
New life in a world where every men but me is unattractive

TheGoat_Vegeta · Andere
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9 Chs

Chapter 8, The World's New Beginning

Naruto-sama… may I ask a question?"

Just a minute after Naruto finished his breakfast, Shizune said that from his right while bowing lightly to ask for his permission.

Blinked a few times, Naruto nodded…

"Sure? What do you want to ask, Shizune?"

"Did you accept Yakumo-san's hand-in-marriage?"


Here, Naruto turned silent for a few minutes, actually already expected such question from her.

Shizune was pretty protective last night, as though she knew that there is no way Yakumo Kurama of all people would like to get his hand-in-marriage without any back-up plan whatsoever.

So, the fact here he is, home and sound after the daimyo in question drove him home must've triggered some alarms in her head.

"Well… I gave her a last requirement for her to get my hand-in-marriage. She's yet to tell me her answer"

For a bit, Shizune nodded, her eyes closed as if she was happy that the worse scenario didn't happen at all. But still…

She's rather curious about the requirement her master gave to the new daimyo that made the woman think thrice about, despite the prize.

Surely there is nothing the women in this world refuse to do if it meant a hand-in-marriage with Naruto Uzumaki, right?

Alas, she merely asked a permission for one question, so she has no right to get another question despite she really wants to know just what is the requirement her lord Naruto want from a woman who want to marry him.


As Shizune became silent, Naruto let out a small smile.

Her curiosity can be seen from that face of hers alone. And after what he said to her, he's pretty sure that he knows what question currently floating in that mind of her.

"I told her that I want a harem"




Deep in the library, Naruto is humming in thought as he reading a book about the ninja in this world. And just like usual, circling around him is masked kunoichis who vowed to guard him with their body and soul.

His private guards.


Just like Yakumo Kurama, Shizune became silent the moment she heard his words, and in her eyes, expression he cannot decipher danced with complexity.


He doesn't really know if he can be honest.

Sure, since this world lack lust, it also means men and women marry each other because of nothing but deep trust and willingness to be with each other.

But surely there's someone in the past who had a harem, right?

He is confused…

"Well… better start writing now"

Took out a book from his kimono, Naruto let his mind wander off as he once again starts to write his own version of Icha-Icha book.

It's time to work.

-With Yakumo Kurama-

"He… said that?"

Deep inside her own chamber, the woman who has the title of the Fire Daimyo is laying on her bed without her usual regal attire.

Brown hairs spread on her back as the woman crossing her arm across her head with a frown on her face.

And said frown deepen when she heard the words from one of her trusted samurais…

"Did I shutter, Yon?"

"I… I'm sorry if I offended you, Daimyo-sama. However, my mind just can't help but to turn blank after what you told me"

Naruto Uzumaki… no one ever lived without hearing his name at least once.

The boy was cold, calculating, power hungry, and most of all, he hates female population without any exception.

It is not an exaggeration if someone said the boy is the one who made some countries become at war with each other.

Hatred is not something someone can feel toward the blonde, however.

Just like how female population mysteriously fell over heel for him, it is also impossible to hate him, for some reason…

"… I know"

Yakumo said as she sat down on her bed…

She, after all also became blank the moment she heard Naruto's last requirement to have his hand-in-marriage. It is just mind blowing how someone known for his disgust toward female population suddenly want to marry more than one woman.

Here, her samurai said another piece of her mind.

"Did he perhaps want to gain more power? After all, by marrying many powerful women, he will gain access to their possession"

For example, the moment Naruto marry Yakumo, he will become the master of Fire Country itself.

For a few minutes, Yakumo became silent. But in the end, she shook her head in denial…

"There's no need for that, if he wanted to, he could just ask for those privileges with a small offer and no one will be able to reject him"

His name alone has weight behind it.

People from across the world race with each other to get a favor from him and would pay anything for it. A status and title are two things that these people would gladly give to Naruto if it meant they'd have the blonde's favor.

