
Never Found Love

I might be the bad girl, but that doesn't mean i still cant have a heart. and i will find him, and he is going back where he came from. i know that and promise that for sure. i am Olivia Lauren black and this is my story.

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11 Chs

ch.3: i hope they get the message


Olivia's pov

So I have so,amazing news lzzy is transferring schools, so Wednesday she is going to be here with me at school. So I got up and changed into this:

So I am super excited, but well over the weekend meaning Sunday I got home Saturday, I got to help out with lzzy, and the best thing is she is a fertile copycat. And a sassy bitch like me. So we are going to be good friends. But I thought it was a nice day I would ride my Harley. So I turned it on and rode to school.

At school

So I got off and I saw people outside staring I was in a amazing mood, so I said, " hi guys. Cute offutt Sydney." I know a few names but I told her that walking in, and saw tiff I said, " hi tiff oh cute shoes love them." So this was me in a good mood. Nothing can bring this down. But she did have red stilettos on and I am one for having a pair of stilettos. But I walked in and went to the office, " hi Diane, so how's your morning going so far?" She said, " pretty good so far, what's got you in a good mood liv?" I smiled and said, " so I got you a little something from last week. And I meet a friend."

She smiled and I gave her a cedar point snoopy lynyrd with a key chain for valravn. She said, " oh thank you. So who is this friend?" I said, " well she is transferring from Indiana to here, Wednesday. I met her when I was in line for wicked twister." She smiled and said, " that is always a fun on. But how was your vacation?" I replied, " good I meet a friend sat by the beach, and cleared my head form drama." She smiled and said, " that is good. Also don't forget you have your speech this morning in SRT." I replied, " I forgot thank you for reminding me. But I am heading to class by Diane."

So I walked out and headed to first hour. And got Held up by the one bio teacher, Mrs. Shelly, and Ricky. I smiled and said, " good morning mrs.shelly, ricky." I smiled and walked past them. But I had to bring my pic with Olivia. So we got a pic when we got off valravn. But I walked in and saw a substitute. She seemed a little older. And she snapped, " what are you doing here?" I said, " I am sorry miss but I am I going to my seat and also I have to.leave five minutes early." She said, " okay state your name" I replied, " Olivia black miss." She said, " okay I see it in the notes. So you can leave five minutes early. But for now take your seat?"

I did and I sit in the back but people just moved out of the way, so that was okay. So let's go to before I leave five minutes early. And well this school, is 90% ignorant fucks. So I have been bullied ever since I moved here, but last year changed. As I think you can tell. But I walked down to the auditorium and I memorized it. So I needed to write it on paper first and this was my document.

So this is my life, I am olivia black , and I am 18 years old, and to basically put it this way, I am a unique, yet quiet person. But I have to at least say this, people have their own style there own voice. We have one mind, our mind. Some people might not believe a thing I say but, that might not be the true fact.

So finally getting to the real point of this, is because one actual thing that happens in our society, in schools. Now I am not talking about politics, gossiping, or crap like that, I am talking about the true demon that really portrays: bullying. I know people might not see or think that but it happens in our everyday life.

" my stomach hurts and I have headaches everyday. The girls are spreading rumors. About me and telling secrets, and it just doesn't feel right to me.

Is there something wrong with me? Or am I really what they say I am? Could I be a victim of bullying? Have you ever been bullied?

Has it happened to your peers or have you just seen it on tv?

Many people have different opinions on what bullying is. Some may say it is kicking or hitting someone.

Others say it is when you say mean things or call someone names.

All of these things are correct, as they are different ways you can be bullied look, cyber bullying, verbal or physical.

Myth: oh, it is just a phase they will get over it. Fact: that is not true, people aren't born bullies, they are created.

Myth: that is not true, I didn't say that, fact: they will, lie. More than anyone can even blink in a second.

People never really understand their actions unless they see what truly lies in our mind. We have to be strong for ourselves and not what others want. We have one mind, and no one can control that except for you. I really don't think people understand that. We are unique in our own way. We make our own decisions.

People open your eyes, and see the real world. And not just the pity it takes along with. 'Open your mind before your mouth'. ( I love that lyric) people really don't know how to portray themselves. But sometimes do we really need a person to control who we are, are we really going to let them do that.

We have to make our own decisions, we need to change things, create. Just everything we say, or everything we do has a price to pay. Something might be said wrong, and people take it the wrong way. Just we lose to this everyday. People might not be able to handle it anymore.

Just my last words are, you have to be true to yourself, and find determination and drive, it takes a lot to be the better person. But you have an eternal flame and you just have to let it burn. And no one can ever put it out. It is your decisions to do that.

author's note: so I had to make a few tweaks to this but i did write the document so I think you can understand but on to the story.

So I made it over and well I was backstage so that helped but I was wearing my one offutt but I brought a spare for this, and well I wanted it to be a little more professional. So my new offutt looked like this

I forgot I had this offutt but I threw that on and fixed my hair putting it in a fishtail braid, my aunt taught me how. But I heard people coming in and I will admit I am a little nervous. But I can do this. So the Diane said, " good morning students. So today we have a small announcement form a fellow student. But please be kind listen carefully and give a warm welcome to Olivia black."

I walked out and Diane gave me the mic I said, " thank you. Hi everyone. I'm olivia. I would like to say something really quick before we start. So I know people see me as this tough person, and I am just pissed every moment of the day. I am really not like that. I am a kind person, but when I have to be mean I will but I do not do it intentionally. I just am the way the world made me. And well I have been noticing, even through all of my years attending school. I have noticed one major problem. That people bully others. First off why or what's the point of it. Why do we do it.

Some say we are made that way. Some say no it's just a phase, no it is not just a phase people aren't born that way, they are created that way. I know what that is like I have witnessed and I have been a victim my whole life. I noticed more that is it is probably They way they look or act. No you are supposed to be who you are not care what others think. You have your own style, one mind yours no one can take that away from you. Only you can change with one simple thing. Tell an adult, stand up for what you believe in or help out a stranger or a friend. That won't affect anyone but the true emotion, kindness love and caring.

You can never truly define the word unless you take the steps to your independence and freedom, you have a voice speak out loud, with one simple step we can change the world. But it starts out with one person you. Thank you." So I added that and well I. Hope I am right, but I gave Diane the mic and she said, " thank you Olivia, so I see people come in everyday crying tears streaming like a river. We need to stop that. You need to get your head straight and think of the new future. Yours with no crushed feelings no heart ache. No bullying. But thank you for the message Olivia. We will dismiss in five when the bell rings the first two rows can leave and so on."

I walked off and Diane gave me a hug and said, " that was amazing thank you Olivia." I smiled and said, " I just hope they get the message." So I headed back to class and I then got called down to the office. " sorry Olivia but you dropped this." She handed me my journal and cedar point pic. I said, " okay thank you." She smiled and said, " it is okay, but how was the ride?" I said. " okay so when we got to the drop hill, it was stuck then just dropped down. Excuse my English, but I screamed, 'holy shit." She laughed and Linda came over and said, " hi Olivia, thank you for the message I think they got the message I saw half the girls crying including me."

I smiled and said, " thank you. But I just am glad they got the memo. This really does happen. But they are young and dumb." She smiled and saw the pic, " lucky so how was cedar point?" I laughed and explained to her. She smiled, " that's good and I have her transcripts already so she will arrive Wednesday." I talked a little longer then went to class.