
Necromancer June *REWRITING*

Notice: This is a Girl's Love book though as much as I'd like it to be GL focused, the fantasy aspect overshadows it. When Earth suddenly turns into one like those seen in Mangas with gates and mana, June seeks to navigate this new world with her knowledge gained from reading said Manga. With June gaining the powers of a necromancer, trials and tribulations comes her way and she quickly realizes that maybe life won't be as easy to live like the OP Mc she reads about. Follow June as she hones her powers and faces all challenges coming her way. Oh yeah they all die in the end. . . . . . Just kidding.

Satchet · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
12 Chs

Chapter 3

While preparing myself for what's to come, multiple screams erupted from outside in the hall. Peeking through a crack in the room door, I was greeted with the sight of little green humanoids chasing after persons with badly made knives.

'I've always wanted to see how easy it'd be to beat Chucky. Guess I'll find out soon.'

The nearest goblin was busy taunting a girl it backed into a corner with its back turned towards me. Creeping up to it I struck it in the head with the hockey stick like an axe. 'Sounds like a watermelon.'

Bing! Level 1 goblin killed. 10 exp gained. Just a couple seconds after killing the first goblin two more appeared. Ignoring the notification I placed myself in front of the girl and assessed the situation we're now in. Two goblins side by side, sharp stone knives and blocking the exit, great.

The goblin on the right launched itself towards me aiming at my thigh while the other followed a second after. Managing to kick the first, it went flying into a flower pot nearby while I hit the other from the side with the hockey stick slamming the goblin into the wall and finishing it off with a hit to the head.

The other seeing its companion die got up and angrily attacked me flailing it knife around in an attempt to cut me. 'It's like a child having a tantrum.' Lifting the stick like a baseball bat I swung at the little goblin boom instant death.

Bing! 'Level one goblin killed(2). 20 exp gained. 10 gold, Bracelet of Strength looted.' 'The dead can now be bought under your authority'

"Hey what's your name?" I said to the girl behind me. She still looked a little shaken up so I gave her some time to answer. "Tanya and you?" she replied. Giving her a little smile and reaching out for a handshake, "June".

"Well thank you June for saving me, I really appreciate it." Looking at her I could tell she doesn't have a clue to what's going on and would most likely die soon if left alone.

"Why don't you join me? Crazy things are happening as you can see," I say gesturing to the dead goblins. "And no offence but I don't think you'll live any longer if I just left you."

Sheepishly holding her head down she gave me an almost silent affirmation of wanting to stick with me. "Very well then Tanya, I'll try my best to take care of you."