"Well… it might sound stupid. But Daimyo-sama, why don't you just ask him? After all, you said the two of you had a great night, right? I'm sure he will tell you the reason if you asked"



"I guess that's true… get me a paper and pen"

"Right away, ma'am"


"I apologize that our last night date had to stop because of my inability to talk after I heard what you said. I hope you can forgive me for that transgression of mine, Naruto. However, I also would like to ask you about your requirement, am I correct to assume that you wish to marry several women despite your slight dislike toward them? -With love, Yakumo Kurama"

Naruto said outloud followed by a few blinks of his eyes.

The paper in his hands smell fragrant, and the writing also look very beautiful. From how complicated the kanji written in the paper alone, Naruto know Yakumo must've spent hours to write these few sentences.

Though… that slight…

It seems she really want him to explain why would he want to marry several women despite his hatred toward female population.

It wasn't him…

It was previous Naruto.

But there's simply no way he can say that toward the Fire Daimyo.


Took out a blank paper, Naruto tapped his chin several times, musing on how he should answer Yakumo's letter.

"Uh… dear Fire Daimyo, it has come to my concern that the world seems to see me as someone who hate female population. However, this is not true. I simply have fear toward those females who cannot control their own desire the moment they saw me. But, even if most females actually like this, I know some can control their desire to a few degrees, someone like you, for example… and so, like I said before, I don't hate female population and albeit desire from women is flattering, I also want to be loved just like a normal person do. As for why I want more than one woman to be my wife, I'm afraid it is just my selfish wish and no more than that, being loved is a beautiful experience, and if I could have more than one woman to love me, why not? -Naruto Uzumaki"

"And done"

Naruto whispered to no one after he finished his letter for Yakumo, hoping and praying that she would buy his answer.

But then again, he's not lying.

Desire is flattering and all, however, what he wants from his soulmate is more than just desire, more than just sex -no matter how pleasant the deed is-.

He wants love…

Love in its purest form while everything else can be classified as secondary.

Thinking like this, Naruto folded the paper several times nicely and put it on his desk… eyes slightly melancholy after he basically opened himself a little to someone he met once.

"Can one of you give this letter to Yakumo-san?"

"Yes, sir"

The folded paper was gone just like that, as if it was never there in the first place. And seeing this, Naruto let out a small sigh and put his face on his arms after he folded said arms on the table.

Let's just hope the Fire Daimyo react positively to his letter.

It would be bad if her answer is another aphrodisiac-soaked cloth toward his face.

Well… not really bad… at least not for him.

"Raped by a sexy woman after she drugged me… that's hot"

Naruto muttered under his breath, so low that even the guards around him won't take notice of it even if they have sharp hearings.


He's a normal, fifteen years old boy.

It is normal for him to be a pervert. And with the strange state this world in, it is basically forcing and begging him to be a pervert.

He's just going to follow the flow, that's all.




"Uh… girls, quick question, where is the others?"

Naruto said after a few minutes of silence.

The library is just too silent now that he thinks again, and despite very few came to the library he worked in back in his world, some people did come sometimes.

So why does the library in this world so… empty?

"Naruto-sama, considering your dislike toward crowd, we kicked all of the people out before you came… and knowing it is you who want to come, they did so without any complaint"


So that's why he cannot even see the librarian behind their desk?


But oh well… can't do anything about that. Plus, no harm done at all, his guard just said 'kick out' to make him think her being good soldier… probably.

"Okay then, good job"

Naruto nodded.

It would be nice to have some people sitting here and there, if he can be honest.

Buuuut, if can't? no problem.

"Yes, your highness… and may I have the pleasure to massage your legs, your highness?"

"Uh… sure?"

Not wasting any second, the woman donned in all black attire slipped into under the table. Her slightly tall frame makes the space slightly narrow for her, but it doesn't seem to hinder her to give massage to his legs.

And feeling this, Naruto's toes twitched a little bit.

It kind of tickles.

Fortunately, he didn't let out a sound or any other external reaction toward the massage, even though his face probably should've turns a little pink from the ministration.

Why fortunate?

It because he can feel it.

The jealousy and the anger in the air.

Huh… funny.

But he's not going to laugh, not at all. He's just going to keep his silent and continues his writing… yep, that's what he's going to do.

He's not going to poke a hornet nest, that's for sure.


