
Neo Soul King Yhwach

-Chapter 16 [Reboot] Released -Start of Episode 3 Yhwach, the Sealed King of the Quincy, seeks to break the endless cycle of life and death by merging all realms into one, hoping to rid humanity of the fear of death. But his grand vision is thwarted by Ichigo Kurosaki, a high school student with the power to end his reign. As Yhwach faces his final moments, he finds himself in an unfamiliar place, confronted by a mysterious man who bears an uncanny resemblance to his father. Accepting this enigmatic figure’s offer, Yhwach is thrust into a new world—one unlike anything he has ever known.

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141 Chs

CP0 Agents and The Five Elders: Project Nachtüberfall

In the aftermath of the chaotic battle at Marineford, the world was left reeling from the unprecedented devastation. The news of the conflict spread like wildfire, capturing the attention of people across the globe.

The world itself was shaken by the war.

Countless lives were lost in the clash between the Marines, pirates, and the mysterious forces unleashed by Zaegar's reckless actions. The casualties included both renowned figures and nameless soldiers, their deaths serving as a grim reminder of the cost of war.

The world government scrambled to contain the fallout from the battle, issuing statements to quell public unrest and assure citizens that order would be restored. Cipher Pol was tasked with investigating the source of the chaos and apprehending those responsible, however, their efforts fell short. Consequently, the world government shifted the blame onto Dragon Slayer.

The broadcast of the battle at Marineford was met with disbelief and horror by viewers around the world, many of whom struggled to comprehend the surreal events unfolding before their eyes. The unexpected appearance of giant rubber ducks, laser-eyed kittens, and a monstrous rubber duck Godzilla left many questioning their sanity.

Sengoku could feel a headache coming to him as he realized that their pathetic loss had all been televised to the world.

Scene Break - Location: Sabaody Archipelago, Grove 20

As Yhwach stood atop the pile of defeated CP0 agents and dead marines, his grip firm around the leader's neck, he felt frustration bubbling within him. Despite his efforts, the CP0 leader remained stubbornly silent, refusing to divulge any information.

Yhwach: You're the last one standing, yet you cling to silence like a coward. I won't ask again. What was the purpose of your mission here?

The CP0 leader remained silent, his lips pressed together in a stubborn line as he defiantly refused to speak. Yhwach's frustration simmered beneath the surface as he struggled to extract any valuable information from his captive.

Ginjo's voice echoed within Yhwach's mind, offering guidance in the midst of their interrogation.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) Yhwach, maybe it's time to try a different approach. This guy clearly isn't going to crack under pressure. We need to find another way to get the answers we're looking for.

Yhwach's frustration simmered as the CP0 leader remained stubbornly silent, refusing to divulge any information. With a growl of annoyance, Yhwach lifted the CP0 leader up by the collar, his grip tightening around the man's neck, his eyes narrowing. It was time to try a different approach.

Yhwach: You leave me no choice. If you don't speak willingly, then I'll have to take the answers from you by force.

he knew it was time to resort to a more forceful approach. With a deep breath, he focused his energy, channeling the power of his soul distribution ability. In a flash of light, he transferred a piece of his soul to the CP0 leader.

The CP0 leader gasped in shock as Yhwach's soul fragment entered his body, the sensation overwhelming his senses. But before he could react, Yhwach forcibly retched back his soul fragment, along with all the knowledge, experience, and abilities engraved within it.

But Yhwach had no time to dwell on the newfound knowledge. With a swift motion, he unsheathed his blade, its edge gleaming in the sunlight as he raised it high above his head.

CP0 Leader: What... what are you doing?

The CP0 leader's voice was filled with panic as he felt the essence of Yhwach's soul being torn away from him, leaving him weakened and vulnerable. Yhwach's gaze remained unyielding as he prepared to deliver the final blow.

Yhwach: You have outlived your usefulness.

With a single decisive strike, Yhwach brought down his blade, slicing through the CP0 leader's neck with ruthless precision. The man's lifeless body slumped to the ground, a pool of blood spreading beneath him as his soul departed from this world.

But Yhwach's work was far from over. With a cold gaze, he turned his attention to the remaining CP0 agents, his blade still dripping with the blood of their fallen comrade. Without hesitation, he charged forward, his movements swift and precise as he cut down each one in turn.

The battlefield was soon littered with the lifeless bodies of the CP0 agents and the already dead marines, With a final glance at the carnage he had wrought, Yhwach sheathed his blade and turned to leave.

As Yhwach turned to leave the battlefield, his senses heightened as he heard a faint voice emanating from the dead body of the CP0 leader. His brows furrowed in confusion as he approached cautiously, his eyes narrowing as he realized the source of the sound.

Yhwach: What's this?

Beneath the lifeless form of the CP0 leader, a small snail nestled within the pocket of the man's uniform caught Yhwach's attention. The device emanated a faint glow, indicating that it was an active Den Den Mushi.

Yhwach reached down and picked up the snail, its tiny eyes staring back at him as he held it up to his ear. After a short beeping, a voice rang through the snail.

???: ( Speaking Through the Den Den Mushi) CP0, report. Have you dealt with 'Dragon Slayer'?

Ginjo's voice echoed within Yhwach's mind, offering a sardonic comment on the situation.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) Well, I've heard of talking animals before, but a talking snail? Now that's a new one.

Yhwach ignored Ginjo's remark as he continued to listen to the voice emanating from the Den Den Mushi.

Yhwach: I'm afraid your agents were... insufficient to deal with me.

