
Naruto : The Fire Fist Ninja

Naruto is cast aside by his parents for his siblings, whom are jinchuriki. Watch as he burns his own path in life with the power of his predecessor and the eyes of his sensei. Will he show the world what a will of fire can really do. Does it mean the will to fight to protect your village? Or does it mean the true nature of fire? 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 Read advance chapters on Patreon. patreon.com/user?u=82846808

Creative_Factory0 · Anime & Comics
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158 Chs

Chapter no.31

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Flashback - 2 and a Half Years Ago

Naruto had just entered the hospital, he really didn't want to have to resort having to ask her for help but he really had no other choice. He needed perfect chakra control and she was the only one who could say that they had succeeded in that feat.

Naruto walked up to the nurse at front desk to make his request "I would like to see Senju Tsunade if she is not busy at the moment. If she is I am willing to make an appointment when she is free."

"Oh! Uzumak-" the stopped herself when she caught Naruto's cold glare. What happened between Naruto and the Uzumaki-Namikaze family had spread through the village pretty quickly, "I mean Naruto-sama! Tsunade-sama is in her office right now, follow me and I will take you there."

Naruto nodded and let her lead the way.

They arrived in front of an office after which the nurse knocked on the door, "Tsunade-sama! Naruto-sama has come to see you."

A tired voice quickly answered, "Huh oh um let him in."

The door opened and Naruto walked in, quickly noticing the empty sake bottles on her desk and the paper work made into a makeshift pillow. It was quite easy to figure out that she was sleeping on the job.

"Naruto? What can I do for you? After you left the hospital all those months ago I thought you would never be coming back."

Tsunade was curious at why he was here but she was also happy. She had given up trying to spend some time with her godson several months ago after she had heard what happened between him and the rest of the Uzumaki-Namikaze family in the village. When she first heard about their confrontation she was shocked at how he acted,but after she got over that she was furious at Minato and Kushina when she realized what they had done.

She tried to figure out all of the possible reasons why Naruto would be here, she knew that he was not too fond of her and wouldn't come to see her if he had any choice in the matter. Whatever The ravenette wanted Tsunade was going to try her hardest not to blow this opportunity, it was most likely the only one she would get. She just had to make sure not to drive him off by mentioning his family or anything like that.

Naruto stared at her intently, "As much as I don't want to be here, I really don't have many other choices. I need your help."

Tsunade wasn't expecting this. "Huh?"

He just sighed, he really didn't want to spend time with this woman, "I need help with my training...I've hit a minor bump in the road with my progress and I require assistance in order to overcome it."

Tsunade was silently cursing, "Naruto...I can see that you need some help, but I have no time to train someone from the ground up. I want to help, I really do but from what I know you have't even begun shinobi training yet. I just-" she was cut off as Naruto raised his hand up.

"You're mistaken about one thing Tsunade. I have shinobi training. Years of it in fact, what I need help with is my control."

Tsunade was surprised who could have possibly trained him, "Control?"

"Yes I need to be able to have perfect control over my chakra...I'm almost there but there must be something that I'm missing. My aim it to be able to completely separate the spiritual and physical halves of my chakra."

Tsunade was speechless. 'He's already that far along in chakra control? If that's true then I may be the only one who can teach him how to achieve perfect chakra control.'

Tsunade made her choice though, "If that's your aim then achieving it will take a while. But if you're as far along as you say then I'm willing to train you for as long as it takes!"

Naruto was both pleased and annoyed at this outcome. Pleased because he would finally be able to start learning Haki after his training was complete and annoyed because this woman clearly wanted to make amends and he had no intention of starting any kind of familial relationship with her.

"Alright when do we get started?"

Flashback End

Naruto had managed to achieve perfect control of his chakra in less than a year. During that year he would always head to the hospital right after the academy ended and work with Tsunade. He had even learned the basics of medical jutsu during his time with the woman. She was astounded at his growth, It had taken her years to achieve her level of chakra control and he had reached it in under a year. She had offered him a position as her apprentice, but he declined not wanting to spend more time with her than he already had. Naruto even declined her offers to teach him her super strength or sign the slug contract. That was disheartening for Tsunade, but she was content with civil relationship they had.

After Naruto finished his training under Tsunade, her immersed himself into training with Haki. He made great success with both Kenbunshoku and Busoshoku Haki, however he only had mild success with his training in Haoshoku Haki.

He usually tested out his new techniques at Training Ground 44, The Forest of Death. It wasn't all that it was made out to be. Sure there were some large animals, but they were nothing compared to the Bijuu or even those sea kings that Ace used to always run into.

However right now he was neither training nor researching new techniques of applications to his old ones.

Right now he was sitting in the academy waiting to be called for his practical test. Naruto had already aced the written test, got a perfect score in shuriken and kunai target practice, and defeated Mizuki in a taijutsu spar.

Most who had witnessed his tests would think that he would be the rookie of the year, however this was not the case. Naruto only sent a Kage Bunshin to attend the class for him a few times a week. He quickly found out that he would receive all of the memories his clone received and he would grow incredibly bored during his training after it dispelled. For this reason he was only seen attending class about half of the time. However he was just too smart for it to matter, so he was somewhere in the middle of his class.

Currently Naruto was wearing a pair of black combat boots, a black glove on his right hand to cover his burns, knee-length black cargo short, an orange eyelet-studded belt, a perfect replica of Ace's hat that he had custom ordered from shinobi store, and a pale yellow button up shirt that he wore open that his the large tattoo on his back, which he had gotten a few years back after his confrontation with the Uzumaki-Namikaze family. It was a mark that Ace wore with pride for his father, and now Naruto wore it with pride stating that Ace was his only father. After living his life and respecting him for so long, Naruto started to look up to Ace as a father figure of sorts. This was also his way of denouncing his parentage, his final attachment to his birth family.