
Naruto : Pure Blood

This is the story of a boy who gets transmigrated into the body of Naruto when he is on the trip with Jiraiya, the boy gets the chance to meet the god and get some wishes. after meeting the god the boy wishes to be bloodline purification and Gojo's six eyes what to expect -Smart MC -Check -mastering all elements -check -creating flashy jutsus- check -creating kekkei genkai -check -no hiding his true strength -check -lovable characters -check -yandere girlfriend(Hinata)-check -small harem (4-5 members)- check -incest -check -time travel -check -R18 scenes(after 100 chapters) -check - bullying the weak -check -not evil not so good MC -check -killing Danzo in cold blood- check -- -naive mc- not check -trying to help everyone -not check -pushover-not check ----------- the story is slightly slow-paced at the beginning, but after chapter 70 it picks up the pace this will be fun just read it. I know you have read many MLT stories on this site, so just shut off some of your brain cells and read the story, there may be some grammatical mistakes so turn your mind on autocorrect mode and enjoy the story. and no one is allowed to call the romance cringe, I know some of you will find it cringe so bear with it. the story will not be as canon there will be major changes in the story and characters.

Devils_hand · Anime und Comics
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148 Chs

chapter 33~ Pride

Chapter 33~Pride

Naruto appeared far from the hyuga state, he know Hinata could see him, and soon as he expected she appeared with a smile bigger than his on her face.

"You look very cute when you smile," Naruto teased her as she appeared in front of him, she blushed and looked him in the eyes.

"Naruto kun, the task you give me I have succeed," she spoke, the pride in her voice could be heard.

Naruto looked at her in amazement and he had pride in his eyes when he looked at her, when she saw his eyes she felt happy in her heart.

"Which one," he asked.

Hinata activated her byakugan, but there is no sign of her activating it, there were no veins on her temples, but the pressure in the surroundings had increased, Naruto ignored this.

"I could see all the cells in my body," she spoke in a proud tone, the size of a human cell is 0.0001mm, and she could be able to see it, no hyuga had ever done it, she had practiced, and trained her eyes day and night, only she knew how hard it was.

And then she extended her finger and a streak of lighting intertwined her finger like a snake, it was as smooth and flexible as water, Naruto looked at this single streak of the dark blue lightning and could feel the destructive force coming from it, it was more powerful than his ice release in terms of destructive power.

"Strom release," Naruto spoke to her the happiness and pride in his eyes could be seen, "I knew you could do it, my Queen," he lifted her in the air by the waist and swing around him, he was happier with her than himself, he knows how hard it is to create a perfect fusion between elements.

Hinata giggled in the air, he put her down and a flower of ice appeared in his hands, he looked at her and came near him and put it into her hair, the dark blue hair, and pure white flower in them looked beautiful.

She lowered her head when he put it on her hair, she was happy that, he cared so much about her. He was very happy about her succession, he loved her so much, she could tell just by looking into his eyes, she hugged him, "I am really happy, that you love me so much, I love you much," she spoke to him in low voice.

Naruto looked at her in his embrace, not knowing why she had a sudden outburst, but in his heart, he felt warmth, he warped his hands around her.

Naruto lifted her face with his hands, he looked into her eyes, glistened, "Why are you crying silly, you know I love you and I am not going anywhere," Naruto said to her.

"I am not crying, it's just… I don't know… I just feel like it to tell you," she spoke to him.

Let's celebrate our successes. Nauto speaks to her.

Hinata looked into his eyes, she warped her hands around his neck and put her lips on his, and enter her tongue into his mouth, seeing this he warped his hands around her waist and started to suck her tongue with his own, playing with each other with some time, they parted the string of saliva between their lips.

"That's enough for me, I don't need anything else," she spoke to him.

Naruto felt every emotion from her, and it filled his heart with love and warmth, he nodded to her.

[End of the chapter]






5 and half months had passed since Naruto had come to the village, and now he was sitting on a chair in front of Tsunade, and his team, konohamru, udon, and moegi, were standing behind him.

Tsunade looked at him, the atmosphere in the room was quite heated.

"Where were you, brat I was calling you for 15 days, only your shadow clone was present in the village," Tsunade asked him.

Naruto had a cocky grin on his face and extended his finger, and frost started to appear on Tsunade's desk, the temperature started to decrease in the room and they shivered at the coldness.