Yhwach's voice was calm and composed as he addressed the unseen speaker on the other end of the Den Den Mushi, his tone laced with a hint of menace.

Yhwach: If you're hoping to stop me, you'll need to do better than sending mere lackeys to do your bidding.

The voice on the other end of the line remained silent for a moment before responding, its tone filled with barely concealed frustration.

???: ( Speaking Through the Den Den Mushi) Insolent fool. you dare to show such disrespect? We are the Five Elders, the highest authority in the World Government. Your arrogance will not go unpunished.

Yhwach's lips curled into a sardonic smile as he listened to the voice on the other end of the line, his amusement evident in his tone.

Yhwach: Arrogance, you say? Perhaps. But unlike you, I have the power to back it up.

A new voice rang through the speakers, a less patient one this time. 

???: ( Speaking Through the Den Den Mushi) What do you want? Slaughtering Celestial Dragons and eliminating our agents—what is your goal?

Yhwach blinked for a moment, taken aback by the directness of the question. Then, a slow smirk spread across his face.

Yhwach: My... goal?

he echoed, his voice dripping with mockery. Then, a slow, chilling chuckle escaped his lips, resonating through the Den Den Mushi. What began as a low rumble soon escalated into a maniacal laughter that sent shivers down the spine of the listener on the other end.

The voice on the other side lost his patience, apparently deeply unnerved by Yhwach's amusement. 

???: ( Speaking Through the Den Den Mushi) What's so funny?

He shook his head to clear his mind. 

Yhwach: Apologies for the laughter. It's just... My goal? It's not something I concern myself with anymore. Not in the way you'd understand, at least.

Shocked silence came from the other side. 

???: ( Speaking Through the Den Den Mushi) What do you mean?

Yhwach shrugged. 

Yhwach: I don't really have some grand dream or goal that I want to achieve. If you'd force me to name one, I'd say, to experience new and interesting things. To learn more, to see more, to understand more. So, to put it in words that even you can't misunderstand, I am doing whatever I feel like doing. If I want to save someone, then I'll save them. If I decide to punish someone, then I'll punish them. and if heaven itself stands in my way, then I will burn down heaven.

Silence reigned until one of the elders muttered.

???: ( Speaking Through the Den Den Mushi) Doflamingo. It's another Doflamingo.

Yhwach's eyes narrowed as he heard the muttered comparison to Doflamingo, his grip tightening on the snail. His expression turned from amusement to one of intense focus, his gaze piercing through the Den Den Mushi as if he could see the faces of the Five Elders on the other end.

Yhwach: Comparing me to Doflamingo, are you?

Yhwach's voice was low, laced with a dangerous edge. 

Yhwach: You underestimate me, just as you underestimated him.

He paused, letting the weight of his words sink in before continuing.

Yhwach: You speak of punishment, of consequences for my actions. But who are you to judge me? You, who sit comfortably in your lofty thrones, thinking yourselves untouchable. But you're not gods. You're not even men worthy of respect. You're parasites, feeding off the suffering of the world, clinging to power at any cost.

Yhwach's voice grew louder, echoing with an intensity that sent chills down the spines of those listening on the other end.

Yhwach: You call me an insolent fool, but it is you who are blind to the truth. Your so-called justice is nothing but a facade, a veil to hide your own sins. But I see through it, and I will tear it down, piece by piece until there is nothing left but the truth.

The Five Elders, though taken aback by Yhwach's brazen defiance, attempted to assert their authority with words dripping in haughty disdain.

???: ( Speaking Through the Den Den Mushi) You speak as if you know the world better than anyone, but you are nothing but a renegade, a madman drunk on power. you will be hunted down like the dog you are! no matter where you go. You cannot escape our wrath.

Another Elder chimed in, his voice dripping with disdain.

???: ( Speaking Through the Den Den Mushi)) Do you really think you're different, Dragon Slayer? You're nothing but a power-hungry maniac, just like all the others before you. We've dealt with your kind for centuries.

The third Elder, his voice cold and calculating, added.

???: ( Speaking Through the Den Den Mushi) You dare lecture us about truth and justice? You, who sow chaos and destruction wherever you go? You are nothing but a madman, a blight upon this world.

Yhwach listened to their words, his expression unchanging, his eyes cold and distant. As the last of the Five Elders finished speaking, Yhwach let out a deep, almost sorrowful sigh.

Yhwach: You really don't get it, do you?

His voice was soft, almost pitying, but it carried a weight of finality.

Yhwach: Your threats mean nothing to me. Your words are as hollow as the justice you claim to uphold. You are relics of a bygone era, desperately clinging to power, blind to the new world that is unfolding.

The Elders began to speak again, but Yhwach cut them off with a gesture, his voice rising in a final declaration.

Yhwach: Enough! You had your chance to understand, but it's clear you never will. Know this—your time is running out. The world is changing, and there is nothing you can do to stop it. Your reign is over, and soon, you will be nothing more than a memory.

With that, Yhwach crushed the Den Den Mushi in his hand, the device shattering into pieces. He let the remnants fall to the ground, his eyes reflecting the determination of a man who had just declared war on the very foundations of the world.

Ginjo's voice echoed in his mind, a mix of admiration and amusement.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) Well, that certainly got their attention. What's next?

Yhwach glanced around the battlefield, his mind already moving to the next task at hand.

Yhwach: We'll check on Zaegar. See if he's done with his cleaning duties.

