
Happy mom

Upon hearing this kind of story from Daddy Kendal and Kimberly started clapping , it was overwhelming and it touched everyone's heart

Kendal asked Mr Cooper Kimberly's father " you are a good story teller , this is very life changing story , I have learned to obey God cause what i used to do is that, I would ask from God but not doing his will , starting today I will change and begin obeying the God who is above all things in this Earth,"

Kimberly anchored words of Kendal" a m so pleased that Daddy you had a perfect time to teach us about this fantastic story , yes ! sometimes us children become disobedient , but the love of parents is bigger than everything like the bible say parents are second to God , Daddy let me bring a present that I had prepared for you and mom ,"

Kimberly went in the room and brought the present wrapped in a small piece of paper and we'll decorated she first upfronted the father and started saying

" yes ! " open the present daddy ",

the father quickly opened the present and was shocked to find, it was the ring they had lost when they got married and asked Kimberly

" where did you find this ring ? " Kimberly giggles

Kimberly responded" Daddy I got this ring when I was younger ,It always reminded me of you whe you went far from home , today a m bringing back this ring cause soon I will die , I know this Cancerous tumor is so extreme but don't worry about me ,I will be going home to my father in heaven ,one thing I observed is that mom and dad you were best parents for me ,I never lacked any love from you guys,"

Upon the mother Olivia hearing this she started crying and Kimberly comforted the mother saying

" Mummy you are the best if you continue crying I will also cry , you have been the best mom and caring no matter how stubborn I was , you made sure I always do what's right , go to church every Saturday