
Naruto : The Fire Fist Ninja

Naruto is cast aside by his parents for his siblings, whom are jinchuriki. Watch as he burns his own path in life with the power of his predecessor and the eyes of his sensei. Will he show the world what a will of fire can really do. Does it mean the will to fight to protect your village? Or does it mean the true nature of fire? 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 Read advance chapters on Patreon. patreon.com/user?u=82846808

Creative_Factory0 · Anime und Comics
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158 Chs

Chapter no.9

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[ Hokage Tower ]

It was a beautiful day in Konahagakure no Sato. After all they were living at a time of peace, everyday was beautiful, the sun was shining, birds were chirping, and there was a relaxing breeze that just made you want to take a nap under one of the bountiful trees that Konoha was so famous for. It was almost like any other day in the village, almost.

Namikaze Minato was not having a good day. Everything had just started out with a simple spar. The the first thing that had gone wrong was that Kushina had asked Naruto if he wanted to train with them for the day. Of course Minato was against it at the time but if he had voiced his opinion, would have probably been on the under end of Kushina's temper and most likely a beating.

The next was that Naruto was actually winning the spar when they hadn't trained him while their daughter, who had gone through daily training for the past three years, couldn't even touch him. That brought up more questions. 'How could he be so advanced in taijutsu already? Has he been training all this time?...No. Naruto isn't smart enough to know how to train on his own properly, he probably just picked up a few things from watching his friends.' Minato thought for a minute, 'Who were his friends again?...Oh that's right he usually spends time with Inuzuka, Kiba's older sister. But it looked like he was using the Uchiha's Interceptor Fist?...Fugaku has a younger daughter doesn't he? Perhaps Naruto is friends with her...Yes that has to be it!'

His thoughts on Naruto ended there and were brought back to his daughter. This had been the second time that she had lost control in the past six months. In reality none of his children were even relatively close to being able to control, or even use the Kyuubi's chakra without going berserk and trying to destroy anything in their paths. They had been training their children to try and control the biju, but it looked as if that were never going to happen since none of them inherited their mother's chakra chains yet.

'What went wrong? It was just a taijutsu spar she shouldn't have even been using charka, let alone the Kyuubi's...do they need more training? They can't lose control of themselves every time they take a few punches...I knew we shouldn't have let Naruto train with his siblings. We needed to be focusing solely on the others so that situations like this don't happen.'

He couldn't help but remember the scolding he got from Kushina when she arrived at the hospital and he couldn't even tell her what condition Naruto was in because he was checking on Natsuki's seal.

Kushina understood why Minato was checking the seal instead of getting information about their son's condition but that didn't mean she couldn't be upset with him, after all their son almost died because their daughter gave in to her negative emotions. That only solidified the fact that they should be entirely focused on training their children to withstand the Kyuubi so that they don't hurt anyone they care about again.

And this time it was far more serious than the others when they just destroyed the training grounds before they were restrained. No, this time one of them had almost killed their brother. Not to mention the fact that this was the farthest that any of them had gone with the Kyuubi's chakra. 'Three tails. Three FUCKING tails! That's only one tail before the Kyuubi will starts taking over your body and the chakra starts eating away at your skin! We can't ever let this ever happen again it is far too dangerous.'

The entire village could feel the malicious chakra of the Kyuubi and they were in mass panic. It was nowhere near the oppressing terror that so many had felt that night over eleven yeas ago, but it was enough for people to immediately recognize the chakra. Minato had to publicly announce what happened, minus the part about Natsuki going berserk, and tell them that everything was under control and the situation was taken care of. Some were still weary but went on with their daily lives nonetheless. The only people who knew the truth about what happened were the Uzumaki-Namikaze family, Tsunade, Kakashi, and a handful of ANBU.

Oh dealing with the council was a load of fun for him. He had to make up some kind of lie that they had an accident when dealing with the Kyuubi's chakra. Of course Danzo made a point to ask for him to train the children, which Minato immediately refused.

Minato then remembered what Tsunade had told him just a few hours ago after his conversation with Kushina and dealing with the village and the council.