With a swift motion, Yhwach activated his Hirenkyaku, disappearing in a blur of motion as he sped towards his new ship, where Zaegar was undoubtedly lounging about.

Scene Break - Location: Grove 55, Docks

Onboard the brig, the atmosphere was surprisingly relaxed compared to the chaos of the battlefield. Zaegar lay sprawled out on a hammock, shades on, sipping a coconut cocktail with a lazy grin plastered on his face. Meanwhile, the four kings, their bird-like forms perched on the railing, exchanged amused glances as they watched Zaegar's leisurely antics.

First King: This is ridiculous. Why are we doing all the work while he lounges around like some pampered noble?

Second King: Beats me. But hey, as long as we get paid, right?

Third King: At this point, I'd settle for a decent meal. I'm starving.

Fourth King: Speak for yourself. I'm not about to let that lazy lizard push us around.

As Zaegar took another sip of his cocktail, his relaxed demeanor faltered slightly as he noticed the four kings snickering amongst themselves.

Zaegar: What's so funny, huh? Do you fuckers think this is a joke?

The four kings exchanged a glance before the First King spoke up, his tone defiant.

First King: We're not your lackeys, Zaegar. If you think you can order us around, you've got another thing coming.

Zaegar's eyes narrowed dangerously as he shot a glare at the four kings, his voice dripping with venom.

Zaegar: You listen here, you feathered fucking imbeciles. If you don't make sure this ship is spotless by the time I finish my drink, I'll turn you into my next Thanksgiving dinner. Got it?

The threat hung in the air, and for a moment, the four kings fell silent, their expressions shifting from amusement to uncertainty. But then, without warning, they burst into laughter, their cackles echoing across the deck.

Second King: You hear that, boys? We're on the menu for Thanksgiving!

Third King: I always knew this job would be the death of me.

Fourth King: At least we'll go out with a bang!

Zaegar's eyes narrowed dangerously as he watched the four kings laugh at his expense. He clenched his fists, his frustration reaching its boiling point.

Zaegar: What's so funny, huh? You think I'm joking?

He demanded, his tone laced with irritation. But the fourth king couldn't contain his laughter any longer, pointing a feather towards something behind Zaegar.

Zaegar: He's behind me, isn't he?

He muttered under his breath, knowing full well that he was about to face Yhwach's wrath for slacking off instead of cleaning the ship. The third king chimed in with a simple "yup," confirming Zaegar's worst fears.

Zaegar's eyes widened in realization as he slowly turned around, his shades slipping off his face and clattering to the ground. His heart sank as he came face to face with Yhwach, his expression one of pure annoyance and dread.

Zaegar: Ah, Yhwach! Fancy seeing you here. Care to join me for a drink?

Yhwach's expression remained unchanged, his eyes boring into Zaegar with an intensity that sent a shiver down the tiny dragon's spine.

Yhwach: I see you've made yourself comfortable. But I trust you haven't forgotten about your duties?

Zaegar's grin widened as he waved a dismissive claw in Yhwach's direction, his tone flippant as he replied.

Zaegar: Oh, don't worry about that, big guy. The four kings here are handling it just fine.

Yhwach's gaze shifted to the four kings, who were currently engaged in a half-hearted attempt at cleaning the deck. Their efforts were less than satisfactory, with feathers and dirt scattered haphazardly across the wooden planks.

Yhwach's eyes narrowed dangerously as he turned his attention back to Zaegar, his voice laced with barely contained anger.

Yhwach: It appears your definition of "handling it" differs significantly from mine.

Zaegar's grin faltered slightly as he glanced at the four kings, who were now snickering amongst themselves at the exchange. With a scowl, Zaegar turned back to Yhwach, his tone defensive.

Zaegar: Hey, give 'em a break, will ya? Cleaning isn't exactly their forte. Besides, I'm the one in charge here, remember?

Yhwach's patience wore thin as he took a step towards Zaegar, his voice cold and menacing.

Yhwach: In charge, you say? It doesn't look like it from where I'm standing. And as for giving them a break, I have a better idea.

With a swift motion, Yhwach's hand shot out, grabbing Zaegar by the neck and lifting him off the hammock with ease. Zaegar sputtered in surprise, his drink falling to the ground as he struggled to free himself from Yhwach's grasp.

Zaegar: Hey, what's the big idea?!

Yhwach's eyes narrowed dangerously as he glared down at Zaegar, his grip tightening around the tiny dragon's neck.

Yhwach: The big idea, Zaegar, is that you have responsibilities. Responsibilities that you seem to have forgotten in favor of lounging around and indulging in frivolous activities.

Zaegar's eyes widened in mock innocence as he feigned ignorance, his voice tinged with sarcasm.

Zaegar: Frivolous activities? Why, I never!

Yhwach's grip tightened further, cutting off Zaegar's protest with a sharp squeeze.

Yhwach: Spare me the theatrics, Zaegar. It's time you started taking your duties seriously.

With that, Yhwach released his grip on Zaegar, sending the tiny dragon tumbling to the ground. As Zaegar scrambled to his feet, rubbing his neck and glaring daggers at Yhwach, the four kings looked on with amusement, their laughter echoing across the deck.

Zaegar: You'll fucking pay for that, Yhwach! Mark my words!

Yhwach merely smirked in response, his eyes gleaming with amusement as he watched Zaegar's futile attempts to regain his composure.

Yhwach: I look forward to it.

With a dismissive wave of his hand, Yhwach turned and began to walk away, leaving Zaegar to stew in his indignation. As he made his way across the deck, he couldn't help but notice the amused glances exchanged between the four kings.

