
New Beginning In A New World

In "New Beginnings in a New World," we follow the captivating journey of Drake Cadman, a 34-year-old recluse with social anxiety, who is reborn as a baby in a medieval world full of magic. The son of adventurers Arvid and Urd Cadman, Drake reveals an uncommon magical talent from a young age, surprising his parents and the young mage Aila Rosmerta. As Drake grows, he faces emotional and magical challenges, seeking to not repeat the mistakes of his previous life and to live without regrets. In a world of adventure and danger, Drake embarks on a journey of self-discovery, growth, and magic, where each step takes him closer to his destiny and the hidden wonders of his new home.

Jair_Fortes · Fantasie
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7 Chs

Chapter 2: Childhood with Parents

The discovery of my talent for magic brought a new light to my life, a light that shone brighter with each passing day. While my parents looked on with pride at my growing abilities, I delighted in every new magical feat I performed.

My mother, Urd, was a constant presence by my side, encouraging and guiding me as I explored the limits of my newfound power. Her eyes sparkled with admiration whenever I conjured magic, and I felt an indescribable joy in seeing her so happy.

My father, Arvid, was also always around, though he spent most of his time busy with the day-to-day tasks of the village. However, in the rare moments when he was home, he taught me about courage and determination, values he had acquired in his own past adventures.

As the years passed, my connection to magic only grew stronger. I devoured every book of magic that fell into my hands, absorbing knowledge like a hungry sponge. My mother, seeing my passionate interest in magic, gathered more and more tomes and scrolls for me, fueling my insatiable thirst for knowledge.

As time went on, I also began to experiment with my magic in new and innovative ways. I discovered that I could shape the energy around me without needing to recite spells, a talent that left me awestruck and somewhat frightened by the limitless potential I possessed.

However, despite the loving support of my parents and my growing mastery over my magic, there was one aspect of life that continued to elude me. While the other children of the village played joyfully together, I preferred to be alone, lost in my own thoughts.

My mother, concerned about my lack of social interaction, decided to intervene. "Drake, dear, you need to get out more and interact with the other children. Life isn't just about magic; it's also about friendship and fun."

I lowered my eyes, feeling a mixture of discomfort and anxiety. "I know, Mom, but... I don't know how to talk to them. They seem so different from me."

My mother hugged me tenderly. "Don't worry, Drake. I'll help you feel more at ease with the others. Let's go outside and meet some children from the village together."

And so, with my mother's loving encouragement, I took my first hesitant steps toward the social life that had always intimidated me. It was the beginning of a journey of self-discovery and growth, a journey that would take me beyond the limits of my own imagination.