
Naruto RPG To be a legend

Dez_Burns · Others
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15 Chs

D rank missions suck!!!

It has been four months since dezuma took up his first B rank mission, ever since then he has done many D ranks and a couple of C rank missions.

But the large majority of his missions are D rank The reason behind this is the mission handler is throwing a lot of them onto him because there's not a whole lot of genin on this side of the land of sound.

He has been doing so many of them that he has barely any time to train. However, the upside is quite a bit of money was accumulated over so many D ranks, hell he calculated the exact amount of the D ranks he has achieved as completed.

It was 83 D rank missions and 15 C rank missions That were completed by him within those four months however, those missions, even though they sucked was not without their merits.

Earning quite a bit of money from them, as well as XP from his system since completing missions, no matter what rank they are, does provide some XP to him.

Plus with the extra training on the side and working on his seal practice combine all of that plus his missions, giving him quite amount of XP resulting in a several of level ups.

[name: Dezuma

[sex: male

[age: 10

[Village: sound

[abilities: test subject, curse mark:[Stage one]

[Skills: throwing projectiles: chunin level, Seal creation: mid-apprentice level]

[level: 8, 423/4038XP






[Ryo: 800,563

Looking at his stats and money he's doing all right so far what's the amount of missions he's been doing has been keeping him from significant progress into his training.

But his current progress is still pretty good, especially since he unlocked stage one curse mark once activated, gave him a boost in chakra, speed and strength although he'll probably keep that a secret that he's able to activate it for now.

He doesn't want orochimaru coming by to take him away for experimentation, or put a fragment of his soul into this curse, mark of his, because After stage one was completed, and gave him more information on his, which was simply an experimental curse, mark by several scientists

So, as an end result, did not have a piece of a orochimaru's soul in it.

so for now, he just hast to stay low-key or close enough to it and still make progress in his training somehow but he gets a feeling it won't work that way.

He read many fanfiction's back in his old life how the main characters try to hide and stay low-key only to epically fail.

So all he can do is continue his progress and hopes that orochimaru sees him as a resource instead of a expendable body for him to inhabit.

Thinking about that possible fate send shivers down his spine.

Pushing his disturbed thoughts, out of the way, he makes his way back to the hideout to turn in another mission that he has completed which you guessed it was another D rank.

This one was to catch, the pet lizard for the lady daimyo, and that little fucker was fast.

Dezuma is how hoping it's a cat next time. catching that lizard was true hell especially when you had to look for that little bastard in the sewer!!

Returning the mission, scroll to the mission handler, showing that has been signed and completed by the lady daimyo saying that the mission is complete.

The sound ninja nodding his head and satisfaction, especially for such an important client showing dezuma as a vary capable ninja.

Sound ninja: you've done extremely well, the village hidden in the sound thank you for the hard work however, I don't have any more B missions for you, for they all been taken by the higher up ninjas you're just gonna have to settle for D's and C's for a while.

Dezuma nodding his head because this is to be expected after all, he's not the only ninja needing money and 90% of his missions are D rank.

Going back to the mission board inside the compound cannot help but to give out a heavy sigh at the site of so many D rank missions sure there's a couple C ranks that will let him do some escort, missions or transport goods, but the ranks take up most of the mission board.

But there's a reason why he's doing so many D ranks the first one is there safe to do without much risk and second they are a steady source of XP and money. Both are required for him to use.

Especially with more items being unlocked every time he levels up in the game market.