
Naruto : Raijin

Ken is your average 18 year old lost and unsure what to do with his life. He watches a lot of television and one of the show he watched was Naruto. He really thought nothing of it, great show to pass the time. What happens next shocked him to the core.

MorbidCuriosity · Anime und Comics
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29 Chs


Rai was confident in his abilities, "this upcoming exam should be a piece of cake for me". I met up with my team; we were ready to get this over with. My Sensei Yuki encouraged us in the most encouraging voice he told us "You all had trained hard for this day and that no matter the outcome he'll always be there".

All three of us saluted "Yes sensei". We came to the precipice of the arena waiting for the fights to be announced and ready. The crowd roared with excitement ready to witness this years exam. The young Genin participating wanted to put on a show for clients to impress their respective kages. Just when they had that thought one started announcing.

"This years Chunin exam finals will begin I will now begin to announce the battle in the first match we have, Tasumi Rai vs. Tsukioka Kaito"!

"Second Uchiha Haru vs.Isamu Miko "!

"Third, Nara Shinji vs. Saburo Yuki"!

"Fourth Kusanagi Aya vs. Kurosaki Hana"!

"Fifth Inuzuka Takeshi vs. Hanamura Ryu"!

The crowd cheered with fervor, perspective clients watched to see who had the brightest generation. Everyone was electrified by the tension building.

"Tasumi Rai and Tsukioka Kaito will you please stand on your perspective sides of the ring". They both took their position the tension was practically oozing from the arena fans placed bets. They both felt many eyes on them but they all trained for these moments.

The officials stated, "May the match begin".

-Tasumi Rai's Pov-

"I stared at my opponent, he was talking but I tuned it out, I was ready to make quick work of him. he was nothing to me but an obstacle to my goals and if I had to break him down piece by piece then that is exactly what I'll do".

-Omniscient Pov-

"Kaito has the water element the direct counter to my lightning nature". Kaito started off with water bullets to put the pressure on Rai, but all Rai did was doge them. Rai Ried closing the distance but Kaito kept using water bullets to distance himself from Rai so Rai threw a kunai which Kaito promptly dodged Rai began throwing a barrage of kunai which Kaito began deflecting and dodging with quick precision. Kaito mocked this is the end of you all you got are kunai he laughed with a tinge of pretentiousness.


"Wow, the kid has come a long way on the battlefield you could see Rai and Kaitos match but it's not what it looks like".

"It looked like Rai was throwing barrages of kunai willy-nilly but what actually was happening was, that there were strings attached to all of the kunai and Kaito didn't seem to notice any of them maybe it was because of Genjustu"?

-Omniscient Pov-

Kaito was jubilant he thought he had Rai in a corner. He was going to speak until he had a terrible feeling, He looked toward Rai who had a smirking expression Kaito thought something was not right. Rai then spoke, "It's over". Kaito's jaw opened, and Rai had ended the Genjutsu due to Kaito's arrogance, he didn't even notice that Rai had a Genjutsu up. He had never even shown the full capabilities of his Genjutsu until now.

Rai had a hand of string he began to send waves of lightning chakra into them Kaito who was in a consonant of string was mortified he looked for a way to escape. He then made a final attempt he summoned three water clones, They all spit in different directions but they all started heading toward Rai, who was not phased. He then cast a "jutsu Suiton: Ukojizai no Jutsu (Water Release: Rain Tiger at Will Technique)". Rain quickly started falling over the arena it was only over the specific area, If Rai wanted to make the whole stadium rain he would need to master and have the reserves for that. The rain amplified the lightning string and they were going to fatally hurt Kaito when a Jounin used Great Breakthrough to blow away the chakra strings.

The announcer shouted, "Tasumi Rai wins!"

The crowd roared with excitement, some praised Rai others condemned him they lost all their money.