Yhwach's smirk widened as he approached them, his voice dripping with mock politeness.

Yhwach: Is there something you find amusing, gentlemen?

The four kings exchanged glances before the first king stepped forward with a mischievous grin.

First King: Just admiring the view, Yhwach. Nothing more.

Yhwach's smirk turned into a grin as he regarded the four kings, his eyes glinting with amusement.

Yhwach: I see. Well, I trust you'll find the view much more enjoyable once the deck is spotless. And if not...

Yhwach's gaze shifted to Zaegar, who was still fuming with rage, his fists clenched at his sides.

Yhwach: ...I'm sure Zaegar here can come up with some creative punishments for you.

The four kings exchanged nervous glances before hastily returning to their cleaning duties, their laughter now replaced with a sense of urgency. Yhwach watched them for a moment longer before turning and walking away, a satisfied smile playing on his lips.

Yhwach: That's better.

Ginjo couldn't contain his laughter as he watched Zaegar's futile attempts to assert his authority, his amusement evident in his tone.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) Hah! That's what they get for not focusing on their duties. Looks like they've got a lot to learn about who's really in charge around here.

Yhwach continued walking, his expression thoughtful as he made his way back to his chair, settling into it with a satisfied sigh. However, Ginjo's laughter didn't go unnoticed, prompting Yhwach to address him with a hint of amusement.

Yhwach: What makes you think you don't have any duties as well?

Ginjo paused for a moment, his laughter subsiding as he considered Yhwach's question.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) Huh? I'm living in your head, your inner Fullbringer. My duty is to provide you with guidance and support, and a bit of entertainment along the way. isn't it?

Yhwach nodded in agreement, his expression serious as he leaned back in his chair.

Yhwach: True, but perhaps you could expand your role. Provide me with plans, and strategies, like securing a steady source of income, for example.

Ginjo chuckled at Yhwach's request, his tone teasing as he replied.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) Oh, so now you want me to be your financial advisor too? I guess being a world-conquering madman doesn't pay the bills, huh?

Yhwach's expression remained impassive as he regarded Ginjo, his voice calm and composed.

Yhwach: It's not about paying the bills. It's about ensuring our plans have the necessary resources to succeed.

Ginjo chuckled at Yhwach's response, finding his seriousness amusing.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) Alright, alright. I get your point. But hey, why stop at just securing resources? Why not take it a step further and create your own organization or guild?

Yhwach raised an eyebrow, intrigued by Ginjo's suggestion.

Yhwach: An organization, you say? What purpose would it serve?

Ginjo leaned back in his bar corner in Yhwach's inner world, his tone thoughtful as he elaborated on his idea.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) Think about it. With an organization at your disposal, you could gather like-minded individuals who share your vision. You could pool your resources, share information, and coordinate your efforts more efficiently. Plus, having a group of loyal followers would give you added security and influence in the world.

Yhwach nodded, considering Ginjo's words carefully. The idea of forming his own organization appealed to him, offering a way to expand his influence and further his goals.

Yhwach: And what would we call this organization?

Ginjo's grin widened as he considered Yhwach's question, his eyes shining with excitement.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) How about... the Xcution 2.0?

Yhwach's expression shifted from contemplation to one of mild amusement at Ginjo's suggestion. He shook his head, his voice carrying a tone of finality.

Yhwach: No, Ginjo. We won't be calling it Xcution 2.0.

Ginjo's excitement visibly deflated at Yhwach's refusal, his shoulders slumping slightly as he processed the rejection.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) Oh... okay then. Back to the drawing board, I guess.

Yhwach nodded, a faint smirk playing on his lips as he considered other possibilities for the name of their envisioned organization.

Yhwach: Indeed. We'll come up with something better, something that truly reflects our goals and ambitions.

Ginjo perked up slightly at Yhwach's words, a hint of curiosity creeping back into his voice.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) Any ideas so far?

Yhwach leaned back in his chair, his gaze drifting off into the distance as he pondered Ginjo's question. After a moment of silence, he spoke.

Yhwach: Nachtüberfall.

Ginjo tilted his head, curiosity evident in his expression as he furrowed his brows.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) Nachtüberfall? What does that mean?

Yhwach's grin widened as he explained, his voice filled with a sense of anticipation.

Yhwach: Night raid.

Ginjo chuckled at Yhwach's suggestion, a mischievous glint in his eyes as he responded.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) Nachtüberfall, huh? Sounds like a group that's not afraid to operate in the shadows, striking when the world least expects it. Doesn't it Remind you of your old friends from Night Raid?

Yhwach nodded in agreement, his expression turning serious as he considered the implications of their chosen name.

Yhwach: Indeed. Just like Night Raid, we'll be the ones to bring about change, even if it means operating outside the bounds of conventional morality.

Ginjo's grin widened at Yhwach's declaration, his excitement growing as he envisioned the possibilities that lay ahead for their newly formed organization.

Zaegar's voice suddenly cut through their mental conversation with an irritable tone.

Zaegar: ( Mental Link) Hey, you two! Can you shut the fuck up already? Your incessant talking is driving me insane!

Yhwach and Ginjo exchanged mental glances, both amused and slightly taken aback by Zaegar's outburst.

Yhwach: My apologies, Zaegar. We got carried away with our discussion.

Ginjo chimed in with a grin, unable to resist teasing Zaegar a bit.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) Yeah, sorry about that, buddy. Didn't mean to disturb your peace and quiet.

