
Naruto: Youngest Hokage

A seven-year-old Naruto awakens with memories of another world. This world contained a manga named after him and told the story of his life. Read how he uses this knowledge to become the youngest Hokage ever. If you like my writing consider supporting on Patreon https://www.patreon.com/AlienWarlord

AlienWarlord · Anime und Comics
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10 Chs

C1 Awakening

(A/N: Want to read ahead of what I've posted so far? Go to my patreòn and get early access chapters.

As of this chapter, the patreòn is 0 chapters ahead, but there will be some soon. I'll probably be writing and posting some chapters for patrons today. Also my other story 'Second Chance: Summon System' is on the patreòn as well.


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I take your Power Stones and give you a riddle in exchange. A cloud was my mother, the wind is my father, my son is the cool stream, and my daughter is the fruit of the land. A rainbow is my bed, the earth my final resting place, and I'm the torment of man. Who Am I? Enjoy the chapter.)




In the middle of the night, a 7-year-old Naruto Uzumaki slept in his bed tossing and turning. Suddenly he awoke with an intense ache in his head, as he grits his teeth and clutched his sheets tightly hoping for the pain to stop. The pain intensified and he started to scream. This lasted for 30 minutes until the pain dissipated and Naruto passed out.

The next morning Naruto woke up with all these memories and knowledge he didn't have before. Knowledge of another world called earth. He didn't know how he got this knowledge but it seems to be from the perspective of someone else. A man name Kirigaya Takaaki. He sat there on his bed going through his memories for half an hour. He found that the other world was amazing, but the thing that amazed him was the manga/anime Naruto. Kirigaya seemed to be a huge fan of it and knew a lot about it. Somehow it seemed to be about his life.

Everything seemed to match his life Ichiraku, old man Hokage, him being an orphan, etc. Everything adds up. He started crying. 'My parents didn't abandon me' for a long time he thought his parents may have abandoned him. He asked the Hokage who they were, and he would always say they were heroes who died. Naruto never saw pictures, graves, he doesn't even know their names and Jiji would never say. Now he knows his mother is Kushina Uzumaki and his father is his hero the yondaime Hokage.

They both died sealing the nine-tailed fox into him. He was shocked about that for a while, but looking from his memories the Kyuubi attack wasn't Kuramas fault. Under all that 'I WILL SQUISH YOU PUNY HUMAN!' there is a soft-hearted fox. Naruto decided to forgive him. Although, he was a bit mad at his father for sealing the Kyuubi in him in the first place.

After he thought of it from his dad's position, Naruto knew that he would have done the same thing. Who would you trust the responsibility of being the jinchuriki of the strongest biju more than your own son? Naruto realized the villager's treatment of him, the son of their hero, and started laughing. 'Dad is probably rolling in his grave' It's clear as day to everyone in the village that naruto is either hated, shunned, or both. There are very few people in the village that would go near naruto, and most of them would have bad intentions.

Naruto hadn't noticed yet but the added knowledge and memories changed him. He got the other person's 30 years of experience. Which could have been more if Kirigaya didn't die early in life to a drunk driver. The point is that naruto doesn't think like a child anymore. After going through all the information, he thought that he would have an interesting life ahead of him. He had to make plans for the future, and so many things to change for the better. He decided to change his dream while he's at it. From becoming Hokage to becoming the youngest Hokage ever and protect his precious people. With all this information he could do it.

With everything sorted, for now, he needed to talk to the Hokage. As he got out of bed, Naruto heard his stomach grumble and he really had to pee. 'Well, gramps can wait a bit longer'. Naruto used the bathroom and made some instant ramen. As he was slurping down his godly ramen, Naruto remembered something from the memories he received. There was a theory that he was short later in life because he only ate ramen. He apparently didn't get all the nutrients and vitamins a growing boy needs. Naruto didn't want to be short, so he would have to go food shopping. After eating he showered, brushed his teeth and changed his clothes.

Now that he's ready it was time to talk to the Hokage about all of this. Naruto went straight to Hokage tower and barged into the Hokage's office. Now that he thought about it, he was probably one of the only people in the village who could do this. If someone else did it they would be detained by ANBU or even killed. Behind a desk filled with paperwork sat his self proclaimed gramps the Hokage Hiruzen Sarutobi smoking his pipe.

"Yo old man we need to talk." naruto said sternly. Well, as stern as a 7-year-old could be. 'I'll forgive Jiji for lying to me, but that doesn't mean I'm still not angry.'

"Naruto, come to have a seat. How are you today?" Hiruzen was worried as naruto was usually a cheerful boy despite his circumstances.

"I'm doing alright." Naruto made sure the door was closed and sat in front of the desk.

"Jiji I have to talk to you about something important."

"Ok, what's the matter?"

"First I need you to make the ANBU go away, and if you have a seal that would help keep this between me and you that would be good."

Hiruzen looked at Naruto wearily. 'How does Naruto know about seals and the ANBU in the room?' Naruto was talking more maturely as well. This seemed to be important so he agreed. The Hokage raises his hand and all the ANBU left the area to give them some privacy. Then he put chakra into a seal under his desk. Seal writing stretched out from his desk and covered the walls, floor, and ceiling.

"Alright, we are completely alone, and the privacy seal is in place. What's going on?"

"The yondaime is my father and kushina Uzumaki is my mother right?"

Hiruzen was surprised but he didn't show it.

"How did you come to that conclusion?"

Naruto began to explain what happened to him the night before and the memories he received.

"So you're saying you somehow got memories from another world and in that other world there is some sort of book about you?"

