
New Beginning In A New World

In "New Beginnings in a New World," we follow the captivating journey of Drake Cadman, a 34-year-old recluse with social anxiety, who is reborn as a baby in a medieval world full of magic. The son of adventurers Arvid and Urd Cadman, Drake reveals an uncommon magical talent from a young age, surprising his parents and the young mage Aila Rosmerta. As Drake grows, he faces emotional and magical challenges, seeking to not repeat the mistakes of his previous life and to live without regrets. In a world of adventure and danger, Drake embarks on a journey of self-discovery, growth, and magic, where each step takes him closer to his destiny and the hidden wonders of his new home.

Jair_Fortes · Fantasie
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7 Chs


I am Drake Cadman, a boy with a destiny intertwined between two worlds. I was born under the watchful gaze of the moon in a tranquil village, where the stars twinkle like promises in the night sky. My parents, Arvid and Urd Cadman, are retired adventurers, whose tales of bravery and magic weave through my childhood.

The village where I grew up is a peaceful place, where magic flows like an underground river beneath the seemingly calm surface. From an early age, I was enveloped by the magic that permeates our world, delving into the ancient tomes of magic that my mother kept with such care. Each yellowed page was an invitation to explore new horizons, to unravel the mysteries that danced among the shadows.

In the early years of my life, I lived surrounded by the love and protection of my parents. Though I was a solitary child, delving into books while others played outside, I never felt alone. My mother, with her gentle wisdom, and my father, with his brute strength tempered by experience, were my pillars of safety in a world full of uncertainties.

And then, at the age of five, something extraordinary happened. I discovered that I could conjure magic without reciting spells, a gift that defied the known laws of our world. Power surged from me like a newly lit flame, eager to dance in my hands and shape reality to my will.

My parents, astonished by my unusual ability, realized that I was different. They saw in me not only their beloved son but also a being of great potential, a spark of magic shining amidst the darkness. They decided then that it was time to seek external help, someone who could guide me on the path of magic.

That's how Aila Rosmerta came into my life. A young talented mage, whose eyes shone with the same light as mine. She became my mentor, my guide through the magical mazes that stretched before me.

With Aila by my side, I learned not only the secrets of magic but also the ways of the outside world. She taught me to interact with the other children of the village, to overcome my social phobia, and to embrace life with an open heart.

And so, in this moment of transition between the past and the present, between the innocence of childhood and the promise of tomorrow, my journey begins. A journey of self-discovery, of growth, and of magic, in a world where the impossible becomes possible with every step taken.

May the winds of fortune blow in our favor, for the future awaits, full of mysteries and wonders yet to be discovered. And may I, Drake Cadman, rise to the challenge that awaits me.