
Naruto: The teacher system

After a normal university student woke up, he suddenly realized that he had transmigrated into the Naruto world. With the help of the Great Teacher system, Sanada travels through the Ninja world, guiding his disciple and spreading legends that last for generations. 1 or 2 chapters daily Discord: https://discord.gg/henXAtbX Read up to ten chapters ahead in my p.a.t.r.e.o.n www.pâtreon.com/rysangel There will also some bonus chapter like -What if Chapter- in the Patron ^_^, so please kindly check it out Big thanks to my two beloved editor: Devotee & Legacy_24 ^_^

Rysangel · Anime und Comics
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183 Chs

S2 Ch 27 (Ch 115) : Sepparation


The sound of slap filled the entire room.

Yup, Temari have just slap Sanada. For someone she loved to actually hide such an important thing from her, it couldn't be explained just how pained her heart was.

Sanada was just silent even after receiving the slap. He knew that he was indeed worth the slap, and if it could make Temari feel better, then he would even tolerate hundred more slaps.

Sanada, at this time was just looking down. Even though he was the one who lied, he also felt the same pain as Temari. For his first love to fall this fast, it seemed that he might really not be suited to things like romance.

But the next moment, something unexpected that made Sanada's eyes widen happened.

Temari got closer to Sanada, but even after some time, the slap that Sanada had waited for didn't come.

He rose his head, only to see that Temari's face was so close to him, then it happened.

For the second time, the two kissed.

It was just a simple kiss that was neither strong nor lustful and more like a make-up kiss between lovers.

" Temari.. why?"

" What's why? This means that I have forgiven you. But promise me, you will never hide something this important from me anymore!"

Sanada felt he was dreaming. He pinched his cheek a few times, but it felt a bit painful.

' I'm not dreaming??'

' This is real!????'

Happiness instantly filled his heart. He was ready to go through the long, arduous process to make Temari forgive him, and he never thought he would be forgiven this easily.

Under that elated feeling, Sanada jumped as he pulled Temari deep into his embrace.

" Thank you, Temari!"

" Humph, but I remind you, this will be the first and the last, I will be very mad if you hide things anymore from me!"

" Hehehehe, you know.. you look cute even when you are angry too.."

" .... "

That day, Temari spent the rest of the night in Sanada's place.

The two who had just confessed their feeling had a lot to talk to, and they wanted to stay within each other's side as much as possible.

Unknown to them, someone was actually waiting for them outside of Sanada's residence.

Kankuro, who was actually the one who knocked on the door: " Am I being ignored here..."

. . . . . . . .

Early the next morning.

Sanada woke up, and he smiled as he saw Temari, who was still sleeping on his side.

So yesterday wasn't a dream....

He stood up as he changed his clothes, but maybe because Temari felt the movement on the other side, she also woke up.

" Hmm.. are you leaving soon?"

" Yeah.. I'm sorry. But I must solve this matter as soon as possible. But I promise you, I will later come back to you."

" Yeah..."

The atmosphere turned a bit awkward as Sanada said this.

Unfortunately for them, even though the two had just confirmed their feelings, the two must be separated soon.

Sanada had delayed the matter about his hidden injury for almost a month, and now he must quickly take care of it or else it might leave a hidden danger to him.

Temari saw Sanada was about to leave, and her eyes grew a bit reluctant.

" Can't I come with you? I promise I would not bother you.."

But even after Temari said it like that, Sanada still shook his head.

he walked toward Temari's direction as he planted a kiss on her forehead.

" I'm sorry Temari, but I need you to take care of Suna. You know that love between villages is not that easy, right? For our relationship to be approved, we need to change both Konoha and Suna, and I will be relying on you for that."

Showered with such words, even the tomboy Temari could only nod like a meek. The two kissed one more time before Sanada proceeded to leave.

" Then, I will say our goodbye here. I will tell Baki about my leave. Take care, Temari!"

" Umm, you too!"

After that, Sanada no longer looked back as he left Suna. He put a Kagebunshin to tell Baki, while his real body was actually going to a place far away from Suna.

His goal this time was actually a hidden cave that he found during his exploration with Temari.

In this one month, his goal was to relieve his hidden injury, and for that, he needed to find a place where he could hide.

Sanada made sure that no one was around, and when the night came, he finally began his preparation.

A few handseals were created, and then..

" Summoning jutsu!"

The sound of poof appeared as the cave was filled with smoke.

Then, a figure like a plesiosaur with a blue body appeared right in front of Sanada.

It saw Sanada and its eyes glimmered before it rushed to hug Sanada.

" Lapras!!"

" Yeah, I miss you too, Lapras. I'm sorry that I didn't really summon you in these past few months!"

It was none other than Lapras. Right, the place that Sanada was going to heal his injury was not this hidden cave. In fact, this hidden cave was only a guise as his real intention was to go to Lapras's homeland.

" Lapras!!'

" hehe, I know that you will forgive me. You are the best Lapras! By the way, the time has come now, can I really do it?"

" Lapras!!"

. . . . . . . .

Read up to fifteen chapters ahead in my p.a.t.r.e.o.n


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