Zaegar growled in frustration, his annoyance evident in his voice.

Zaegar: ( Mental Link) Well, you did! So just keep it down, alright? I'm trying to enjoy my drink here without all this chatter in my head.

Ginjo chuckled at Zaegar's irritation, finding his reaction amusing despite the tiny dragon's obvious annoyance.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) Oh, come on, Zaegar. You're not still mad about Yhwach scolding you, are you? Besides, we were just discussing some exciting new plans for the future. You should be grateful to be included.

Zaegar's response came in the form of a grumbled retort, his irritation still palpable even through their mental connection.

Zaegar: (Mental Link) Grateful, my ass. I couldn't care less about your plans. As long as I get paid and get to enjoy my drinks in peace, I'm happy.

Yhwach couldn't help but join in, his voice carrying a hint of amusement as he addressed Zaegar.

Yhwach: Indeed, Zaegar. We could use your input on our new organization's name. What do you think of Nachtüberfall?

Zaegar's response was less than enthusiastic, his voice dripping with sarcasm as he replied.

Zaegar: (Mental Link) Oh, Nachtüberfall, huh? Yeah, that sounds great. Beautiful even. Just what I always wanted—a name that screams "Let's fucking raid in the dead of night." Brilliant.

Ginjo couldn't help but laugh at Zaegar's sarcasm, finding his cynicism entertaining.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) Ah, come on, Zaegar. Don't be such a grump. Nachtüberfall has a nice ring to it, don't you think?

Zaegar let out an exasperated sigh, his irritation was evident in his voice as he responded.

Zaegar: (Mental Link) Yeah, sure, whatever you say. Just don't expect me to be all gung-ho about it like you two. I've got better things to do than sit around coming up with fancy names for your little club.

As Yhwach and Zaegar were engaged in their mental banter, their attention was suddenly drawn to a commotion on the deck. First King's voice echoed through the chaos, filled with frustration and anger.

First King: Fourth! You idiot What the hell did you do?!

Yhwach's eyes narrowed as he stood up from his chair, his curiosity piqued by the sudden disturbance. Zaegar, still irritated by the mental conversation, grumbled as he shifted his attention to the unfolding scene.

Zaegar: What's going on now?

Before Yhwach could respond, Third King stumbled and fell on top of Zaegar's belly, causing the tiny dragon to roll off the hammock and plummet into the ocean below with a startled yelp.

Zaegar: Son of a...!

Yhwach's expression hardened as he watched Zaegar disappear into the water, his focus shifting to the source of the disturbance. Second King stood nearby, holding a strange weapon that seemed to shoot Third King towards Zaegar.

Yhwach's voice cut through the chaos, his tone commanding as he addressed Second King.

Yhwach: What is the meaning of this, Second?

Second King flinched at Yhwach's stern tone, his feathers ruffled as he stammered out an explanation.

Second King: I-I'm sorry, Yhwach! It was an accident! I didn't mean to shoot Third at Zaegar!

Yhwach's gaze narrowed as he assessed the situation, his eyes flickering with a dangerous glint.

Yhwach: Accidents have consequences, Second. You must be more careful in the future.

With a swift motion, Yhwach reached out and grabbed Third King before he could fall into the ocean, pulling him back onto the deck with ease.

Yhwach: Get yourselves in order. We have work to do, and I won't tolerate any more distractions.

As Yhwach spoke, he couldn't help but feel a sense of frustration at the constant disruptions to their plans. However, he knew that maintaining control over his subordinates was essential if they were to achieve their goals.

Timeskip - Location: Onboard Brig, En Route to Kuraigana Island

As Yhwach watched Second King steer the wheel, engrossed in his book, Fourth King's voice broke through the quiet atmosphere, announcing the sight of Kuraigana Island from above. Yhwach acknowledged the news with a nod, his mind already processing the next steps of their journey.

Just as he was about to give further instructions, Zaegar's voice cut through the air, filled with distress as he struggled with motion sickness. Yhwach turned his attention to the tiny dragon just in time to see him slap Second King off the wheel in a desperate attempt to steady himself. Second King stumbled backward, taken aback by Zaegar's sudden outburst.

Before Yhwach could intervene, Zaegar grabbed onto Second King, using him as a makeshift cleaning tool to wipe away the mess he had made. Second King recoiled in disgust, his feathers ruffled as he protested Zaegar's actions.

Second King: Hey, what do you think you're doing, you filthy lizard?!

But Zaegar paid no heed to Second King's complaints, his focus solely on cleaning himself up. However, in his frantic attempts to steady himself, Zaegar accidentally tripped and grabbed onto the wheel for support.

The sudden movement caused the brig to veer off course, heading straight for Kuraigana Island. Yhwach's eyes widened in alarm as he watched the impending collision, his thoughts racing as he assessed the situation.

Yhwach: Zaegar, what have you done?!

But it was too late. The brig crashed onto the shores of Kuraigana Island with a resounding thud, sending waves of debris flying in all directions. Yhwach braced himself against the impact, his gaze fixed on the island ahead as he silently cursed the unexpected turn of events.

Ginjo's laughter echoed within Yhwach's mind, his amusement evident in his tone as he watched the chaos unfold.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) Haha! Looks like Zaegar's motion sickness strikes again! Who knew a tiny dragon could cause so much trouble?

