
Naruto : The Fire Fist Ninja

Naruto is cast aside by his parents for his siblings, whom are jinchuriki. Watch as he burns his own path in life with the power of his predecessor and the eyes of his sensei. Will he show the world what a will of fire can really do. Does it mean the will to fight to protect your village? Or does it mean the true nature of fire? 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 Read advance chapters on Patreon. patreon.com/user?u=82846808

Creative_Factory0 · Anime und Comics
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158 Chs

Chapter no.30

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A crowd was starting to gather around the commotion. Kushina's shouting had caught the attention of many of the people passing by, both civilian and shinobi alike.

Naruto didn't react visibly to Kushina's loud outburst or the crowd she had gathered, he only responded to her emotionlessly, "Let me ask you this Kushina-sama, when was the last time that you ever treated me like family?" There was a moment of silence before he continued, "I would tell you but I cannot remember. You claim to want me to come back to your home so that you can force me to obey you and your rules, so that we can be a perfect little family again. But you are missing something important Kushina-sama..."

The crowd grew curious at Naruto's pause while Kushina and Minato's eyes widened, knowing that they would not like that they were going to hear.

"We have never been a family. When have you ever showed that you love me? Everything had always been about your other children, claiming that you had to pay more attention to them because of the Kyuubi, even training them early so that they wouldn't lose control of themselves. We see how well that worked didn't we. Look at my face, look at my body!"

Everyone stared at his scars as he opened up his shirt, especially the one on the side of his chest.

"Your training did not help I was nearly killed by my own sister. And you did not even care. I've seen the hospital logs the both of you claim to be my parents and yet I can count the number of times you visited me on one hand."

The villagers could only stare on in shock and disbelief at the revelations.

"You have not even showed that you loved me for close three years. Ever since you started training them without me the rift between our family has only grown. Can you tell me what you did this week?...You don't have to answer that, I already know. You celebrated Natsuki's, Nawaki's, and Narumi's birthday on October tenth. Did you forget that we were born on the same day? If you truly did than I can tell you that we are not in fact family..."

"A family is not a group of people who are related by blood, a family is a group of people who will lover each other unconditionally and never abandon each other! Well you abandoned me!...I only have one mother and one sister. Their names are Uchiha Mikoto and Uchiha Satsuki! Goodbye Kushina-sama, Hokage-sama." with those final words he walked off towards the academy with Satsuki in tow.

Minato could only stare on in shock at what his son said. Kushina was covering her face with her hands, she had broken down after he denounced her as his mother. Natsuki was sobbing as she watched Naruto walk off with his new little sister, the position that was supposed to be hers. Narumi had a speechless expression on her face, thinking about how she had always acted toward him. Even Nawaki raised an eyebrow but what Naruto had said didn't really bother him all that much.

The crowd soon dispersed, leaving the Uzumaki-Namikaze family, minus one, a lot to think about.

Flashback End

Since then Naruto had been constantly approached by Kushina, Natsuki, and even Narumi repeatedly. That last one surprised him, she had always acted like a spoiled little brat to him. After his speech in the middle of the village Narumi had done a lot of thinking and decided that she hated how she had acted. She vowed to become a little sister that Naruto could be proud of.

Of course he wanted nothing to do with them and their repeated attempts to bring him back into their family were starting to piss him off. They even came to the house once to try and talk to him, but they were soon banned from ever entering the Uchiha compound again by Mikoto after their persistence. He actually thought about incinerating them with one of his new Katon jutsus once when they pushed him too far, but he soon put off that thought.

Those thought brought him back to thinking about his training.

Naruto had mastered most of the genjutsu in the scroll that Itachi had given him on his birthday, this was made even more fearsome with the fact that he had also learned to activate them with with his sharingan. His abilities with Shisui's sharingan had improved greatly. He was already used to being able to read high speed movement with his own special eyes, so the sharingan wasn't very different in that aspect. However, being able to cast genjutsu with just eye contact was something that Naruto was fascinated by. He had even grown to be able to activate Shisui's mangekyo sharingan and use the Kotoamatsukami. It turned out that he was able to use the jutsu with a significantly less period of time between uses. Naruto's chakra had grown incredibly powerful and potent after eating the mera mera no mi and with a chakra fruit being what gave birth to the sharingan, his eyesight did not deteriorate with constant use.

Naruto had learned most of what was in Ace's journal. His techniques took a bit of time to learn but he mastered them all and them some. The one thing he did have trouble with was Haki.

Haki was one of the only things that could negate his intangibility, so he made a point to learn it if he would ever need its use. After reading more of Ace's journal, the young ravenette learned what haki really was. Haki was an ancient form of yin release that hadn't been used in ages. He knew that the yin part of chakra was used primarily in genjutsu, he was an expert in the are after all, but he had never heard of yin release being used like this.

Haki came from the spirit and the reason it was able to hurt logia users was because it used the spirit to attack the spirit of the user. There were three types of haki: Kenbunshoku, Busoshoku, and Haoshoku. Kenbunshoku Haki granted the user a sixth sense of the world around them that surpassed any and all sensory abilities. It also gave him limited precognitive abilities that even surpassed the sharingan when it came to predicting movement. Busoshoku Haki allowed the user to turn their spirit into armor to either defend against attacks or to make their own attacks more potent. If used correctly, this type of Haki could even be used to surpass Tsunade's super strength. Haoshoku Haki was an extremely rare type of Haki that was only found in one out of every million people. It is used to overpower the will of others and render them unconscious. It turned out that Naruto did have the Haoshoku Haki but it was extremely hard to learn.

There was one other thing, Haki could not be fully utilized without perfect chakra control. Naruto then remembered just who he had to ask for help with his chakra control to be able to use Haki.