Naruto left the Elemental nations and wound up in a world where flying metal man, magic, and gods exist. Jiongu, seal master, RinneTenseiSharingan. Extremely AU. Naruto!OP NarutoxHarem. Chapter length and quality would increase as time goes on. Crossed published in FFN and AO3
-Las Vegas, Nevada-
-March 28, 2005, 2100h local-
"All right, how much we've got?" Naruto said to his clones when he came to meet all the clones tasked with picking pockets.
"We know you'd ask us that boss, so we found out how much it is since we don't even know what each of the papers is worth." A clone then dispelled to send the information to the original.
The memories of the clone rushed into his mind. He saw he successfully picked 42 marks in 1 and a half hours. It also showed seven denominations of the paper money with its respective appearance called dollars. 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, and 100. He also got the memory of the basic number system, which is exactly like what he's old-world used except for the symbols for numbers.
"Good job, guys, but you may have gone a little overboard if the clone that just dispelled is any indication. So how much was our haul?"
"$221,456." A clone said with a touch of giddiness.
"I still don't how much that is." Naruto said with a blank look.
"We found a store that sells instant ramen.." Everyone got a dreamy look on their face imagining the food of the gods. "and the cheapest sell them at around a dollar after taxes."
"Woah. Based on that, we have approximately 2 S class mission pay with us. We're rich!" Every clone just nodded vigorously with a smile. "Wait, what do you mean after taxes?" He suddenly asked, noticing the weird wording used by his clone.
"Well, from what we gathered, stores just place the base price and add tax when ringing up the purchase. The weird thing is, its different in different parts of the country. This country is divided into fifty smaller protectorates called states, and each of them has a different tax rate."
"Ugh, they just had to make it really hard. Sheesh. Ok, guys, great work." The clones one by one-handed over the cash and dispelled. He placed a $1000 of random bills in his pocket and sealed the rest for later use.
"That's a lot of money kit. We can finally go to stage 2. When are we going to fight?" Kurama asked, vibrating with excitement.
"Well, 3 of the scouting clones already dispelled. The best one with big money is somewhere north of here in an abandoned warehouse. It looks like a lot of high rollers and VIPs are there, which means a lot of money." Naruto said, remembering the memories of the three clones that dispelled. The 17 remaining clones are just now looking for a fixer for fake identification.
"Well, what are we waiting for! Let's go!" Kurama urged
"Wait a minute. You might kill those guys accidentally. Everyone in this world only has enough chakra to keep them alive. Our civilians are tougher than the civilians of this world." Saiken said.
"Might I suggest Upping your gravity seals and maximizing the resistance seals? Those would up you from 200 times gravity to 500 times and from resistance level 8 to resistance level 10." Matatabi suggested.
"Not a bad idea. Wait a minute." Naruto said while adjusting the seals. He reminisced on how he got those seals, including his storage seal.
~Flashback start~
When he decided to remove the bijuu from the clutches of the hidden villages, he knew he needed to be a seal master just like his parents. He started learning from the only other seal master he knew, his godfather, Jiraiya of the Sannin. After he exhausted all of the knowledge available to his godfather, he prepared for a journey—a journey to the land of the master of the seals, Uzushiogakure.
Uzushiogakure or The Village Hidden in the Whirlpools was the home village of his mother. It was also known as the Village of Longevity due to the long life spans of the Uzumaki, the Village without the country was located between Fire and Water country. The village became known for its seal masters attributed to Uzumaki's natural talent for building up and breaking down seals.
Kirigakure, Iwagakure, and Kumogakure felt threatened by Uzushiogakure's rise to power. They created an alliance of 120000 troops which consists of 40000 shinobis, 70000 soldiers and conscripts, and 10000 Samurais. The last two were lent by their Daimyo's with the promise of overwhelming victory and massive spoils. Unfortunately for the alliance, they forgot one tenet of being a shinobi. Never fight a seal master on their own terms.
Uzushiogakure has a population of 15000. Ten thousand of which are combat-ready with another 2000 studying or retired shinobi. Of the total 12000 available forces, 8000 of them are seal adepts. A thousand of which are seal masters.
When the alliance came on thousands of ships and pushed through Uzushiogakure's infamous whirlpools, they were expecting the people to tremble in fear and surrender. What they didn't expect is an instant attack the moment they saw the walls. Even against overwhelming odds, the Uzumaki's never wavered. They employed all the tricks to hold off the invading forces. They used suicide seal bombs, space-time traps, multi-elemental jutsus, and all the other tricks. Three days and two nights, they hold off the enemy forces expecting their sister village, Konoha, would come to their rescue. But alas, they can't hold of destiny. Their time has come. In a final act of spite, they collected all their possessions. Metal, precious gems, relics, books, and scrolls. All of which are sealed in a single sealing scroll, only to be opened by a mainline Uzumaki. The scroll was then placed inside the countries strongest sealing vault.
