
Necromancer June *REWRITING*

Notice: This is a Girl's Love book though as much as I'd like it to be GL focused, the fantasy aspect overshadows it. When Earth suddenly turns into one like those seen in Mangas with gates and mana, June seeks to navigate this new world with her knowledge gained from reading said Manga. With June gaining the powers of a necromancer, trials and tribulations comes her way and she quickly realizes that maybe life won't be as easy to live like the OP Mc she reads about. Follow June as she hones her powers and faces all challenges coming her way. Oh yeah they all die in the end. . . . . . Just kidding.

Satchet · Fantasie
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12 Chs

Chapter 4

"Also I'm about to try something. If it actually works there's no need to be scared." Turning to the dead the dead goblins I wondered how the skill would activate. Reaching my hand out I tried to focus on getting the skeletons like I'm using the force. The way how I'm struggling I might actually shit myself at this point.

"Summon skeleton" ...… ok no voice activation

'Summoneth le dead"


[Bing! Summon skeleton x3?]

Staring blankly at the hologram I quickly did some meditation breathing. No use getting upset at a hologram.

'Yes'. Three goblin sized skeletons appeared with a light green 'flame' in the eye sockets. Reaching for the knives at their respective bodies they equipped them and are now waiting for my command.

"Holy shit!" Tanya exclaimed. Yeah I agree, they're totally badass.

Walking along the corridor of the hall I tried to be as vigilant as possible while also looking out for any stray goblin that I can test the skeletons on. A scream came from behind me and I froze. Recognising it as tanya's I turned around and saw a goblin stabbing her leg.

'Fuck! Skeletons go kill that goblin and protect us.' Projecting my will into the skeletons they followed my command and slayed the goblin while grouped around Tanya and I in a triangular formation. I don't know why I never had the goblins on guard in the first place.

[Bing! Level one goblin killed. 10 exp gained]

"Shit Tanya I'm sorry I should've known better." Helping her stand steady I took a look at ruined and told her that It would be ok since we are close by my room and we will fix her up when we get there. What should've been a one minute walk to five minutes to reach back to my room. Being attacked twice more while supporting someone with a stab wound to the leg is not an easy task the good news is I got more exp and almost can level up.

Inside the safety of the room Tanya laid on the bed while I went around searching through the boxes for my first aid kit. Two skeletons were left outside to kill any goblin that came inside the hall while one was with us guarding the door. Finding the first aid kit and going to Tanya I prepared her leg for stitches.

"Tanya this is going to hurt like a lot more but try not to move ok I have to stitch you up. Don't worry though I did a small course in first aid." After receiving a go ahead from her I straddled the leg and locked her knees between my thighs so that she doesn't go kicking and hurt herself even more.

Staring the first stitch I felt her stiffen and saw her grabbing and screaming into one of my pillows. Rubbing her thigh and trying to soothe her I continued to apply the stitches which, thankfully, didn't take long. Wrapping her leg in a gauze I finished applying first aid and covered her in a thin blanket since she passed out from exhaustion.

During the time of helping Tanya I got notifications which I ignored. [Bing! Level one goblin killed (x8) 80 exp gained. Level 2 goblin killed. 15 exp gained. Bing! Your undead summon has gone into eternal rest.]

I hate how webnovel doesn’t carry over formatting

Satchetcreators' thoughts