But no the man had to travel via the Kings-Road and blocked traffic for a large swath of land as traveling with him is an escort of 100 men.

So we had to have a meeting with the transportation department for making a temporary route as the Highway will have to be closed till he leaves Federation Land.

But when the King finally arrived he was not greeted with a decrepit castle and a ruined fortress rather a massive walled city. With constant patrols of police and airships, at the center a great castle that was covered in a massive runic matrix that allowed the city to never fall.


He had hated being king, nothing good had ever come of it. He had lost Lyanna he lost everything to the Targaryens, now he is married to that lion cunt and his children are all nothing like him.

But with Jon's death he lost his final support in kings landing, he knew he could only chose one man Ned. Ned had been like a brother to him and now he needed a brother to watch his back, and Ned had changed the North and made it the richest land in all of the seven kingdoms and maybe he can do the same their.

Traveling along the kings road in the North just showed how much the place had changed. Flying machines constantly flew over us going every which way, Iron beasts moved along rails moving people and cargo.

Joffrey the little shit whined and yelled how unfair how we couldn't use the airships or take the rails. I'll have to get him and Sansa married that will piss the bitch off.


The first meeting of the king was as awkward as it was in the show, Robert had not seen Ned since the Ironborn rebellion and his first words were that Ned got fat. Which is not true as with the high magical environment mixed with better diet he looked great.

They moved down to the crypts where Robert offered Ned hand of the kings which he accepted but refused the betrothal of Sansa as she and Lio have been betrothed. Robert was annoyed but thankfully with the wards having a passive influence effect he calmed down.

The Lannisters were also heavily watched and tracked as they moved in the city and castle. The Royal group only stayed in Winterfell for about 3 weeks till they decided to move on south.

In addition of the Royal party is Ned and a group of Magi-At-Arms who we are all equipped with port keys to transport them to the nearest Airship as we expect war to occur quickly.

And the world moved as it did in canon, Ned "found out" about Joffrey state as a bastard and proceeded to alert everyone and get accused of being a traitor and then teleported to the nearest Airships and began moving North.

Once he reached the Winterfell he announced that the United Federation has declared independence from the seven kingdoms. In joining our independence is Dorne, Vale whose current heir is a bastard, and a chunk of the River lands has joined the federation no wanting the fighting to occur in their lands.

In doing this the full might of the United Federation military was alerted Airships were seen leaving every major city and soon will be arriving all over The Vale and The Riverlands securing them from Southern Agression.