
Naruto RPG To be a legend

Dez_Burns · Andere
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15 Chs

Seal business

Dezuma returning from another, mission comes home, exhausted and tired as he walks into his apartment he sees in the corner, large stack of storage seals and paper bombs that he has made on the side to increase his skill and proficiency with seals.

He has accumulated a large amount of these items by creating them every time he had spare time on top of training.

Even going so far, to make his own training seals that could act as weights. These types of seals were less in number compared to the others.

He has thought many times about selling his seals to the sound Village to get sizable amount of money however, what stopped him was being afraid of being exploited.

So in order for this not to happen, he created a second identity, calling himself, the seal seller within the local black market.

This plan paid off significantly by selling off his seals in large quantities. He was able to get up quite a bit of money off the ninjas who required such items.

As the months went on between his secret identity as a seal, seller, and his job as a genin ninja became extremely exhausting for him, requiring him to have less time for training, thus greatly impacting his progress.

However, it was all worth it to accumulate significant wealth the reason because if you have enough money and know the right people you can get all kinds of unique items from the black market.

Although he has to be careful, there is many rogue ninjas within the black markets that would use force on him to serve them.

Thankfully, the black market dealer is in charge of the market stalls keeps those hungry wolves at Bay and the reason why such ninjas listen to him it's because the black market is critical to any rogue, ninja or bounty hunter to get supplies.

So no rogue ninja would not cross any black market dealer in order to stay in their good graces, and as the end result of that be able to continue buy supplies from said, black market dealer.

The black market dealer sells his stall's to individuals willing to sell items to these ninjas. To get these stalls, they simply have to pay upfront significant amount of money to open the shops in one of the stalls.

For dezuma was no issues. The only issue was is when customers became very angry with his prices not because they were high, but because ninjas were simply greedy creatures, especially the rogue ones, wanting to get the most supplies for the less amount of money.

So the answer was simple, it was to hire extra muscle from the black market dealer in the form of other Rogue ninjas who were paid even more money to protect his stall from such greedy ninjas that he sold his seals too.

His stored seals were not bought too often since ninjas already had one or two of them on person at all times to store major equipment however, his paper bombs were the hot topic for these ninjas since they were cheap buy by ninja standards.

The reason because they were cheap, is for Dezuma to get rid of them since they were just taking up space in his house, he even stopped making stored seals since they were not being sold out often and focus much of his seal making time into paper bombs.

Taking several stack of paper bombs and some Storage seals Into his bag, then change his clothes into his seal seller outfit then proceeded to head to the black market, once his disguise complete.

He had a straight to the black market in the local area where he has been selling all his merchandise upon arriving he notices his two rogue ninja bodyguards that he hired to protect the shop as always they were right on time.

They never talk to him, only standing guard to complete their task in order to get paid every week, which is quite a sizable amount, however dezuma makes more than enough money to pay them for their services through his seals, but mostly his paper bombs.

Restocking all of his stock for the night, and beginning to sell his merchandise, one by one, as customers came and gone as the Night was drawing to a close he noticed one more customer coming towards his stall. A small girl looks closely to his own age, wearing the sound ninja headband.

???: excuse me, are you the seal seller?

Dezuma: yes I am. How can I help you today? Would you like to purchase some seals?

The small girl nods her head as a yes, a bit nervous to be in the black market but it's very common site for young ninjas. Becoming here for items they require for the missions, especially the poor countries.

Having to rely on their local black markets to get unique items for their villages, the sound village was no exception to this, since they were fairly new and poor village.

She leads out her money onto the counter and asked for at least 20 paper bombs, and two stored seal scrolls.

Dezuma gladly took her money and gave her all the items that she required however, before she can leave, he brings Ford his custom-made training vest with weight seals that he's been working on. Obviously, it's not his own weight vest from the game market, but one that he created himself.

The girl is not certain, but she complains that she already spent all of her money. How could she ask for any better items than what she's got.

Dezuma: if you're worried about the money, I have my own task for you if you're willing to complete it. I will even throw in some extra stuff with this vest if you complete the mission I can give you.

The young girl stands there, uncertain on what to do on one hand, depending what mission she receives from the unknown seal seller. She may be able to get some better items for her ninja career. On the other hand, she can simply walk away and be happy with what she has.

She waves her options until finally she gets her answer to the seal seller.

???: i'm willing to accept your mission on the condition. You tell me the commission details before I fully accept.

Dezuma had no issue with this, especially now. He has an extra hand to help them with stuff even if it's this one time.

Pulling out A scroll, then proceeded to hand it to the young ninja girl within the scroll held all the details of the mission he required of her.

Unraveling scroll she sees the details of the mission, from the information she gained from the scroll. It indicated that the seal seller needed some items he already purchased from a different town to be transported to the black market stall that his shop is located.

???: I accept your mission. I will deliver the goods just to make sure you don't run out on me.

Dezuma: i'll still be here selling my goods at the same time as usual you just have to deliver the goods I already purchased from the other town although can I ask for your name since I like to know those I employ.

She saw no issue with this many clients in the past always likes to know who is doing the job for them especially the really rich clients Who wanted to make connections with ninjas.

Kin tsuchi: my name is Kin Tsuchi The greatest Kunoichi within the hidden sound village remember that!!!!