"Yes if you don't believe me I can tell you some things I know. I know that I'm the Kyuubi's jinchuriki his name is Kurama. I know that my godfather is Jiraiya but in the story, I call him pervy sage. I know that you let Orochimaru getaway when you confronted him about his human experiments." Naruto rambles out random facts he shouldn't know.

"Ok ok, I believe you."

"Sorry, I was afraid you wouldn't believe me, so I started rambling. You also die during my first chunin exams."

"Hmm? Tell me more about that."

"Orochimaru invades with the sand and kills you, but you use the Shiki fujin on him. You couldn't kill him but you took his arms."

"I took his precious jutsu huh. That is fitting." Hiruzen looked sad at the thought of his favorite student. He loved Orochimaru like his own son, and yet everything turned out so badly.

"Yes, but don't worry gramps we will change it. I won't let you die. I'll train as hard as I can, and become strong enough to protect you and everyone else."

"I'm sure you will. You have changed slightly as well, Naruto. Most likely a side effect of the memories. You seem very mature compared to the last time I saw you. My guess is you didn't just get the memories and knowledge but also the experience."

"That makes sense I guess. This morning I decided to limit my ramen and eat some healthier food. I don't want a poor diet affecting my growth. If anyone would have mentioned this to me yesterday, I would have thought they were crazy."

"Haha, yes you would have, or kami help us if anyone took some ramen away from you." Hiruzen laughed.

"I've also noticed that I can read perfectly now. So the language of where the memories are from matches ours. By the way Jiji I have a new dream that I need your help with. Instead of being Hokage, I want to be the youngest Hokage ever and protect my precious people. I also want to prevent some of the bad things that I know will happen from occurring."

"Those are good dreams, but we have to be careful about what we change. Making sure our actions don't cause a bad future. If you want to change anything, I would like it if you talked to me about it first. We could come up with a plan together."

"I would like that Jiji. Well, the first thing I want to change is Sasuke Uchiha. In the future, his lust for power to avenge his clan causes a lot of problems. So what I would like to do is befriend him and help him."

"What does he do in the future?"

"Well in the story Sasuke and I are like brothers..."

Naruto proceeded to give an overview of Sasuke's story.

"Ok, I agree with you getting close to him. Try to get him away from the path of revenge, and give him someone to talk to. He should be leaving the hospital in two weeks."

(A/N: I made it so the Uchiha massacre happened slightly earlier.)

"Ok, I would also like to ask if you could give me a list of books that I need to read. Things that I would need to know to be able to graduate in the academy early and become the Hokage like politics, economics, etc."

"Why do you want to graduate early?"

"I can't be the youngest Hokage ever if I'm stuck in the academy too long. As you said I've matured with this change and being stuck in the academy for four years is a waste. I want to spend at least one year in the academy. In that year I can make friends and use free time to train."

"I don't like you graduating early, you should enjoy your childhood, but I understand. We will work something out and I will get you a list of those books. I will also give you some books you can't find in the library."

"Can you get me a book on chakra and chakra control. Not just the leaf exercise, but tree climbing and water walking too. Also if there are any other exercises I would like those as well. Early on in the story, my main problem is chakra control. I just had so much of it that it was hard to do any jutsus."

"I can do that. Come here for a moment I want to see how much chakra you have."

Naruto stood up and walked around the desk. Hiruzen touched naruto's stomach and felt for his chakra. He started grinning awkwardly.

"You're definitely right. You almost have as much chakra as me already. Go sit down."

"Good if I have that much already I can use shadow clones to boost my training speed earlier than I thought."

"After you've mastered tree walking, I'll teach you the shadow clone jutsu, as Accidents can always happen. Be careful about how many you dispel at once as well. I would dispel them in small groups or you could hurt your mind."

"Ok, that's fine. Can you also get me a few Katas to practice? The academy one is good, but I would like to learn something else. Also, I need a place to train."

"I can get all of this for you by tomorrow. There is a small training ground by your apartment that isn't used anymore. I will give you permission to use it."

"Ok, can you also let me know when my godfather returns back in the village, as I'd like to meet him. I also want to tell him about the memories. Kakashi as well, but we should do that on the same day."

"Yes, we could tell them together. No use explaining it over and over. Make sure to keep all of this a secret don't tell anyone understood?"

"Alright, I promise. Oh, I almost forgot to tell you something important. There are 2 traitors in the village Mizuki Something. His last name was never mentioned in the story. He was a teacher of mine in the academy and used me to steal the forbidden scroll for Orochi-teme. Then there is Kabuto Yakushi he is a spy of Orochi-teme. I don't know if he's already one yet but he will be. I would just monitor them for now if we do anything to them it could change something."

"I see. I'll have some trusted ANBU watch from the shadow to see what they do."

"I'm going food shopping, so I'll see you later gramps."

"Yes, I should get back to this paperwork. I will have an ANBU drop off everything tomorrow."

Hiruzen turned off the privacy seal and called back the ANBU. As Naruto was leaving, he stopped and thought of something.

"Hey, Jiji how come you don't use shadow clones for paperwork?"

At that moment it was like all of Hiruzens knowledge meant nothing. He cursed himself for not thinking of that. He was called the god of shinobi and the professor, yet a 7-year-old child just defeated his lifelong enemy, paperwork. He started banging his head on the desk in tears. "Stupid stupid stupid stupid"

The ANBU sweat-dropped at their leader's behavior.

"Bye, Gramps!" Naruto waves over his shoulder as he leaves the office.

(A/N: Want to read ahead of what I've posted so far? Go to my patreòn and get early access chapters.

As of this chapter, the patreòn is 0 chapters ahead, but there will be some soon. I'll probably be writing and posting some chapters for patrons today. Also my other story 'Second Chance: Summon System' is on the patreòn as well.


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