
Never Found Love

I might be the bad girl, but that doesn't mean i still cant have a heart. and i will find him, and he is going back where he came from. i know that and promise that for sure. i am Olivia Lauren black and this is my story.

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Chapter 2: I am the monster you hear

Next day

Olivia's pov

So I woke up and feeling great, I got dressed into this:

I love this offutt but I got dressed did my makeup and hair and all of that. But I grabbed my stuff and keys and headed to school in my mustang. I switch on and off plus I left early to get gas and a monster. And also a pack of gum. It helps me along with music, and monsters kickstarts. I won't Dow with either rockstar or Redbull. I just had a horrible feeling after I drank it. Food poisoning. That sucked. But I got to the mini mart in town and after that headed to school.

At school

So I got out with my bag monster, and keys. I keep them on a lynard. So I don't lose it as easily. But I went to my locker and shoved my bag in there and I felt a presence behind me I said, " it's not nice to stare boys." I turned around to see three members of motionless and one from black veil. I said, " so what do you have to ask now?" The one flashed his fangs, I made my eyes go black, " don't even try pretty boy." Chris said, " explain now." I sassed, " boy I don't have to explain shit to you."

He slammed his hand against my locker and said, " why are people afraid of you?" I smiled and said, " aw it's just the second day and you already figured it out."

He growled in my face I laughed, " I am the monster you hear, I make people afraid to keep them on their toes, I try everyday just to keep myself alive. Now move the fuck out of my way." I pushed him out of the way he grabbed my arm. I dropped my books and twisted his arm making him crabs on his knees, " don't try chris." He flashed his fangs I growled back, " not gonna happen so stay the hell out of my life."

I have more of a shattered past and this bad girl look is just an act. I really am just damaged on the inside, I have been through total hell in the past years. But I just need to get away, and I know the perfect amusement park.

Cedar point

So I am here at the best place and roller coaster capital of the world, cedar point, home of the top thrill dragster. But I rented a cabin for the week, and I needed a thrill.


So I woke up and got up and dressed into this thing my hair up along.

So I wore all Batman. But I knew wearing a hat it would just fall off so let's update everyone, so this is the year 2018 they have a few new coasters, gatekeeper where disaster transport was located, wild cat gone, and let's move over to foronter home of maverick, and the record breaking coaster, steel vengeance. I know where I am going.

So I got in the park and saw lines for about a twenty minute wait but no, I knew which coaster this girl is going on first, top thrill dragster. Front row baby. So I am a roller coaster addict. I love these coasters I will ride the tallest, Okay maybe not the tallest. But I will still go on them. I am not afraid to, I will go in the front row. I can go through haunted houses and go through walk through.

But I got to the top thrill dragster and saw a fifteen minute wait, I said, " oh thank the gods." I ran into the line, and there is a minimum thirty minute wait to an hour this is oh pray thanks to the gods. But there was few people, I had a big smile on my face and I went in the front row and it was pretty quick.

Back home

Chris's pov

So I saw Olivia wasn't here at school and well I was curious because I wanted to know more about her. She was tough on the outside, but blank on the in. I wonder what she is doing right now?

Cedar point

Olivia's pov

So I was screaming my head off on raptor. I was having the time of my life, and I met a person her name is lzzy. Or full name Elizabeth. She is the sweetest and actually she is from Indiana so I am from Indiana that was where I grew up. But I moved out to pennsylvania but I am wanting to move out to New York City. Or no I am not moving to the east coast. So I am staying on this side, but well I got off and my head is a scary mess. I laughed and looked to see lzzy, her hair was a beehive we laughed and said, " our hair is a mess." I laughed and said, " what is the next ride?"

She gave me a grin and said, " vlaraven." I nodded and we ran over and I said, " front room?" She repeated, " front row." So I am super happy one I made. Friend two I get two ride this bad ass dive coaster. And while we are gonna be screaming our heads off. So we got in line and we were talking, " so you said you were a junior in high school? What school?" I replied, " west wood high." Her mouth dropped, " I have heard about that school, they have a ruler bad ass girl." I sighed, " yeah that's me." Her mouth dropped, " omg you are the coolest person, just what is it like there?"

I explained to her every detail of the school and about me, soon enough we were standing in the front row. I said, " I am nervous are you ready to scream your head off?" They all said, " yeah." I laughed and this was fun. But we were in the front row middle of it to be exact. But we got latched in and they did the routine check. But we rolled out of the station I said, " I am so terrified." I heard someone scream, " I am to. Let's all scream together." Me and lzzy said, " I'm in." So after two minutes we got up the chain and over to the hill. It stopped like hanging off the edge.

I said, " oh shit. It's stuck." Then it rolled down I screamed, " holy shit!!!!!!" So that was fun.

One week later

Chris's pov

So she was missing for a whole week. And we'll things kind of dulled down. But hopefully she will be back Monday. She has missed so much.