
New life in a world where every men but me is unattractive

Ibrahim_Lawal · Others
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9 Chs

Chapter 7, Date and Intelligent

A dinner.

Sat in the VIP seat of the most extravagant restaurant in Konoha, Naruto is eating with as much politeness as he can muster.

Basically, said? None.

These foods are so delicious~


In front of him, Yakumo Kurama, the new fire Daimyo is still watching him with a mysterious smile on her red lips. Now, she's hot and all, the fact she was covering her whole body and calling herself ugly alone made sure he knows that she should be beautiful in his eyes.

But still…

Beauty or not, being stared at for a whole hour is slowly making him feel self-conscious.

"Y-Yakumo-san? Are you not going to eat your food?"

Naruto asked, trying to be polite about it.

And to answer his question, the woman across from him merely widens her smile that she quickly hides behind her wide sleeve.

She's so ladylike in his eyes.

"I will, Naruto-sama… I'm just mesmerized by your face that I lost my desire to eat for a second"

Honesty as clear as a glass came out from her lips.

And hearing this, Naruto can't help but blush and scratched his cheek a few times, embarrassed and nervous. Of course, he also doesn't know what to say to answer such a sentence.

Oh, wait…

"W-Well, you should eat it before it's cold… and please tone it down with -sama suffix, I heard you want to c-court me. S-So, why don't you start by calling me by name?"


Whether what he said is the right thing to do, Naruto doesn't know.

But he became worried as the regal woman across from him turn silent for a few minutes. Though she broke the silence with a nod after said minutes passed harmlessly.

Her hand, still clad in her sleeve went and hover above the plate of her food, hiding its sight from him.

Wait… what?

"I'm done here, Naruto. how about you? Have you comfortable enough to continue our night?"


As the woman pulled her sleeved hand away from the plate, followed by her words, Naruto can only turn silent and blinked a few times in confusion.

The plate is clean.

What's that?

"Y-Yeah, I have"

Nodded, Naruto let out a small smile toward Yakumo, not going to ask as it could be rude in her eyes. And heard his words, the woman stood first then walked to his side, offering her sleeve-covered palm to him.

Grateful for the romantic gesture, Naruto shyly took her palm and followed suit.

And thus, they walked out of the restaurant…

The night is still young.


He sensed them.

Sat in the inside of the fire Daimyo's wagon once again, Naruto stared outside while letting out a small hum of curiosity.

Those silent presences on the roof…

His guards?

"I'm glad to see you're enjoying our walk, Naruto"

Yakumo Kurama said from across from him after she heard him humming, thinking it as him enjoying their time together. And realized this, Naruto let out a small polite smile.

He already asked her… and from what she said, after their dinner, the next plan would be a ride inside the wagon under the moonlight.

It… would be better if they were walking, if he can be honest.

More romantic too… but guess the Daimyo and someone like him cannot be seen by the masses doing something as common as 'walking'.

A con for his situation, as he actually would like to walk together with Yakumo… just the two of them.

"Y-Yeah, I'm really enjoying this"


Not really… but he can't say it right to that smiling face of Yakumo's.

For all intent, she's really happy to do something like this with him. So, at the very least, he cannot say he doesn't like the activity as it could make the woman upset.

The weight of his words here is very heavy, he must take care not to say something wrong.

"Good… if it's not a problem for you, why don't you come here? I promise I won't do anything that would make you uncomfortable"

Gently, the woman spread her legs and patted the shirt in the middle of it. And Naruto, seeing the gesture blushed lightly… from this distance alone, he can already smell her overpowering smell of perfume, can he really take it from a closer distance?

But that smile of hers…

Geez... he just can't refuse, can he?

"Um… then please excuse me"

Shyly, Naruto stood from his position and sat in the middle of Yakumo's shirt, between her long legs, facing the same direction as hers. And right after he did, her legs gently raised and captured his lower half with the softness of high-class silk.

At the same time, her right hand wrapped itself around her waist and pulled him much closer to her body, where she then put her chin on top of his head. Though not really finding any problem with this action, Naruto's two hands gently clutched her sleeve while he leans his back at her soft body.