'I wonder… what's the situation with the exam now?'

He just hopes that his friend, Hinata is alright. Oh, and Sakura of course…

She's just so much prettier than Sakura from his world.

-In the forest of death-

"C-Come on now, Hinata… we should just team up. We were classmates, yes?"

Came a trembling voice of Sakura, followed by a wince as the pain in her ankles flared for a brief second.

In front of her, one Hinata Hyuuga stood menacingly with byakugan activated and palms burning with dark and powerful chakra.

To Sakura and Ino, it was a bad luck.

To Hinata, it was a chance.

"No… Mikoto-san is enough for rival. I'll not let you pass this exam, Haruno"

Sakura bit her bottom lip the second she heard this as her eyes turn dark and glared hard at the young woman across from her.

Of course…

The whole female population in the world is at war with each other when it come to one Naruto Uzumaki.

Classmates or not, she and Hinata is the same as them.

Each want nothing but to sweep away the others.

"Then so be it…"

Tightened her gloves, Sakura straightened her posture as with a quick flare of her chakra, she healed all minor injuries on her body.

She doesn't know where Ino went to, but hopefully that friend of her is alright.

It's been a day since the first exam start, after all. Most of the remaining contenders is smart enough to team-up or set up ambushes in the forest.

"… Get ready to get punched, Hyuuga"


"No… it is you who should get ready to puke blood, Haruno"


And the whole clearing shook as a fist met a palm.

-Back with Naruto-

'… Meh, they should be alright. They were classmates, after all. They probably teamed up and sweeping away the other contestants'

Naruto thought inwardly.

Yes, he might be a little bit biased. But he really hopes that the people he can calls friends passes the exam so they can be his guards.

It might be fun.

Plus, it would also make it less awkward the day he accepts several hundreds of women into his private guard rank if some of his friends also going to enter said rank.

Just as he thought like this, Naruto felt something tingles in the air…


Eyes scanning around, Naruto see that his guards doesn't seems to sense what he felt just now.


What was that?

Yes, he felt something, but it doesn't mean he know what is that 'something'. Well… maybe it was just a fly flying around.

His guards are professional, each of them is more than enough to defeat a jonin-level ninja. Sensing something amiss should be an easy pie to them, so, the fact they didn't seems to react at all, it means what he sensed is probably something harmless.

A little cricket or something like that.




A few meters away from Naruto's position, right on top of a book shelves, a single standing strand of red hair can be seen, moving gently despite the lack of wind in the area.

And the tip…

It's pointing at Naruto himself.

-Somewhere in the forest of death-

"So cute~"

Deep inside a cave, a woman licked her lips sexily. Behind her, red hairs move around as if alive. And deep in her eyes, Naruto can be seen, still writing his book.

The woman's cheek become redder the more she's spying on him…

"You're so cute that I want to gobble you up, ufufu~"

A small, rather crazed laugh came out of the woman's mouth following her rambles. Though, when the boy started to look around and actually gazed at her 'direction', she immediately cut off the connection with her hair.

On her lips, her smile become wider as her cheeks become so red that it almost as red as a tomato.

"… So perfect"

His face is.

No wonder women in the world dare to wage wars against each other just to get his attention. A gaze from his eyes alone is enough to melt her heart~

"Mine, you're going to be mine… Naruto Uzumaki"

For now, she's going to pass this exam.

And after she did, she will become his guard, climb the rank among other guards, be someone who have his trust, and then…

*Licking lips noise*

Imagining the Naruto himself bound by her true body -which is her hairs- struggling against the red strands without any success as she plays with his body as she please, the woman licked her lips once again.

She can't wait for that day~

Alas, to get the ultimate treasure, she has to be patient.

But then again, she's far older than she looks… a few years of wait will be a piece of cake for an immortal like her.


"Gah… so tired"

As the sun starting to set, Naruto spread his arms like how a cat would, and he's kinda happy when he heard some of his bones popped nicely.



Finished, the blonde took a small glance toward the table.

His book is closed, already full just a few minutes ago. However, surrounding the book itself, several plates of food and some empty bottles he told his guards to buy scattered somewhat neatly.

