
Naruto : The Flow Artist { On Hiatus }

This shi is getting a rewrite for obvious reasons.

The_Zen_Boy · Anime & Comics
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86 Chs

Chapter 23 : Round 1

{ near 2500 words chapter }


Deep within a thick forest, there were fighting rings . In one of the fighting rings, It was surrounded by students of the academy sitting on wooden benches and standing on rocks, all eager to watch the fight.

Tsunade POV /

I look at garou who was stretching his body on the ring with a complicated feeling .

" you look worried " suddenly orochimaru said beside me  .

I look at him for a moment " why do you think so ? " i ask confused .

" you are looking at him for some time now you know, friends from somewhere ? " he asked as if it's obvious .

" sighhh, well, when i was a child my grandma talked about him sometimes and for me to be his friend . Even though i met him only for one time but it's because of him that i wanted to be a ninja actually " i said and pause a little then continue " he still has that arrogant and prideful demeanor when he was a child haha "

" But i still don't understand why he suddenly become angry in the class ! " i added and look at orochimaru who had an eyebrow raised at me .

" What ?! " i ask confused why he looked at like that .

" should you really ask me that ? "

" But why ?! I don't get it " i asked more confused .

" what do you think i will feel like if you suddenly punched my face out of nowhere ? " he asked while rubbing his forhead .

" you get angry ? " i answered not sure .

" sighh, do you think everyone is jiraiya to accept those bone crushing punches as if nothing happened ? " he asked tiredly while looking at me as if he wanted me to answer .

" Noo ? " i answer back .

" now, what do you think happens if you suddenly punched someone who is prideful and arrogant that won't accept such acts from anyone ? " orochimaru said while thinking ' what's there to not understand woman ?!! ' 

then it clicks in my head what he meant and look back at garou again who was just standing there and opposite to him was kanna .

Garou POV /

I just stand there in my place waiting for the chunin teacher to announce the beginning of the fight while thinking to myself about what Martial Arts should i use .

Modern martial arts is out of the question because of that Uchiha that i am worried if he had a sharingan, then he will copy it easily .

Even though it's not that important but i want those arts to be used by my own disciples when i build a dojo in the future, they can become deadly with the addition of chakra .

I look at the list of the arts...


Martial Arts :

Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist [ professional ]

Whirlwind Iron Cutting Fist [ professional ]

Void boxing style [ original ] { The boxer }

Niko style [ professional ] { Kengan Ashura }

Derivated Shigan [ professional ] { one piece }

Modern martial Arts [ Original ] { Earth }


Hmm then Niko style it is. No amount of sharingan or whatever can copy it . If the body didn't train in some absurd ways that only i know how, then i don't think anyone could use it .

It's just like the rokushiki from one piece, if the body didn't train in certain ways then it's impossible to copy it, only derivatives or a ripoff version of it can be recreated without guidance .

I look at the shigan that i got from the list for a moment then think with a grin ' but i ask myself, is there anything in the multiverse that i can't copy ? '

" ATTENTION !! " the chunin teacher katsuki shouted and gathered the attention of the students . " the first match starts in a moment, so back away from the ring in case of a stray attack comes forward you " he said and the students backed away a little .

" NOW !  Hatake garou and shimura kanna, are you two ready ?! " he said .

" yes " ×2  we replied .

" Great, now, do the seal of reconciliation " he said .

kanna slowly raised his hand to do a seal but i just stayed on my place without doing anything, not even cup my hands together . 

The moment i knew what kind of person he was, he became an enemy to slaughter and not a regular opponent like sakumo .

He looks at my relaxed pose and grits his teeth in anger " you mocking me ?! " he said .

I look at him for a moment before going into my flame stance kata, it's stance is similar to the boxing stance but less tense, my left hand clenched into a fist, raised near my chest, my right hand relaxed and raised near my stomach, My legs slightly bent .

I move left and right in a slow rhythm " will you fight or not ? " i ask calmly .

He grits his teeth more and takes out a kunai and...

* Swooosh *

He dashes toward me fast but i could react to that speed easily . He kept getting closer until he was right in front of me " TAKE THIS !! " he shouted and stabbed, aiming for my stomach .