Though, Yakumo's body is kinda cold for some reason…

"Yakumo-san, why don't you tell me about yourself…? after all, I really want to know your reason for wanting to court me"

"Sure, I guess that would also make us a bit closer, hmm?"

"Y-Yeah…" Nodded, Naruto shuttered a little as the Daimyo wrapped her previously free hand against his body, effectively trapping him within her embrace "… I-I guess it would"

"Then, I guess I'll start with the day where I wished to becomes a ninja for the great Konohagakure no sato…"


Her words are bitter.

But as she already started, Naruto can do nothing but hear her out as Yakumo began to explain her whole life story for him, bare for him to discern how he saw fit.

It was saddening…

If Hinata's story had been upsetting, then Yakumo's story is definitely puke-inducing.

The previous Hokage, Hiruzen tried to seal Yakumo's power after no teachers succeed to teach her anything chakra related?

That… they have no right.

They have no right to do such a thing…

"I… I'm sorry to hear that happened to you, Yakumo"

Naruto said as he turned his position so he can face her, and once he did, he wraps his arms around her neck and put his face on her nape where he can inhale her mature, yet the rather overbearing scent of perfume. Behind him, Yakumo's arms locked together as she returned his small hug, all the while, she's letting out a small hum.

"It is of no problem… I killed the third Hokage, in the end, he got what he signed for"

The woman said simply as if she were talking about the weather.

And Naruto himself, cannot be seen by her eyes held a small sad look on his face for a small second. This world's Hiruzen might not be his grandfather figure, but to hear the man was killed is still rather upsetting.

That old man deserved it, though… he just can't say anything to oppose that.

"Y-Yeah, he did"



The two then spent their time in that position, hugging each other.

But after several more minutes of hugging, Naruto broke their hugs with a very red blush on his cheeks, feeling very embarrassed as he returns to his previous position where he faces the same direction as Yakumo as he sitting on her lap.

His heart beating fast for some strange reason. And not only that, but his body also feels kinda sluggish…

What… what's happening?

"You're so adorable…"

Again, Yakumo Kurama wraps her arm around his chest from behind. Though this time, said arm not only locking his position but also his arms that now cannot be moved.


"Ssh~ don't be afraid"

With the gentleness of a lover, Yakumo's other arm slung around his neck as her sleeved palm lovingly touched every inch of his face, forcing him to smell the overpowering scent of her perfume that stabbed his nostril.


He cannot move.

To speak alone is already pretty hard for him. But still, despite this, Naruto is trying his best to keep his cool to calm down his frantically beating heart…

"W-What… d-did you do?"

Every word's making his body feel even more sluggish, but Naruto still forced those words to come out of his mouth. And after he did, his eyes feel blurry and his face became unhealthy red. At the same time, his breath became ragged as if he just ran around Konoha several times.

More like from shock than anything else, Yakumo Kurama let out a small laugh here…

"Fufufu~ You're still able to talk even now. As expected of my soon to be husband…" Her words are warm, loving, gentle, and yet, with so much desire hidden behind all of these as she leaned her face and whispered those words right to his ear "… As for your answer, it's simple really. I just mixed my perfume with a heavy dose of aphrodisiac. I was planning to use this to capture you just in case you reject me again honestly. But seeing we had a great time together, I'm pretty sure you will accept my hand-in-marriage now"


Inside Yakumo's embrace, Naruto widens his eyes. Shocked that Yakumo was planning to kidnap him if he rejected her.

But then…


Why would she do this to him if she knew he was having a great time with her which equals to a very low chance of him rejecting her?

It… it doesn't make any sense.

"Good… you're no longer struggling now. Then let's do our first night now"

As gently as she could, Yakumo pushed down his body to the sofa with him cannot do anything as she doing this, too weak and sluggish to make any difference.

Thus, a few seconds later Naruto lay on the sofa facing upward while Yakumo herself above him, smiling beautifully with a pair of rosy cheeks as she sat on his waist.

She's… so beautiful.