Tsunade looked at him shocked all over her face, she knew what it meant by this, this was a kekkei genkai, his former teacher sarutobi hiruzen was called professor due to his knowledge of ninjutsu, he had tried to create kekkei genkai but he eventually failed, and now in front of the perfect ice release was shown, how could she not be surprised, if the outside world knows that Naruto had created a kekkei genkai, he will be hailed as a genius, this was the feet that no one in Konoha had achieved, all of the anger vanished as saw the ice release in front of her, konoha had gained a new kekkei genkai user.

"Good brat,,, you have done something amazing this time," Tsunade looked at him, she was really happy about it, in the past 5 months she had started to clean up Konoha's shinobi and civilian pests who were unwanted and becoming the hindrance in the way of their progress.

Naruto looked at her, "Why are you looking for me Grandma....Tsunade," he spoke to her.

"You have to go to the capital of fire country and convince the fire daimyo, he is pressing the village," she speaks to him.

"What… what he wanted.." naruto spoke to her, in his opinion, the daimyo of the country is pathetic, they were normal civilians with no power, they sat on the thrown, and started to command the hidden village, they only had one card, the money, if they were threatened by the hidden village they cut off their funds, they control the civilians who were not shinobi.

Naruto despised people like these, who sat on the thrown with no power and order around the shinobi villages, yes the hidden villages protected their land, but they came under the command of the daimyo, if they were not pleased with the hidden village they cut off their money supply, in reality, there was no issue of money on their side, they earn billions of Ryo from the tax. The civilian population pays those tax who lived in the capital, and there are other mediums of earning money while the daimyo sat on the chair and do fun as they pleases, and money that they give to the village was not high in their eyes, but they wanted to control them, the hidden village protects their land and gets paid by the daimyo.

But the daimyo had to suppress the hidden village in order to feel safe, everybody who has in a high position had always fear to lose it, and they were powerless in terms of strength, that's why Naruto hated these kinds of people.

And now the fire daimyo was threatening Konoha to cut off their funds.

"Because he said the iwa and kiri were on his head, they were demanding an explanation of what you did months ago," Tsunade spoke.

"That's bullshit," Naruto said.

"I know it's right, but the daimyo started to feel the changes in the villages and was worried about his safety so he pull this stunt," she spoke to him.

"So you want me to go to him and give him an explanation," Naruto spoke to her.

"Yes," Tsunade said,

"And why me," naruto asked her.

"Because I feel like it," she spoke to him.

"Fine I will go, but it will take time," Naruto spoke to her.

"I don't know how will you convince him, but it's your mission now," Tsunade spoke to him.

In the past when 1st and 2nd Hokage ruled over the konoha, the daimyo of the land didn't dare to speak or tried to do anything funny, and when the saruotbi became, the third Hokage, he changed everything, he let the daimyo take over them and did do nothing.

Really she was pissed at the leadership of the hiruzen, she cursed him one more time.

"I will do as you said," Naruto said with a grin, he know what Tsunade means by it, and Tsunade also had came to known the real personality of Naruto, the hidden darkness inside him, she knew about it, and the past months, he did cleaning missions for her, the people who mysteriously disappear from the village, Naruto had done the mission given by Tsunade to clean corrupts.

Tsunade also grinned at him, and cruel light passed through their eyes, the team standing behind had shivers run down their spine, they all know that smile on Natuo's face, it is going to be bad for someone.

Naruto stood up from his seat and looked at his team, "pack your things, we are going out for a month, and meet me at the gate in one hour," he spoke to them, they all nodded and disappeared from the Hokage office,

Naruto looked at Tsunade, "see you next month, Grandma Tsunade," he said to her, she nodded to him, and Naruto disappear from her sight.

He told Hinata that he was going on a mission for a month. and she told him that she will be going with her, after talking to her with some lovely words of love and giving her some pecks on her lips, she calm down, he told her to practice her byakugan, she was really a ticking bomb without him near her. After calming down her now he stood in front of the Konoha's big gate waiting for Kononamaru and others to come.

Soon they appeared with a bag on their backs, "ready go to" Naruot asked them, they were excited this is the first time they were going to the capital of the land of fire.

"Yes," they all shouted.

They all disappeared from the location and started heading toward the capital.