The kunai got closer to my stomach more until it hit which made kanna grin, happy that he could win this easily but just as the tip of the kunai touched me .

' Flame Kata: Phantom Pace ' i thought about the name of the technique .

Suddenly kanna's kunai went through my body but no blood came out, my body dispersed like air as if it was just an after image, which it was .

In a moment of shock, kanna immediately tilts his head to the side dodging my punch that aimed to his head .

After that, he immediately does some back flips getting away from me .

" How did you do that ?! " he asked with a surprised expression, and i could see that all the students and katsuki were surprised to see that too .

" Well, it's simple really, all you have to do is to shut the hell up and keep fighting ok ? I am not obliged to tell you my secrets dumb ass " i said with a small mocking smile on my face .

Phantom Pace is a technique where a user quickly sidesteps at the moment right before their opponent's attack, causing the opponent to think that their attack phased right through them .

And i did just that real fast to create an after image of myself sidestepping to the right while delivering a punch to his head at the same time.

It's all about footwork, really .

" WHAT did you just say ?!! " he asked with veins bulging on his head and i could see some blue chakra accumulating on his limbs, probably to get faster .

He didn't wait and dashed toward me which i had difficulty to see now,  i immediately use the psycho mode technique to get better perception .

* Swoosh *  * Stab *

He again did the same as like last time but this time it was my shoulder that was aimed at .

Flame Kata: Phantom Pace

I sidestep again creating an after image but he predicted that, even though he stabbed the after image he quickly turns toward me and this times he slashed me .

Flame Kata: Phantom Pace 

I sidestep again and dodge easily but this time i back away a little .

" is dodging the only thing you can do ? " he said to me, trying to taunt me .

I grin at him and get back into my previous stance but then i take off my tai chi slippers to the side much to his confusion .

"Why did you take off your wierd shoes ?! " he asked much to everyone's confusion .

" why is he doing that ? " a boy said .

" shhh, just watch " his friend replied .

Some Students were muttering with each other predicting what i would do and some who were from the clans were focusing seriously at the moment i showed that unique technique .

If Some other guy was in my place, i am sure that he would worry that danzo and hiruzen will target him or worry about the smallest things or bull like that and start to scheme for years just to live like shit or whatever but... let me tell you something .

I hate being low-key and crap like that .

i never said i was a smart and bright individual to scheme and plan for every step i make, i suck at that . I'm just a go with the flow type of guy, if something bad happens to me either way, then at least i have my parents who are strong enough for me to depend until i grow up, sooo...

The moment i felt my skin touch the ground . I dig my toes through the ground real hard, raising my heels and...

Flame Kata: Raging Fire


I blitz through the ring in a straight line toward kanna real fast that maybe only the chunin teacher and some clan kids with cheat eyes hope to see me.

leaving a small crater in my previous place, i instantly appear before a very shocked kanna who could only watch me deliver a punch through his stomach .

* PAW *

The moment my punch hit his stomach, he was lifted up from the ground while crouched and saliva coming out of his mouth BUT...

' IT'S TIME TO FLY LITTLE BIRD !! ' i thought while grinning like a maniac and then start to deliver punch after punch through his stomach not letting him touch the ground .


Theeen i stop and back away from him to let him catch some breath .

* thud *

He hits the ground and immediately crouchs while clutching his stomach while wheezing in pain .

* blurghh *

He vomits out some disgusting shit with blood and snot mixed together .

Katsuki POV /

' WHAT IN THE ACTUAL FUCK ?!! ' i thought .

Jiraiya POV /

" Eyy ! I thought i heard someone say that he can't use chakra !! " jiraiya said with sweat running down his head while pointing at garou .

" He didn't use chakra " i suddenly heard a voice behind me . I look around to see some spe... aghm white eyes looking seriously at the stage where kanna was now crouching down still vomiting and spitting .

" Heeeeeh, Hyuuuuga tenshi-san issss corrrrectt, eeeevn with MYYY sharingan i can't seeee a thinggg bah-ha" uchiha ryu said flamboyantly while fliping his long pitch black wavy hair upward with his eyes shining like a star for a moment .

" what do you mean you two can't see his chakra ? " i ask incredulously while ignoring the flamboyant weirdo, some people say he is a hybrid uchiha, so that's why he is like this, but his blood tests confirmed he was a pure uchiha and it's as heck .