But still…

"Y-Yakumo… t-there's something that I need to say…"

After he forced that off his throat, Naruto was greeted by Yakumo that turn silent for a few seconds, pretty much shocked that he was still able to talk despite the heavy amount of aphrodisiac he inhaled, where most people would've turned into a blushing and panting mess by now.

But then, she let out a knowing smile…

"As expected from you, Naruto… but I guess I'll hear you out for now, considering I'm now your fiancé"

Her smile is a kind one as she leaned down her whole body and pressed it into his smaller frame, caging him in another prison of softness as he can no longer move his body.

Her face is on his cheek after she did this, giving said cheek kisses of nothing but love and desire.


Naruto can only let out a small mewl as she doing this. His breath gets a little bit more frantic after the woman presses all of the weight of her sexy body on him.

And the kisses…


Her perfume smells nice… her breath smells nice… and if not for him that need to say something to her, Naruto would gladly let Yakumo devour his mouth using those sexy lips of hers while her hands harassing his body.

"I… if you want to be my fiancé, I have one requirement. And this is non-negotiable"

Honestly, Naruto feels kinda fortunate because of the drug he inhaled. Considering without it, he probably won't be able to say that without being a nervous and blushing mess.

But since the drug already made him blush… well… you know what he means.

No need for a poker face here.

"Mnn~ of course my dear… tell me what you want. Wealth, power, armies of samurai, I'll give you anything, whatever it is"


Dark and evil chakra emitted from the woman's body as she said those words possessively after she presses her forehead against his, smiling happily as she hovers her lips a centimeter away from his lips.

Unbothered by this, mostly because of his currently hot and needy body, Naruto's eyes turn half-lidded as he stares at the woman with nothing but calmness.

And as calmly as possible, he then said it…




And right after Naruto said his words, everything disappears.

The pressure, the darkness, and even the desire that previously emit from Yakumo like tidal waves disappears completely right after she heard his words.

In their place, Yakumo can do nothing but become silent.


No word can describe her current state better than that single word.

And as this happens, Naruto merely keeps his own silent despite his raging heartbeat and tomato-red cheeks.


Late at night, a regal wagon can be seen stopping in front of a huge mansion of Naruto. and stood in front of the entrance of said mansion are dozens of guards who already make two lines on the left and right side to greet their lord.

Despite the time, they still look prime and proper.

And then, the wagon door opened…

"Welcome home, Naruto-sama"

All of the guards said at the same time as Naruto himself stepped out from the wagon of the daimyo with a polite smile on his face.

Seeing this, Naruto's smile becomes larger with a hint of blush painting his cheeks.

Then, he turned around and watches as Yakumo Kurama gave him a small polite nod which he returned with his own nod.

And after this, she closed the door…


The wagon was carried off with that, leaving Naruto who merely watch all of this happen.

'I want you to know that I will marry other women in the future…'

A harem.

That was his requirement to Yakumo if she really want to become his fiancé and future wife. Of course, the daimyo was so shocked that she had spent her hours thinking and thinking without any answer to give.

In the end, she didn't give him any and merely return him to his house.

Then again, it must be a hard pill to swallow… so, he understood why she was hesitating.


For now, let's not think about it.

He inhaled a large amount of aphrodisiac, and despite the hours passed, his legs still feel like a pair of jellies if he can be honest.


Naruto whispered a name as he feels a familiar presence walking to his side.

"Yes, Naruto-sama? Is there something you need from me?"

The black-haired woman said while bowing low beside him. And after Naruto turned his body around, he let her see his real condition.

Uneven breath.

Red face.


"C-Can you take me to my bed? My legs feel so heavy"

For a small second, Naruto tumbled.

Of course, before he can fall, Shizune was quick to catch him in her embrace with a pair of narrow eyes. Her hands possessively holding into his body while glaring at the direction the new fire Daimyo went to.

"Did… did she do anything inapprotiate to you, Naruto-sama?"

The woman asked with worry in her tone.

Considering her words and also because she's a ninja medic, Shizune must've realized what kind of drug did he inhale, Naruto concluded inwardly.


Better calm her down before she decides to rally his guards to attack Yakumo.