Yhwach's glare bore into Zaegar as he stepped forward, his expression a mixture of frustration and annoyance. He opened his mouth to reprimand the tiny dragon for his reckless actions, but before he could speak, he paused, his eyes narrowing as an idea formed in his mind.

Yhwach: Zaegar, you've caused enough trouble for one day. I will deal with you later.

Zaegar's eyes widened in surprise at Yhwach's stern tone, but before he could protest, Yhwach continued.

Yhwach: However, if you don't fix the ship by the time I return, I'll leave your punishment in the hands of the four kings.

Zaegar's gaze shifted nervously to the four kings, who were watching the exchange with keen interest. Their beady eyes bore into him, their expressions unreadable.

Zaegar: But... but that's not fair!

Yhwach's gaze remained unyielding as he addressed Zaegar once more, his voice firm.

Yhwach: Fair or not, it's your responsibility to ensure the ship is seaworthy. If you fail to do so, then you'll have to face the consequences.

With that, Yhwach turned around and strode away, leaving Zaegar to stew in his frustration. As he disappeared from view, Zaegar let out a frustrated growl, his mind racing with thoughts of the impending punishment.

Zaegar: Damn it! Why does it always have to be me?

The four kings exchanged glances, their beaks twitching in amusement as they watched Zaegar's predicament unfold.

First King: Looks like someone's in for a rough time.

Second King: Couldn't have happened to a more deserving lizard.

Third King: I almost feel sorry for him.

Fourth King: Almost.

Zaegar's ears flattened against his head as he caught snippets of the kings' conversation, his frustration reaching its boiling point.

Zaegar: Oh, shut up, you feathered assholes! It's not like any of you are helping either!

The four kings merely chuckled at Zaegar's outburst, their amusement evident in their eyes.

First King: Relax, Zaegar. We're just enjoying the show.

Second King: Besides, it's not every day we get to witness the great Dragon Slayer brought down to size.

Third King: Indeed. It's quite entertaining.

Fourth King: And who knows? Maybe this punishment will teach you to be more responsible in the future.

Zaegar's scowl deepened at the kings' teasing remarks, but he knew there was little he could do to change their minds. With a frustrated huff, he turned his attention back to the task at hand, knowing that he had to fix the ship before Yhwach returned or face the wrath of the four kings.

Scene Break: Moments Earlier

High atop a cliff overlooking the crashing waves, Dracule Mihawk stood with his new student, Roronoa Zoro, engaged in a rigorous training session. The sound of steel clashing against steel echoed through the air as Zoro swung his swords against the sword of one of the Humandrills.

Mihawk's eyes narrowed as he suddenly sensed a disturbance with his observation Haki. His keen senses picked up the unexpected crash of a ship onto the shores of the island, a disturbance that shouldn't be taken lightly.

Mihawk turned to Zoro, his voice calm but firm as he addressed his student.

Mihawk: Zoro, continue your training. I'll be right back.

Zoro nodded in acknowledgment, focusing his attention back on the Humandrills as he resumed his practice swings with renewed determination. Meanwhile, Mihawk made his way down the cliffside, his steps calculated and purposeful as he headed towards the source of the disturbance.

As he reached the shore, Mihawk's sharp eyes immediately locked onto the figure of Yhwach making his way towards Mihawk's castle. Mihawk's brow furrowed in confusion. What business could Yhwach possibly have here on Kuraigana Island?

Without hesitation, Mihawk strode forward to intercept Yhwach, his cloak billowing behind him in the sea breeze. As he approached, Yhwach stopped in his tracks, his piercing gaze fixing on Mihawk with a knowing look.

Mihawk's expression remained impassive as he regarded Yhwach, his curiosity piqued by the unexpected visit.

Mihawk: Yhwach, what brings you to my humble abode once more?

Yhwach turned to face Mihawk, his gaze steady as he regarded the swordsman with a hint of amusement.

Yhwach: Ah, Mihawk. It's good to see you again. I hope I'm not intruding.

Mihawk's expression remained impassive as he shook his head, his curiosity growing with each passing moment.

Mihawk: Not at all. But I must admit, your visits are becoming quite frequent. To what do I owe the pleasure this time?

Yhwach's lips curved into a knowing smile as he met Mihawk's gaze, his eyes gleaming with purpose.

Yhwach: I come bearing a proposition, Mihawk. One that I believe may interest you.

Mihawk's interest was piqued by Yhwach's words, his curiosity getting the better of him as he leaned in slightly.

Mihawk: A proposition, you say? Do tell.

Yhwach's smile widened as he gestured towards the horizon, his voice filled with excitement and determination.

Yhwach: I'm assembling a group of individuals, skilled in various talents and abilities, to join me in a grand endeavor. One that will shake the very foundations of this world.

Mihawk's interest was now fully piqued, his gaze locked onto Yhwach's as he waited for more details.

Mihawk: And what, pray to tell, is this grand endeavor you speak of?

Yhwach's gaze held a fierce intensity as he met Mihawk's eyes, his voice carrying a sense of conviction as he revealed his intentions.

Yhwach: I have declared war upon the World Government, Mihawk. And I intend to bring about its complete destruction.

Mihawk's expression remained stoic, but a spark of interest ignited in his eyes at Yhwach's bold declaration. The prospect of challenging the World Government intrigued him, presenting an opportunity to test his skills against formidable opponents.

Mihawk: War against the World Government... That is no small feat, Yhwach. What makes you believe you can succeed where countless others have failed?

Yhwach's smile turned to a smirk as he looked up at the sky, his gaze distant as he recalled his past triumphs.