" i only see many small shining dots around his body and nothing more, he doesn't have tenketsus either " hyuga tenshi said again .

" you mean that was all done by his physical strength only ?!! THAT'S CRAZY MAN !! "

i look at tsunade who was as shocked as all the students standing here watching this .

Then at orochimaru whose eyes were narrowed with a small smile on his face .

I look back at the stage to see...

katsuki POV again /

i look shocked at the kid who achieved the impossible just right now like how that can be ? How can someone be that fast without chakra ? Can anyone achieve this with only the might of the body ? His speed is already at chunin level for rikudo's sake .

I slowly compose myself and look at kanna who was still in his crouching position .

" SHIMURA KANNA, do you admit defeat ? " i call the kid saying something i hardly believe but this is a reality where there are many kinds of geniuses, so garou must have a strong body like the senjus and uzumaki to be this strong .

Garou POV /

I look at the kid who was on the ground with indifference until the chunin teacher shouts if he should admit defeat or continue .

I didn't really put too much strength on my punches on purpose, and the reason is...

" HOW DARE YOUUUUU !!! " suddenly kanna shouts and performs some hand seals real fast .

' horse' 'serpent' 'ram' 'monkey' 'boar' 'horse' 'tiger'

An shouts .


' Thanks for informing me idiot. hmm, now what should i do ? ' i thought to myself .

Dodge or not ?

' Hmm should i show off a little so the kids won't bother me again ? hmmm, so no dodge it is ' i thought with a hand on my chin .

He then spits a large fire ball that came toward me real fast but i just stayed there not moving an inch with a shadow on my face .

The temperature got higher and higher around me until...

" DOOOODGEEEE !! "i hear the chunin teacher shouts frantically .


" HOLY SHIT !" a kid shouted.

" OH MY GOD !! " another one cried .

" KYAHHHH HE IS DEAD !! "a girl shrieked

shouts and cries reverberated in the training grounds, no one expecting this to happen .

Tsunade POV /

i stare at the figure of garou suddenly getting engulfed in flames without knowing how to react to this .

tears well up in my eyes hearing the other kids shout that he is dead .

i quickly spread chakra through my body to rescue him but suddenly i feel a hand on my shoulder .

" WHAT ?! " i shout at orochimaru angrily .

" just look " he said and pointed at garou .

3rd perspective POV /

a wind suddenly disperses the fire and the smoke where garou was only for him to emerge amongst the smoke bare chested with some torn fabric around his body .

his body releasing some smoke from how hot his body is right now .

Muscles protruding, bulging and stood out like rugged hills and valleys. Veins popped up on his skin, and his chest and abs were like a shield and armor.

he stood there alright and safe without any damage on his skin, his head slightly tilted with a frown on his face .

the audience who were looking at the scene with eyes almost coming out of their sockets, mouth wide open .

garou POV /

i look at kanna who was looking at me as if i am some sort of monster which i am unfortunately .

some would say what happened .

well, before the fireball could hit me, i used one of the niko style katas .

Adamantine Kata: Indestructible

which gives me an iron like body that could defend against powerful blows but against high temperatures, you will still get hurt, so what's happening ?

the answer is... adaptation .

i used to train my body in some extreme situations and one of them is getting some resistance to high temperatures

now i just stand here in my place looking at the boy... menacingly .

The End .



Name: Hatake Garou

Alias: Human 40% / Monster Hybrid 60%

Assimilated: %20

Power Level:


Battle experience : Low chunin 


Physical fitness : high chunin


Situational awareness : Low chunin


Skills proficiency : mid chunin

Over all power level > Low chunin

Martial Arts :

Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist [ professional ]

Whirlwind Iron Cutting Fist [ professional ]

Void boxing style [ original ] { The boxer }

Niko style [ professional ] { Kengan Ashura }

Derivated Shigan [ professional ] { one piece }

Modern martial Arts [ Original ] { Earth }


• Mimicry [ IV ]

• Regeneration [ II ]

• Psycho mode


• Carnage:

          Your overall fighting prowess doubles.

• Crazed Hybrid Form: 

         Time limit : 30 minutes

• Monster Form %50 :

          Time limit: 30 seconds