It wasn't cleaned because he kinda want to see just how much he ate for a day and at work.

With the world's state and all, he kinda need to find something to amuse himself, you know?

"Can one of you please give this to publishing house? Use my real name as my pen name, though"

"Yes sir"

Naruto said as he slide his book forward. And the second he blinked, the book is already gone from his sight.

His guards' speed is as impressive as ever, honestly.

Tired mentally, Naruto plopped his face on the table as across the table itself, his trashes started to disappear one by one faster than his eyes can see without his order.

Meh… they don't want him to lay in a pile of trash, he's grateful for it.

"Anyone know where Shizune is…?"

Naruto asked toward his guards.

And right after he did, one of them stepped forward to answer his question…

"Shizune went to the exam too keep watch just in case someone break the rule, sir. She's also accompanied by Cat-san and her squad"


Cat… it's been pretty long time since he saw her. From his knowledge, despite it was the woman who 'saved' him the day he first came to this world, she's actually not among his guard and actually the commander of ANBU squad under the Hokage.

The medics who healed him is women from his guards, though.

"Thank you… y-you may kiss my cheek"

Shuttered a little, Naruto in the end succeed to said those words with a rather neutral face.

And probably not expecting such reward just from answering his question, the guard turn silent for a few seconds. Nonetheless, once her mind caught what was said, she tilted her mask to a side a little, enough to free her mouth and small part of her nose.

Naruto closes his eyes as a pair of pink lips descend into his cheek, smooching on it as the woman in question spend her time to enjoy her reward.

Kiss word has a wide berth of meaning, after all.

Nonetheless, Naruto is enjoying himself as his guard spending her time to give him the best cheek his he ever got from someone. Add her womanly nice smell, it is a pleasant experience for him.

None of his guards use aphrodisiac-mixed perfume. From what he knows, previous Naruto banned his guards to wear those because he felt disgusted if he felt pleasant around ugly women.

Rude, but good for him.

Good… because it would be bad for his image if he got hard on every single time someone from his guards got too close, after all.

Of course, he also felt a twinge of disappointment at that single fact too.

Just a twinge though…


"Naruto-sama, thank you for the reward you blessed me with… I vow to protect you till my life exhausted, till my skin turn to dust, till my bones crack, and till I can't do anything but to die"

Ah… okay.

The moment his guard finished kissing his cheek, she bowed so low that her forehead touching the ground, slightly shivering from joy after she kissed his cheek.

She's in euphoria…


"Uuh… Okay"


He doesn't know what he supposedly says to someone who vowed to him with so much passion that every word she spoke got fueled by it.




-Publishing house-

"Shyly, the blonde shuttered as his cheeks turn red when the woman gave him a tantalizing kiss to kiss neck. His arms, trembling in embarrassment and slight hesitant can do nothing but to clutch on the woman's shoulders, trying, and failing to push her away from him. all the while, the woman let out a small smirk on her lips… Her left palm already slipped into the blonde's pants"


With a rather loud smacking sound, a woman seems to be in her thirty closed the book in her hands sharply while biting her bottom lip.

She cannot read the book anymore… not unless she wants to ejaculate just by thinking about it alone.

Oh, hell. She's actually can't help but to start thinking about it right now.

After she took a sharp inhale of breath, she spoke…

"Now… it is a good book. But I'll ask you again for my insurance. This book, is it really written by Naruto Uzumaki-sama?"

The story is very engaging, and as a reader, she can't help but to delve into the story as the woman who was teasing a blonde named N who has a fucking similarity to one Naruto Uzumaki in real life.

It made her imagining herself as the one in that woman's shoes… and it felt great.

All in all, it is a very good book.

Actually… bolden than that very word.

But still, she still has to be careful, more so because the guard in front of him said the writer of the book is Naruto Uzumaki himself.

It is kinda doubtful, with his reputation and all… but then again, she wouldn't know because she never met the boy. Not even for once.

"Yes… it is him who wrote that book and told me to give it to you"

From the tone alone, she can sense the guard across from her also didn't expect the book to be so… engaging for women like them.

Nonetheless, the guard seem to be content to stay professional in her posture, not giving away anything else except for her slight hesitant tone.