Yhwach: Because I've succeeded in the past, Mihawk. I've created a world of true peace.

Mihawk furrowed his brow in confusion, unable to comprehend the true meaning behind Yhwach's words. However, despite his confusion, he couldn't sense any deceit in Yhwach's demeanor. There was a conviction in his voice that spoke volumes.

Mihawk: A world of true peace... I'm not sure I understand.

Yhwach's smirk widened as he turned his gaze back to Mihawk, his eyes gleaming with determination.

Yhwach: It's simple, Mihawk. The World Government's brand of "peace" is nothing but a facade, built upon oppression and lies. True peace can only be achieved through the destruction of this corrupt system, and I intend to make it a reality.

Mihawk's expression remained impassive, but a glimmer of intrigue danced in his eyes as he considered Yhwach's words. The prospect of challenging the status quo appealed to his sense of adventure, presenting an opportunity to test his skills against formidable opponents.

Mihawk: I see. And how do you plan to accomplish this monumental task?

Yhwach's smirk turned into a confident grin as he outlined his plans, his voice filled with conviction.

Yhwach: With the right allies by my side, anything is possible. Together, we will gather the strength and resources necessary to challenge the World Government head-on. And when the time comes, we will strike with precision and force, dismantling their power from within.

Mihawk nodded in understanding, impressed by Yhwach's unwavering resolve. While he was no stranger to conflict, the scale of Yhwach's ambition was unlike anything he had ever encountered before.

Mihawk: I see. And you believe I am one of these "right allies"?

Yhwach looked at Mihawk with a knowing gleam in his eyes, his voice taking on a solemn tone as he continued.

Yhwach: Mihawk, you are a man of strength and principle. I've observed your actions closely during the war, and I know that you have no love for the World Government. You've earned the title of "Marine Hunter" for a reason, after all.

Mihawk's expression remained stoic, but a flicker of surprise danced in his eyes at Yhwach's words. He hadn't expected Yhwach to be aware of his past exploits, let alone acknowledge them.

Mihawk: You seem to know more about me than I anticipated, Yhwach.

Yhwach nodded, his gaze steady as he met Mihawk's eyes.

Yhwach: Indeed, Mihawk. I make it my business to know my potential allies and enemies alike. And from what I've seen, you possess the strength and resolve necessary to bring about real change in this world.

Mihawk's expression remained stoic, but a flicker of uncertainty danced in his eyes as he considered Yhwach's words. While he was intrigued by the prospect of challenging the World Government, he couldn't shake the feeling of mistrust towards Yhwach. Something about the man's intentions didn't sit right with him.

Mihawk: You speak of true peace, Yhwach. But how can I trust that your intentions are genuine? You are a man of many mysteries. What assurances can you offer that your intentions align with genuine peace?

Yhwach's smile softened into a thoughtful expression as he considered Mihawk's question, his gaze never wavering from the swordsman's eyes.

Yhwach: Trust is earned, Mihawk. I understand that my intentions may seem suspect to you, given my past actions and the secrecy surrounding my plans. But I assure you, my goal is not one of conquest or personal gain. It is a quest for true peace, for a world where all individuals can live free from oppression and tyranny.

Mihawk remained silent, his expression unreadable as he listened to Yhwach's words. There was a sincerity in his voice that Mihawk couldn't ignore, a conviction that spoke volumes about the depth of his beliefs.

Yhwach: As for assurances, I can offer you none other than my word. But know this, Mihawk: I am fully committed to this cause, and I will stop at nothing to see it through to the end.

Mihawk remained silent, his gaze fixed on Yhwach as he weighed his words carefully. Despite his skepticism, there was a part of him that resonated with Yhwach's vision of a better world, free from the shackles of the World Government's control.

Mihawk: Very well, Yhwach. I will consider your proposition. But know this, I do not pledge my allegiance lightly. If I am to join you in this endeavor, it will be on my own terms, and only if I believe that our goals truly align.

Yhwach's smile widened at Mihawk's response, his respect for the swordsman growing with each passing moment. He nodded in acknowledgment, his tone carrying a sense of understanding.

Yhwach: I understand, Mihawk. Take your time to consider my proposition. I have no doubt that you will make the right decision when the time comes.

With a nod of acknowledgment, Yhwach turned and began to walk away, his mind already turning to the next steps of his plan. As he disappeared from view, Mihawk remained on the shore, his thoughts consumed by the weight of Yhwach's words.

Mihawk: (In thought) True peace... Is it truly attainable, or merely a fleeting dream?

With a heavy sigh, Mihawk pushed aside his doubts and turned his attention back to the castle, knowing that he had much to ponder before making a decision that could change the course of history.

Yhwach returned to the ship, his mind still preoccupied with his conversation with Mihawk. As he approached, he noticed something unusual—the usually bustling deck was eerily quiet. This unexpected silence unnerved him slightly, prompting him to quicken his pace.

Within his mind, Ginjo commented on the unusual atmosphere, his voice tinged with curiosity.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) Huh, seems a bit too quiet, doesn't it? Makes you wonder what those feathered friends of yours are up to.

Yhwach's expression remained stoic as he surveyed the ship, his senses alert for any signs of trouble. To his surprise, he found that the ship had been fixed and was now docked at Kuraigana Island's shore. With a graceful leap, he landed in the middle of the deck, his eyes scanning the surroundings for any clues.

However, before he could investigate further, a slight commotion from inside the boat caught his attention. Curious, he approached the door and pushed it open, revealing Zaegar and the four kings huddled around a newspaper.