When all the people able to escape and all their valuables sealed, the remaining 1000 shinobis sacrificed their lives to fuel a powerful summoning jutsu. They summoned the Death God. Exchange for the lives of a thousand Uzumaki blood, the Death God would reap the souls of 50000 enemies, bringing them with them forever in the Death God's stomach to suffer for eternity.
When the battle ended, only 3000 of the 120000 invading forces remained. Tired and demoralized, they entered the ruined city, expecting some form of loot. What they found were dust and ashes. Scouring the city only yielded them broken furniture, destroyed seals, and leftover home items. The security on the vault located in the depths of the city was unbreakable. Even the path to the vault is heavily trapped, resulting in casualties. By the time they left the city, only 2800 forces were left. The plan to attack Konoha with the 40000 shinobis used to attack Uzushiogakure was now an impossible dream.
When Konoha's advanced guard arrived the afternoon of the third day, they only saw the sails of the retreating enemy forces on the horizon. Entering the city with a heavy heart, they saw broken buildings, empty homes, and thousands of bodies. They saw the hitaiate of Kiri, Iwa, and Kumo. They buried every civilian and shinobi of Uzu they could find and erected a monument in their honor. They returned to Konoha to inform the Hokage of the failure. As a tribute and a remembrance of their greatest failure, a red Uzumaki swirl is placed on all Konoha flak jackets.
Naruto arrived on Uzushiogakure. He explored the city and found the memorial stone set by Konoha shinobi when they buried the dead. He paid his respects and explored further, hoping to find something he can use or a relic of his ancestors. He then found a tunnel heading deep under the city. The seals recognized his Uzumaki blood and turned off the traps. He reached a vast sealing array at the end of the path. Recognizing an identification array at the left side of the wall, he bit his thumb and pumped chakra to the array.
A bright light spread across the whole room, temporarily blinding him. When the light died down, a single 6 feet sealing scroll was in front of the wall. He walked over to the scroll and reaching it with tears of joy in his eyes. When his fingers touched the scroll, his tears of joys became tears of pain. He felt his skin being cut over and over again. When the pain ended, he immediately opened his jacket and shocked by what he saw. Sealing array spread throughout his body, he barely recognized it as a complicated storage seal array. A huge bulk of information assaulted his brains. He recognized the relics, books, and fortune of the Uzumaki clan.
With a renewed vigor, he studied all the scrolls and books using shadow clones. Tested thousands of seals. Failure after failure. Success after success. He took a year to learn everything, even with a veritable army of shadow clones.
One of the first seals he placed on his body is an upgraded gravity seal. It can increase the gravity felt by the body, but the seal would also counter the downward force outside of the body, making the body have the same weight. Even if the seal were set to a thousand, you wouldn't fall through the floor. The resistance seal, on the other hand, would counter all the motions made by the body with an opposite force. Level 1 would be felt similar to walking through water, while level 10 would be equivalent to walking through metal. The best thing about both seals was that it's semi-autonomous. It will automatically raise the level of both seals when a certain level of mobility is achieved. Of course, the parameters can be changed manually.
~Flashback end~
"Ok! I'm ready! Wow. I haven't moved this slow since I returned to Konoha after the training trip." Naruto mused while performing some simple calisthenics.
"Come on! We haven't seen any action since you started working on that Hiraishin gate." Kurama complained.
"You do realize I would not use much chakra, if any, for some underground fight." Naruto said, pointing out the fact that Kurama would not be able to do anything while walking towards the direction where his clone came from.
"Yeah, yeah. I just want to see some fight."
"Ignore him, Naruto. Remember, theatrics. It will win you over more money. If there's anything I learned from Bee, the money will come easier with a little theatrics." Gyuuki advised.
After 10 mins of walking and idle chatter between the bijuu and him, he finally reached the warehouse where the fight is happening according to the memory he received from his clone. Walking to the back of the entrance, he knocked on a nondescript wall. An eyehole slide open, and a guy asked with a large gravelly voice,
"A little dark out, huh?"
Recognizing a prompt, he recalled the memory for the prompt key.
"Yeah. Good thing, I just changed the bulb.
The eye hole closed then a clicking sound was heard from the other side. The wall sunk back and slid to the side. Two massive guys greeted him. One dark-skinned and the other light-skinned. Both are bald and wearing a suit.
"Come on." The dark-skinned guard ordered
Naruto went in and is greeted by a long narrow brick hallway that ends with an intersection. The light-skinned guard closed the door and said,
"Stand over to the wall facing it." the guard then walked towards him and patted him down for weapons. "Guest or Fighter?"
"Fighter." Naruto said in a confident tone.
When the guard finished checking him for weapons, he said,
"Walk to the end of the hall and turn right. Knock on the door twice. Now go." The guard said with finality.
Naruto then walked towards the hallway, facing downward. Nobody saw the mischievous grin he has on his face, even by the cameras.