
Naruto : The Flow Artist { On Hiatus }

This shi is getting a rewrite for obvious reasons.

The_Zen_Boy · Anime und Comics
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86 Chs

Chapter 22 : It's Time

Tsunade POV /

I was surprised to suddenly see an elbow in front of my face, i didn't expect this reaction at all, why did he get angry ?

I look at my own hands clenching them then look up to see that all the student's focus were on me .

Suddenly I feel an arm get around my shoulder . " do you think that everybody loves you as much as i do heh ? " i heard jiraiya ask rhetorically while looking at his own hand playfully .


" You mean how much you love what's inside those clothes ? " orochimaru suddenly appeared beside jiraiya and retorted, eyebrows raised with arms crossed .


" Hehe, well that's the point of love, isn't it ? " jiraiya said while rubbing under his nose .


" you're disappointing you know that ? " orochimaru said calmly .

" what did you say ?! " jiraiya spit loudly at orochi .


I immediately punch jiraiya in the face and he flew away through the classroom until he hit another student then pass out with a soul coming out of his mouth comically .

" sighhh, that idiot  never learns " orochimaru said while rubbing his forhead .

" Hmph ! " i said in discontent and then walked out of the classroom too while thinking about what happened to garou earlier to react like that .


Deep within a dense forest, the ninja academy's training ground was a special place. Wooden platforms hung in the treetops, connected by ropes and pulleys. Students learned to balance and move gracefully up there.

On the ground, bamboo tunnels led to hidden rooms where they practiced being sneaky.

In this unique place, students learned ninja skills while feeling connected to nature.

There were circular fighting rings on the ground made from some kind of cement, each about 50 feet in diameter. These rings were set within a cleared area in the forest.

these platforms provided a sturdy surface for students to practice their sparring techniques. They were level and solid, allowing students to focus on their combat skills.

Garou POV /

I lay under the shade of a tree calming down my mind while thinking about Sun Tzu .

I have read his book about the Art Of War and i have to say that i was very impressed by him .

He once said ' Stay strapped or get clapped ' .It emphasizes the importance of being prepared and vigilant for potential threats or confrontations anytime .

' maybe i will become as wise as him in the future ' i thought .

I was thinking about his legendary quotes until ...

* step step *

I heard the sound of footsteps coming near me, i raise my head a little to see a familiar someone come near me with another person .

He slowly came closer until he was beside me and slowly, he lay down on my right beside me and the other person on the left .

" the weather is nice " Yuji said while looking at the clouds .

" Yeah " i replied lazily.

" pfft " Yuji laughed a little. I look at him a little to...

" why are you laughing ? " i asked curiously .

" because of the yeah boy and you getting angry at him " he replied now with a lazy smile .

" aghh don't even mention it dude  " i  said feeling irritated .

Then we became silent after that  and enjoy nature in silence .

'Crunch Crunch'

Yep, Enjoying the nature amidst the crunches of satoshi eating chips .

" do you need my help ? " Yuji suddenly asked .

" for what ? " i ask confused .

" you know, kanna and the an avoidable confrontation that you'll have soon " he said .

I give a side glance at yuji " do i look like i need help ? " i ask .

"honestly, i already know you are strong, stronger than me and satoshi but... there is a limit where your body can get you . We ninjas and humans in general use chakra to break that limit y'know ! " he said admittedly .

I look at the sky for a minute then at the status that appeared before me and for me to focus more on the part where it says i am only %40 human .

" do i look like a human to you ? " i ask calmly with a smile on my face .

Yuji frowns and looks at me smiling " are you not ? "  he asked back .

I know he is smart to read underlying meanings, he is a nara, so that's expected from him .

not that i am trying to tell him the truth, it's actually fun if people find out by themselves, so i am gonna give him some hints here and there. I don't want him to be that surprised in the future when he sees me in 'that' shape .

And i know one day i will turn to a monster completely, i don't know what will happen at that time but i have put some countermeasures now so that i can still be...me .