"Just some aphrodisiac -ttebayo… I'm alright. But, my head's kinda hurting… please get me to my bed"

"… This Shizune shall comply, Naruto-sama"

Albeit hesitant to leave Yakumo Kurama to her own device after what she did, Shizune in the end let out a large sigh as she took Naruto's body in her arms and start carrying him bridal style.

She still decides that he won't get any more assault, though…

"Strengthen the perimeter around the mansion!"

The guards complied without any word, disappearing completely into the darkness as all of them went to their post.

Nodded, Shizune soon walk to the mansion with her master in her arms…




When Naruto walked out of the bathroom with his sleeping wear, he exhaled a rather shaken sigh.

He had a cold bath just now… and the heat on his groin and the pink haze in his mind is yet to dissipate. Both still making him feel lustful and bothered.

No wonder some men in his previous world became perverts like Jiraiya…

This pleasant feeling of lust… it's not something anyone could easily dissipate no matter what you do.

Then again, he's in a world where he is the lustful target of all women, so lust would be something he cannot run from as long as he lives here.

And he would choose this world over his without a second thought.

Because here… he is wanted.


"Yes, Naruto-sama?"

As he took the seat on his bed, Naruto called one of his guards.

And as a woman with a fox mask appear and kneeled on one knee, Naruto became silent for a few seconds.

Her presence alone brought a wave of a nice scent of grape and jasmine to his nostril, something that made his male member stand under the sleeping yukata he wears.

And no… it's not Shizune's.

"Can you please tell me what is the use of aphrodisiac in real life? The books I read few weeks ago didn't tell me about it at all"



Even normal novels he read since his coming to this world never poked any information about aphrodisiacs… period.

And yet Yakumo didn't look like someone who feel bad after what she did, whether in his world the use of an aphrodisiac to an unwilling person is basically sexual harassment and can put the assaulter into jail.

"Aphrodisiac is a drug used in some perfume creation, Naruto-sama. Those perfumes usually used by married people before they have sex so their bodies feel less pain when they're doing the deed"


So… it's not illegal?

The drug is actually one of the main components in this world's perfume creation?

Well… now that he thinks again, with how painful the book said about sex here, he can actually understand why most people would treat aphrodisiacs as something legal and not dangerous.

Once someone in this world inhales an aphrodisiac, their body will start to get the 'itch' that can only be scratched by doing sex or something similar to it.

It is an everyday item for people here.

"… I see, thank you very much. Is there anything you want as a reward?"

Naruto said calmly despite his still angrily beating heart.

To normal people here, aphrodisiac is a normal item that would let their body feel pleasant and 'itchy', whether the effect on their mind is probably nihil, considering they have no lust or libido to be amplified.

But for him who came from another world?

'Oh shit…'

His body might have a small resistance to the drug because he has some experience with the strange mushrooms that grew in the forest of death.

But his mind?"


Double oh shit…

"To be able to talk with you alone is a reward for me, Naruto-sama. You don't need to give me another one"

The woman in front of him said curtly and professionally, answering his previous question toward her and at the same time broke Naruto from his trance as his attention returned to her once again.


So professional.


"Uh… a-are you really sure?"

Naruto asked once again, this time with red blush on his cheeks, too hesitant and embarrassed to let this woman know that his body is currently in dire need of some 'special attention'.

What is this situation called back in his world again?


Yeah… he's being a tsundere right now.

Shizune? She went out after she placed him on his bed, saying that she also needs to secure the perimeter so he can 'sleep' without any other interruption for today.

But how can he sleep with this boner of his?

It's uncomfortable, you know?

"I see…"

The female guard in front of him muttered under her breath after her red ruby eyes went to his face and read his expression like a book.

And then, desire completely take over as all professionality and politeness left her eyes.

Seeing this, Naruto shivered a little. Though, at the same time, excitement started to build up in his chest…

"… Then Naruto-sama, may I have a taste of your neck?"

"Uh… sure?"


Uh… that's new, is what crossed Naruto's mind after he heard his guard's request. But still, his body is too needy at the moment and his mind is filled with nothing but a pink haze.