Zaegar's expression was a mix of fury and disbelief as he held the paper in his hands, his eyes wide with shock.

Yhwach's gaze narrowed as he took in the scene, his curiosity piqued by Zaegar's unusual behavior. He stepped forward, his voice calm but authoritative as he addressed the tiny dragon.

Yhwach: Zaegar, what's going on here?

Zaegar's eyes snapped up to meet Yhwach's, his expression one of pure frustration as he held up the newspaper for Yhwach to see.

Zaegar: Look at this, Yhwach! Just look at it!

Yhwach took the newspaper from Zaegar's hands and glanced at the headline, his eyes widening in surprise at what he saw. It was a bounty notice, but what caught his attention was the amount—negative 1 berrie.

Yhwach's confusion was evident as he turned to face Zaegar, his brow furrowed in disbelief.

Yhwach: Negative 1 berrie? What does this mean, Zaegar?

Zaegar's voice was filled with frustration as he explained, his words tinged with bitterness.

Zaegar: It means that I'm worth less than nothing, Yhwach! They've declared me to be worth negative value, can you believe it?!

Yhwach's expression remained impassive, but a hint of amusement danced in his eyes as he processed Zaegar's words.

Yhwach: Negative value, you say? That's certainly... unusual.

Ginjo's laughter echoed within Yhwach's mind, his amusement evident in his voice as he chimed in with a comment.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) Haha! Negative value? I didn't even know that was possible! Looks like Zaegar's not quite the feared hollow he thinks he is.

Yhwach couldn't help but chuckle at Ginjo's remark, finding the situation amusing despite its absurdity.

Yhwach: Indeed, Ginjo. It seems our friend Zaegar here has quite the unique bounty.

Zaegar's frustration reached its boiling point as he glared at Yhwach, his voice tinged with irritation.

Zaegar: Oh, ha ha. Laugh it up, why don't you? It's not like you're the one with a negative bounty!

Yhwach's chuckle faded as he caught the look of indignation in Zaegar's eyes. He reached out and handed the newspaper back to the tiny dragon, his tone turning serious.

Yhwach: True, Zaegar. But let this be a lesson to you. Your actions have consequences, and it seems the world has taken notice.

Zaegar's expression softened slightly at Yhwach's words, his frustration giving way to a sense of resignation.

Zaegar: Yeah, yeah, I get it. Just great, now I'm officially the laughingstock of the seas.

Meanwhile, the four kings couldn't contain their amusement, their cackles filling the air as they reveled in Zaegar's misfortune.

First King: Looks like someone's not going to be living this down anytime soon!

Second King: I didn't even know you could have a negative bounty! That's gotta be a new record!

Third King: I guess even the World Government thinks you're not worth anything, Zaegar. How's that for a reality check?

Fourth King: Maybe you should stick to lounging around and sipping cocktails. Seems like that's all you're good for!

Zaegar's cheeks flushed with embarrassment and anger as he listened to the kings' taunts, his fists clenched at his sides.

Zaegar: You think this is funny, you fuckers? Just wait until I get my hands on whoever's responsible for this!

Yhwach's smirk widened at Zaegar's threat, his amusement evident in his eyes as he held up the bounty poster for all to see.

Yhwach: Oh, I have no doubt you'll find a way to make them pay, Zaegar. But in the meantime, let's enjoy this moment, shall we? After all, it's not every day we get to witness history in the making—a negative bounty!

Zaegar's glare intensified as he lunged towards Yhwach, his claws bared and fury blazing in his eyes. But before he could reach him, the four kings sprang into action, grabbing Zaegar by the wings and tail to restrain him.

First King: Whoa there, Zaegar! Calm down before you do something you'll regret!

Second King: Yeah, take it easy, buddy. We don't want you getting yourself into even more trouble.

Third King: Besides, it's not worth it. You'll only end up making things worse for yourself.

Fourth King: Yeah, listen to us, Zaegar. Yhwach might not be worth anything to the World Government, but that doesn't mean you should go picking a fight with him.

Zaegar struggled against the king's grip, his frustration reaching its boiling point as he glared at Yhwach with unbridled hatred.

Zaegar: Let me go, you feathered motherfuckers! I'll fucking tear him limb from limb!

Yhwach's expression remained impassive as he watched the scene unfold, his gaze fixed on the newspaper in his hand. Slowly, he unfolded the paper and began to read the headlines, his eyes widening in shock at what he saw.

Yhwach: Rise of the next emperor of the sea... Yhwach "Dragon Slayer" with a bounty of 3,975,900,000.

Zaegar's struggles ceased momentarily as he caught wind of the headline, his eyes widening in disbelief as he processed the information.

Zaegar: Wait... what?!

The four kings, still holding onto Zaegar, exchanged glances, their eyes wide with disbelief at the revelation. It seemed that their captain was even more notorious than they had realized.

First King: Did you hear that? Yhwach's got a bounty of nearly four billion berries!

Second King: Four billion?! That's insane!

Third King: I knew Yhwach was powerful, but I had no idea he was this notorious.

Fourth King: Looks like our little crew is making quite the name for itself in the world.

Zaegar's mind raced with a mix of emotions—shock, disbelief, and an unimaginable amount of anger. The realization that he was serving under a man with such a staggering bounty higher than his insulted him, but at the same time, a sense of excitement stirred within him. as he'd make sure his next bounty would be higher than his bestio friendo.

To be continued

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