And here, the owner of the publishing house let out a sigh.

"Alright then, I'll have your words that I won't be killed by jonin ninjas the moment this book got published. Cause if I do, I'll haunt you for the rest of your life"

She said half-heartedly, not really meaning her words, and sensing this, the guard merely nodded in understanding.

Such book could change the world's point of view toward one Naruto Uzumaki. And while some indeed might become doubtful by the writer identity of the book at first, if within a week and the book still not going down, doubt will disappear.

It meant the titan, Naruto Uzumaki is not someone untouchable like most people thought at first.

It means… everyone will have a chance.

But then again…

Only as long they have the power to grasp that chance.

Cause, let's just be honest here… there's no way the female population across the whole elemental nation will let a woman do as she please just because Naruto Uzumaki opened a door.


The war for that opened door… it will be bloody as hell.

Rivalries across the nation shall start anew.

-With Naruto-

Laying on his wagon, Naruto's eyebrow twitched a little when once again, he felt that slight twinge in the air… and this time, he kinda felt it a little bit more obvious.

It's like… a pair of eyes.

Blinked a little because the feeling disappeared as fast as it came, Naruto merely keep nomming the meat bun he told his guard to buy.

Just who was that?

He honestly doesn't know, and he also doesn't have any idea on how to track the owner of the eyes who was staring at him.

Tell his guard?


Why should he?

For all intent, the owner of said eyes could be just someone who was curious about him and probably just spying without any bad intention. And no, he's not being naïve about it and more like… he knows just how overprotective his guards going to be the second he told them he felt eyes staring at him.

They could change from sexy guards to rabid dogs within second, full with nothing but intention to track and kill.

But still…

Knock knock

"Shizune, are you there…?"

Knocked on his wagon two times, Naruto called on the woman he crushes on.

And yeah… he is crushing on Shizune right now. With her sisterly warmth and kindness, she's kinda someone he really likes to be with, if he can be honest.

"Yes, Naruto-sama, I'm here. Is there something you need?"

The woman said with a small, happy smile after she opened the door to the wagon, bringing a waft of her nice scents to the small room within a second.

She also has a small blush on her cheeks after she saw his laying on the sofa so cutely.

"W-Well…" Blushing, Naruto patted on the sofa beside him "… I feel a little lonely. Can you sit with me?"

Heard what he said, the smile on Shizune's lips widen so much that it actually looks kind of freaky. Though of course, knowing this, she was quick to hide said smile behind her kimono sleeve.

Her eyes still made an upward U in a sign of her happiness, however.

"Of course, Naruto-sama. It is my pleasure to give you cuddles every time you want it"

Pretty close with him, Shizune know what he really wants to do behind his 'please sit with me' words.

Embarrassed because his intention was caught red-handed so quickly, Naruto's blush became redder, so much that even his ears also turning red.

"I-I d-d-didn't mean th-"

The blonde's words stopped because Shizune was quick to move. Though instead of taking her seat beside him, the woman actually lay her body right on top of him and giving his face full of her breasts press, silencing him.

One of her palms is on his head, combing on his hairs while giving his head a massage while another palm of hers already slipped into his clothes and harassing his chest with nothing but vigour.

Inside its fleshy cage and forced to smell the woman's mature scent, Naruto's face become so red that his head letting out some steam.

"Sssh~ you must be tired after all the writing you did, Naruto-sama. Please let this Shizune be your comfort and lull you to sleep"

Right after she said this, Shizune pushed her body even more into him until he can no longer move except for a small twitch here and there.

Her face on his head and inhaling his scent with a perverted smile that Naruto cannot see.


More than happy do what Shizune told him to do, Naruto gently closed his eyes and trying his best to sleep while ignoring the woman's ministration on his body.

… It was hard.

And course, his male member soon was quick to stand up under the kimono he's wearing.

Shizune's reaction…?



Like a female dog in heat, she dry humped him until she orgasmed several times with ragging breath. And of course, by that point, he also came several times into his pants.

Sadly, he passed out after he came four or so times.

So unfortunate…

But then again… the sleep following the deed is so nice that he actually snores.