I look at yuji still smiling, opening my mouth to say something but before i answer...

" ATTENTION STUDENTS !! " a loud voice was heard across the training grounds .

I lift myself up to stand on my feet, then i look at the chunin teacher calling the students to assemble .

I slowly walk foward and " let's go " i said to the two .

" Troublesome " yuji complained while sitting up slowly .

" ... " satoshi remained silent as expected and he too started to get up .

After they dusted themselves we slowly got closer to the other students at the center of the training geounds, as we got closer, some students were looking in my direction and some just ignored me, not that i care about them .

I walk past the students and ... tsunade.

she raised her hand to say something but i just walk without turning back and ignore her .

' simp not for a ho, neither give ear to the bum; for a man's bread is his alone, muahahaha ' i thought, evil .

We slowly stood in front of katsuki who was shouting at the now assembled students...

" look kids, the rules are simple, no lethal moves that kills and everything else is allowed, UNDERSTOOD ?! " he said shouting at the end .

" YES !! " ×50

" Now, for the list of who goes against who " he said then he opened a scroll to show us the upcoming matches and opponents .

Hyuga tenshi VS clivian mob

Nara Yuji VS jiraiya

Yamanaka Ken VS civilian mob

Orochimaru VS shimura kanna

Senju Tsunade VS Satoshi akimichi

Inuzuka kinya VS Garou

Uchiha ryu VS sarutobi kaneki

Aburame kinshi VS civilian mob

And so on ...

" Sighh, What a drag " i hear Yuji say beside me .

I look at him for a moment then ask confused " it should be easy right ? So why complain ? I know you are quite strong yourself "

I don't know if it's normal for kids at naruto era to be genin already when they are still studying at the academy but kids here are stronger than than i expected, i even feel that tsunade and orochimaru could give me a good fight but obviously not win .

I am not sure if i could win if they use a speed type jutsu in my base form but even then, my own speed type techniques could surely surpass them at that time so no worries .

My only worry is mid chunins and above at this point, and that too could be solved a few years later.

For kages and above ? I need to grind and perfect my techniques in my monster form to be able to catch up to them fast enough .

The problem here is, my Assimilation is getting slower by the day, the influx of memories, experiences and physical strength is too much for my body to handle .

If i am correct then in a span of one month, the OG garou achieved a semi godhood state where a punch of his has the power of a nuclear bomb . And i don't think that that being who sent me here would make it so easy for me to be that strong in a short amount of time, so let's not even think about it anymore .

" jiraiya is not a weakling as he pretends to be . He is actually a disciple of Hokage-sama with tsunade and orochimaru, they are one of the strongest if not strongest students of our academy right now so be careful " he said with an unwilling and tired expression .

I look at him a little surprised at what he said . ' hmm so they are already his disciples ! ' i thought to myself a little excited and disappointed for not fighting them right away . 

' hmm, i should issue a challenge to fight them at the same time one day ' i thought to myself while giving my focus back to my front .

The students slowly got ready to fight before someone raised his hand to say something and my mouth couldn't help but form a wide grin .

" Yes kanna, what do you want ? " katsuki said to kanna .

" 'cough' well, i want to fight hatake garou if you don't mind katsuki-sensei ! " he said with a small confident smile on his face .

As he said that, the students started to murmur with each other while having surprised expressions .

" kanna will kill him " a boy said .

" no doubt he is died " his friend replied .

" he should just give up, he will never win against kanna " another boy said .

" SILENCE !!! " the teacher cried out and they all went silent .

Katsuki looked at me for a moment then asked " do you agree to this garou ? "

" i don't have a problem " i replied back calmly .

" are you sure ? " he asked again a little worried .

" Yes " i replied again a little irritated . I don't really like to repeat myself, it's stupid .

" ok now, the matches will change accordingly  and you two will fight against each other, so be ready ! " he said to the two of us .

I stare at kanna with a feral grin who stared back at me with his arrogant smirk and think...

' diddle diddle, we are so little '

The End