
Naruto x Avengers: I failed once, not again

Due to a mistake, Stan Lee gives the TVA too much power allowing them to erase nearly every single universe. However one brave author decides to merge a failed Naruto timeline as well as a failed Marvel timeline which Iron man dies, together, to save Stan Lee’s creation from destruction. How will Naruto react when he arrives in the modern world, and will he be able to save these people from destruction unlike how he failed his own people..

Clutch_Shadow · Anime und Comics
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11 Chs

Recap on some "Plot Holes" but not really

Alright, time for a little chat before I have people ripping off my head in my comments. As long as people pay attention to the first chapter they will realize that somethings will be different about each of the original worlds.

1. I know that the only reason tailed beasts can be sealed inside of people is because they are completely made of chakra. I am ignoring this point because I am the author and I can do as I wish.

2. The point Tony was supposed to die in would have been during his escape. It doesn't happen because the MC was there and his entrance caused the cave to collapse, speeding up the actions of those inside. So from here on, everything that won't be affected by the actions of the MC will occur as it would in the original timeline. Just like if someone across the world tripped it won't cause you to trip as well, just put it on a universal level.

3. Yes Naruto is different from canon, but he was basically alone for 5 years, he had to make a choice to allow Kaguya to win, or to kill everyone and drag her down with them. He didn't want to give up, as his Nindo is to never go back on his word, however he did defeat her in a roundabout way. Then he was trapped for thousands of years with nothing to do but think and slightly move his chakra around.

4. Madara is in the same position as Naruto. The way Madara is acting is like the way he was beginning to act when he talked to Hashirama as he was dying, however he instead was chained to a wall for several thousand years. He had time to think, reflect on his actions. Prepare his was to go about his revenge. He realizes that there may be war between humans but humanity will live on, however war between humans and nonhumans can result in the end of one of those species. Yes, Kaguya may not have trapped all humans but she was still "raising" the rest like livestock. She ignored there existence so they would expand so eventually she could come and collect some of the older ones to convert to Zetsu's.

5. I have not abandoned Kakashi. He will be referenced in the future so don't think I have forgotten.

Also, I might open up a patr3on in the future however I would only post like 20 chapters ahead while anything before those 20 chapters would be posted on here. I'm not gonna spam the whole [I WILL BE POSTING ON MY PATR3ON FOR JUST 7 DOLLARS]. To be honest, I don't really think 20 chapters ahead is worth 10 dollars a month unless it stays at a chapter a day.

And finally, if there are any mistakes please let me know about them. I would rather not have people spamming the cringe gif throughout every chapter. It doesn't take long to write a little paragraph explaining what I could have done better or what I shouldn't have done at all.

Thank you all and I hope to see us travel this journey together.