Thus, he approved her request…

For now, he's just gonna hope whatever this guard going to do to his body won't be so mind-blowing like what Shizune did to his ears.

His current body and mind are just too sensitive at the moment, after all.




Naruto woke up feeling sore all over his body, especially the area of his nape where his guard had thoroughly bitten every single inch of last night.


She also did it while pushing down her body against him and rubbing her soft thigh against his groin, an action which actually made him came several times.

Well, at the very least, she stopped when the effect of aphrodisiac on him became weary.

Last night, he was basically drunk on aphrodisiac, and his reward for the guard was merely a 'drunkard' request.

Simply said, he didn't think it through before he made her request a rather ecchi reward. But now already clear-headed, Naruto can only do an inhale and exhale exercise to calm himself down.

Let's just hope there's no strange backlash for what he did…

"Naruto-sama, this is Shizune… have you wake up?"

"Yes, I have"

The black-haired woman entered right after she heard his words.

For a few seconds, she paused, seeing his groggy state, sleepy eyes, and loosened yukata cladding his lithe body. And Naruto doesn't need any special power to notice the desire that burns behind those professional-looking eyes of hers.

She's getting lustful just from seeing his morning state…


"I-I'm sorry for staring, Naruto-sama"

Though maybe because she has been living with 'him' for years, Shizune was quick to calm herself and tuned down her libido before she makes a mistake that she probably won't regret, but must be paid for with her life.

Naruto himself merely nodded as Shizune lowered her head and apologize, actually really liked it when she was staring at him with such desire and wanton in her eyes… though not that he was going to say that, knowing how Naruto in this world attitude toward the people, mostly those from the female population.

"It's okay… so, is there anything you want to tell me?"

Naruto asked as he went to the side of the very huge bed so he can fully turn his attention toward Shizune.

Here, Shizune nodded…

"Yes, Naruto-sama. The guards have found the track of the woman who killed several contestants a few days ago. And just as we thought, she's also a contestant… her name is F-…"

"Fuka… I already knew that, Shizune"

Spreading his hands like how a cat would, Naruto let out a very large yawn that he didn't even bother to cover, mostly because he's just too uncaring about politeness whatsoever now that he knows he can just ignore all of those.

No… he's not a rude person, people who knew him could attest to that. But everything else like polite and regal things royals had to do? Meh… no thank you.

"Y-You already know about that, Naruto-sama?"

For some reason, the moment Naruto's closed eyes opened and went to Shizune, the woman looked startled and pretty much shocked by what he said.


What's so strange about it now?

"Yeah… I did investigate it two days ago, right? It wasn't that hard to reach the truth once you heard all the words spreading on the street about red haired woman who looked very suspicious and a strange aura around her"

It was a pretty shortened version of everything that he heard, but Shizune probably understood what he said even if he didn't tell her the whole story.

His ears are sharper than most people's since he was born. And while at first, it was really hurtful to hear so many 'whispers' of people who called him a demon behind his back in his world, in the end, he chose to sharpen his natural talent for information gathering.

And now, in this world, he can use said talent to gather information whispered by the people…

"I… see… I'm very sorry Naruto-sama. I was useless, to think you would've to solve it before me, I feel terrible after I failed you so much so. Please, punish me as you see fit"



When Shizune knelt down on all four and her forehead touched the cold floor, naruto became speechless for a few seconds before he in the end merely shook his head and walk in the direction of the bathroom.

"Then keep kneeling like that until I finished my bath… after that, do the usual"

Dry his body with a towel.

Dress him in his clothes.

And then follow him as he does whatever he likes…

Those three is the main job that Shizune have to do every single day, something that would've made every single man back in his world's faces become green with envies.


It was a blessing to any woman.

"Y-Yes, Naruto-sama! I won't repeat my mistake once more! Thank you for giving me another chance!"

Another chance?

What another chance? He was just telling her about the murderer, Fuka, and nothing else. And yet…

Naruto rolled his eyes here. Let's just not think too much about it and just let Shizune think whatever she likes for now because, at the moment, his body is still sore after the activity he did last night, and he wants nothing but a fresh bath.