
A wonderful day

When Kimberley heard this sparkle and hugged Kendal and they start laughing , Kimberly said " you know Kendal ? I was just wondering something God loves us so much no matter how much wrong we do unto him , he still forgives us . Kendal replied " Yes !" Good really loves us ,he sent his begotten son to die for us .

she was anxious but the time ended by cutting the leg off, it was perfect when they reached home safely everyone was tired coming from church, Hiram was glancing at the window looking at how the cool air breeze was poppling, it was Making this young boy named Hiram happy when the father looked at Hiram glancing on the window,  the father Mr. Troy was astonished seeing what their son was doing Mr. Troy asked " what's wrong my son ?" why are you looking on the window ?" cause I have been observing for a couple of times now," Hiram giggled " but daddy you are always on me I was just looking outside nothing much," no no! I have been on you Hiram something is probably wrong cause you most times portray this behavior.

Hiram got serious and looked at Daddy with intense remorse. He asked " Daddy, would you like to teach me about life ?" Daddy started laughing, you know , you are too young to know about life now ," Hiram replied " but Daddy I insist , you know don't call me young , I have grown now. Daddy sighed, rolled his eyes towards the wife and said " can we really tell the kids about this issue ?" The wife Chuckled " They are your kids , you have to teach them about life. If you do not teach them, who really can do that ,the answer is no one ?" When Mom finished speaking ,the whole kids clapped " you are the best mom ,it will help us to know more and teach about other people in life."

Daddy got Happy saying " surely a m very impressed by the you have convinced me, a m really tired but in life family comes first and Kendal I really want you to feel like you are home because you are ," Kendal giggling " it has always been my home , Kimberly and I always will be best friends ."  Daddy organized the kids " today a m going to tell you a nice story based on true story in Asia . the whole kids touched there faces , Hiram replied " Daddy I want the story to be overwhelming and encouraging  ," Daddy answered " you know this is a wonderful day to remember a m telling you kids ,there were two kids named Milcah a girl and a boy named khazri ,these two kids lived in a Christian home , whenever it's time for church they went , this family loved God so much , there mom was Hoglah ,a m going to call this story obedient child , Mom Hoglah was hard working and whenever she needed help she would call Khazri but would refuse to help her , Khazri liked complaining " Mom why do you like always calling me , whenever there is work , you should be calling Milcah also ," Mom Hoglah never got bothered about Khazri not wanting to help her ,she would call Milcah to help her , but this girl was hard working and she never complained about giving her so much work and calling her , she was always obedient to her mom no matter what , the mom was proud of Milcah and when she visits her friends place , she would talk about how Milcah hard working she is ?"