
Never Found Love

I might be the bad girl, but that doesn't mean i still cant have a heart. and i will find him, and he is going back where he came from. i know that and promise that for sure. i am Olivia Lauren black and this is my story.

LegendsLostStories · Musik und Bands
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11 Chs

ch.5: never trust the enemy


So I am super ducking excited about today, lzzy gets to transfer. So I am going to take my car, since the weather is depleting. But I took a shower, get dressed into this little gem offutt:

I love it but I got this on and well I am really wanting to dye my hair again. But I will think for now. And well I should head to school. So I grabbed all of my stuff threw it in the car and went to school.

At school

Elizabeth's pov

So I got to the high school. And it was freaking massive. It had two stories to it. And I saw people standing outside, I took my car. It is not the greatest. But I got out and I had my bag on my side. But when I was walking in I saw people staring like dead staring. I thought, " okay that's weird." I walked in and saw the main office. I walked through the doors to see this one girl she was wearing just straight up neon.

Well you can see her a mile away. And probably her ego. But I am not sure. I asked, " I was wondering if I could get my schedule." The lady looked up at me and said, " name?" I replied, " Elizabeth pierce." She printed it out and gave me it, " Okay your first hour is chemistry." I nodded and said, " thank you."

So I left and went to the chemistry class. It was a five second walk. But I walked in and saw liv, I walked over and the teacher said, " can I help you with something?" I gave him my schedule, he said, " whatever sit next to miss.black." I walked over and she said, " hello friend."

Olivia's pov

So lzzy sat by me and I smiled, " hello friend." She laughed, " hi. So how are you I haven't seen you since What last week?" I laughed and well this was true but well we have the same schedule but I get out half day, so that is awesome.

At lunch

So we got to lunch and I am not the only one who doesn't eat now. So we were talking and well I said, " okay so really quick hi, hows your day going so far lzzy?" She laughed and said, " well pretty good but this morning when I walked in I saw Barbie with neon throw up." I busted out laughing, " Okay that is the school's bitch, Tiffany Blake. She thinks she is the queen. I almost broke Her arm the first day. But I am glad I didn't."

She laughed, " nice, I am wondering now who are those guys?" She motioned her head to the motionless in white clan, " them they are the motionless in white clan." Her mouth dropped, " your shitting me right now?" I shook my head no and said, " no I'm not and black veil brides clan goes to this school to." I saw in the corner the same one that hurt me last year. I shook my head looking back he was gone.

That moment I felt fear rush through me once again. And was it true he was back in town. That he wasn't killed? Or did he just fake his own death?

Unknowns pov

So I see that my little Olivia has changed, well we will see if this new look really changed her, or maybe she is just the same freak like last time well I don't know but let's have some fun. " watch your back olivia you don't want to cross me again."

One month later: October

So I have been getting nightmares once again, and it is all because of him. You see the incident that happened last year really kind of traumatized me, and well I got nightmares a few days after and just a while back I got them to stop. But now I knew what needed to be done. I had to toughen up. And well if my bought and sights are true, he is back, and alive. And I won't go down without a fight.

Two weeks later

So I started to go to the gym and well I think it is helping, I am getting stronger and well I am my own trainer, so before this. I could lift lzzy and she is like on.y a hundred pounds. Now I am proud of myself, I can lift 145. So I am a little more proud so I do have one tiny thing I left out, I am not a copycat well I kind of am like 2%. But I am half human, get ready, half demon. So yep I am a demon. My dad was half copy and half demon. So that trait went to me and my mom was human. So for now more training. I do this for only three hours, I do take breaks I am not constant with it.

Back at school: Tuesday

So I got up to my alarm, and well lzzy lives with me, since she is a transfer I get to have a roomie. I have always wanted a roomie. But well I woke up and she gets up a little later than me. So she rides with jess. She is super nice but we never really talk much. So I got this jacket from the store killstar the other day. And I love it so much and I well it has been really warm lately I have no clue why but I am gonna take my Harley today. So I got dressed into this:

With my kill star jacket

(So I really need to edit the pictures so bare with me for now) but I got that on and well the last few days I have been busy with a few things, like going to the gym, getting my hair done, which I have decided I dyed it and shaved half of my side, the right side. And I got a septum piercing. I have wanted it done but never got it. So well now I did it and my hair is this well it looks really cool, I love it but here's a pic

So that is awesome. But well I grabbed my bag and went outside and well I saw rain great I am not riding my bike today. I am glad I have the keys on the same lynard. But I got in and drove to school.

At school

So I got to school and well it was freakin pouring so I ran in from the rain. I don't want to melt ha. But I went to first hour to which I dread. But well annoying as hell day along the way. And thank god I have music to listen to.

After school

So I was tried all day and so I went to the near cafe and grabbed a coffee. But once I was walking back out I felt a dark presence I heard the same damn voice, " good to see you again Olivia?" I turned around and said, " Zach?" He said, " still mad at me? You know I never meant it so no hard feelings?" I growled, " no way ass hole. You hurt me. And you betrayed me. So go take a hike." I turned around and he grabbed the back of my shirt. " not gonna happen darling." I felt strength and fear course through. Yet I wasn't going down without a fight.

I growled laughing, " so how are things my girl?" He laughed and I said, " I am good but I will be better once I kick your ass back to hell." Then everything went black.