
Naruto: Rise Of The Uzumaki Dropped

MC Transmigrates into the world of Naruto as the heir of the Uzumaki Clan Follow MC as he tries to reach the top while he also grows his clan What to expect: Smart but arrogant MC that doesn’t care about the Canon at times No Harem MC won’t be OP right away but will eventually get strong Good amount of training and original arcs Some things may be different due to my lack of knowledge so let’s just say this is an AU New writer so there may be mistakes

Unknown_To_All · Anime und Comics
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36 Chs

Chapter 24 Land Of Lightning

At the meeting point, Kuroko and Oyashiro were already waiting for Akashi. While a group of Anbu hid away in the trees masking their Chakra. Unlike regular Anbu from other villages, these individuals were the cream of the crop with years of experience and had Chakra of high Jonin rank. Each one wore a Shinigami mask instead of the classic Animal mask making their presence even more terrifying as if they were death itself.

In response to sending Akashi on his first mission, Ashina had decided it was best to send this team to safeguard him due to his position as a Jinchuriki. Only fools would send out their Jinchuriki on missions without the proper protection. (cough cough Third Hokage)Though these Anbu may be here to make sure Akashi returns this in no way means they will baby him. Instead, the Anbu will keep a distance from Akashi and his team using their respective techniques to monitor from afar allowing for the team to gain experience without the Anbu interfering.

Only if the circumstances become dire will they show themselves and if worse comes to worse they will even use the hidden power of the masks to summon the death god himself.


Arriving at the meeting point Akashi was surprised at the pressure he felt in the trees but decided to ignore it. Ashina had already told him they would be escorted by Anbu. So by putting one and one together, it was easy to realize that it was the Anbu hiding.

Akashi was truly impressed by their skills when it came to concealing their presence. They were even able to hide their Chakra from his mind's eye. The only reason he was able to sense them was because of the animal-like instincts he received when he became a Jinchuriki.

Kuroko from afar noticed Akashis attention on the trees and released a small grin recognising his student's instincts. Kuroko could only acknowledge Akashi's sensory abilities to be capable of finding the hidden squad of Anbu.

"Akashi do you have all your gear ready? This might be a long mission you know" Said Kuroko as he made sure his students were prepared for the long journey ahead.

"Yes sensei I'm more than ready"

"Good, well start heading out to our first objective. Meeting the Hagaromo clan in the land of lightning"

Akashi was a bit startled hearing they were heading to the land of lightning first. After the failed invasion, Kumogakure made it a point to harass all their trade ships that went anywhere near their shores. It can be said that out of all the nations, the one Uzushio currently has the worst relationship with is Kumogakure.

"Sensei Im not too sure about this. Are you sure we should be heading to Kuro first? From what I know Kumogakure has been placing lots of Shinobi on the border going so far as to harass our trade."

"Nm that usually would be the case but we have some new information that they are dividing their forces and sending most to the border of the Land of Frost. We're not sure why they suddenly changed movement but we can't let this opportunity go. This may be the best time to meet the Hagaromo clan." Said Kuroko with a reassuring look recognizing the danger of heading blindly into Kuro.

"If that's true then your right this is the best time." Still, it's worrying that they are sending troops to the border of The Land of Snow... War must not be too far then.


Over the next couple of days, Akashi and his team spent most of their time avoiding the Shinobi of Kuro. Thanks to them having the mind's eye of Kagura it was an easy endeavor. Even hiding their chakra was easy for Akashi and Kuroko. Another ability the Uzumaki were gifted with is the ability to almost completely erase the presence of their chakra. The only problem was Oyashiro but just one simple Chakra seal and they were good to go.

Along their travels, Akashi was truly surprised by the Geography of Kumo. They had everything here whether it was mountains, grasslands, or rocky terrains. Truly they were worthy of being called one of the five great nations. Kumogakure had so many resources that they were only outdone by Konoha.

Akashi couldn't help but recognize the difference between Uzushi and Kumo. Recently elders of the clan had been saying they would become the sixth great village but now with Akashi seeing another village's land first hand he can only think these geezers thought way too highly of themselves. Still, that doesn't mean it's impossible for them in the future.

'Just you all wait I will make Uzushio a recognized power that can go toe to toe with the other great villages' Akashi thought as a red ring began to glow in his eyes as if confirming his goal. Sadly this went unnoticed by Akashi himself.

"Everyone halt!" Urged Kuroko as he burrowed into the ground followed by Akashi and Oyashiro who had a chakra seal placed on his back as they hid

*Swoosh Swoosh*

While in hiding a squad of Kuro shinobi passed by clearly going somewhere at their top speed. After a couple more moments of silence, Akashi and Kuroko waited till they left their Sensing field.

Oyashiro seemed troubled and quickly went up to Kuroko "Sensei weren't all of these shinobi heading towards the location of the Hagaromo clan?"

"Hn that seems to be the case and not only that I also sensed a couple of other squads all heading toward the same direction." After saying this Kuroko quickly appeared a bit more nervous. If those Ninja were truly going to the Hagaromo clan then it obviously won't be for a good reason.

"Sensei those Ninjas looked prepared for battle and I sensed at least 50. Who knows how many more there are if there were other groups outside our range"

"This mission just went up from A to S if you both want to back out now we can. There is no shame in choosing to live another day." Suggested Kuroko clearly showing he himself wasn't sure about this mission anymore

"Sensei we should still at least check on them." I really didn't want to lose a clan that could strengthen the village. We were too far in to just abandon them.

"Akashi is right sensei plus if the Clan is large enough they might have a fighting chance if Kuro really went there looking for battle." Spoke Oyashiro also pushing for us to head over.

"Hmm alright we're going head in but if it gets too dangerous we will turn back no questions asked. You both got that."

""Yes Sensei""