
Naruto: My Relationship Book

An accident involving a truck brought about the end of humanity. This unexpected event provided Aizen with the opportunity to start a new life in another world. Interestingly, his destiny led him to the world of Naruto, where he was reborn while retaining all his previous memories. Until the age of seven, Aizen felt fortunate, although he still did not fully understand the benefits that the mysterious golden roulette would provide him, other than preserving his memories. However, his life was about to take a surprising turn. A book appeared before him, and upon touching it, a connection was formed. From that moment on, the book became known as [Aizen Kurama's Relationship Book]! ━━━━ discord.gg/ABpMcMAzGC My Patreon: patreon.com/WizardKiki

WizardKiki · Anime und Comics
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44 Chs

Chapter 6: Raising the Limit

It was nearly midnight when I was awakened by nature's call...

Instead of returning to my room, I attempted to enhance Yakumo's strength, but it seemed I needed to be closer to her to perform such actions. It was only when I reached her bedroom door that I was able to use the silver hammer.

When I did this, I lost consciousness for a few seconds until I regained consciousness and found myself again in that strange room, holding a silver hammer in my right hand and a dark red porcelain doll in my left hand, about 15 cm tall.

The silver hammer was almost twice as heavy as the bronze hammer, making me wonder if it was because it was made of silver or because the attribute I intended to break was at a higher degree than the resistance, which was limited to 10, and the strength to 15.

However, I didn't have time to get lost in thought; I needed to act quickly or else I would be wasting the 18 weekly coins.

Taking a deep breath, I firmly gripped the silver hammer and, with a soft grunt, began to hammer the dark red porcelain doll representing Yakumo.

"Bang, Bang, Bang...!"

The sounds of my silver hammer striking the floating porcelain doll were constant. Just as I was about to hammer for the twentieth time, the crack that had appeared on the eighteenth blow intensified. Soon, a dazzling flash made me close my eyes, and the silver hammer in my hand lost its weight as it dissolved, possibly integrating with the dark red porcelain doll.

When I was able to open my eyes, I saw that the porcelain doll, initially about 15 cm, now doubled in size and sported a brighter red color.

'Success.' I smiled.

Although I wished I could have made all 20 strikes, 19 wasn't a bad number.

When I realized it, I had already left that strange room and was once again in front of Yakumo's bedroom door.


After muttering and seeing the book appear, I went to Yakumo's page and, seeing her strength limit had increased to 34, I couldn't help but smile.

Pleased with the outcome, I began to leave.

I believe I'll have a good night's sleep today.

But just to be safe, I went to my parents' room and lied, saying I heard Yakumo calling for them.

Now, I could no longer use the hammers with my little sister, since I had broken the limits of the two attributes that were at their maximum. It would probably take some time for her to reach the maximum again...

Perhaps I should focus on maximizing one of my attributes, but it doesn't seem like something I could achieve soon, at least not in a single week.


This time, I wasn't woken by Yakumo. A strange, familiar sound woke me up, and I saw the book appear.

[21 Weekly Coins Credited]

"...I guess it's fair to say that by improving Kumo's strength, I earned more coins." I thought, somewhat sleepily.

Rubbing my eyes, the result was the same, which made me believe that I was right in thinking that by helping improve Yakumo's attributes, I was rewarded for it.

As for why she didn't come to wake me up today, I found out after leaving the room to go to the bathroom.

My parents had spent the entire night taking care of her. It seems that, just like when I helped break her resistance limit, breaking her strength limit also resulted in her being bedridden with a fever.

However, talking with my mother, I discovered that Yakumo's fever wasn't very high; in fact, this morning it had practically disappeared, now at 37.8 degrees.

She was just experiencing a mild fever now and even felt better enough to eat.

"I'm glad she's feeling better." I asked, "Why didn't you tell me yesterday?"

Although I pretended a bit, I was still worried. In the end, all this was still a great mystery to me. Although I believed what I was doing was for Yakumo's good, making her bedridden over it isn't exactly something I would want.

"It wasn't something that needed to be announced since her fever wasn't that high," my mother said, placing her hand on my shoulder. "You worry too much, Aizen. Kumo is fine and will get even better. I feel that your sister's frail body is improving, don't you think so?"

"Even though she had a fever today?" I asked.

"About that..." She pondered, "I just feel it's a necessary process for her to get better. Perhaps it's a deep wish of mine as her mother, but I just can't help thinking that this is the real reason why Kumo gets a fever. Especially when she woke up after the fever earlier and was more energetic and cheerful than on other days."

"I understand, I think so too," I smiled.

Honestly, I was a bit surprised by my mother's words. It was as if she had seen through what was happening even without knowing and, if it is as I presume, after the fever passes, Yakumo indeed will be getting better and better.


Today was Friday, the last school day of the week.

Partly, I wished I could stay home to train; on the other hand, interacting with my classmates could yield more coins.

But, as I didn't have many uses at the moment, I didn't care too much. Even if I bought the hammers, I could only use them when my attributes reached their maximum.

On the other hand, today I spent 11 coins to open my parents' pages.

As expected, their attributes were not bad, but my mother's had a lot to improve on, being not even halfway filled, only my father's were more than halfway filled.

Another 9 coins were spent on Hinata. I decided to open her page, as the cost was not too high considering her latent potential.


Name: Hinata Hyuga


Talent: High

Strength: 19/44

Agility: 17/98

Speed: 16/98

Endurance: 21/47

Mental Strength: 27/99

Skill: 38/99

Chakra: 35/99


Chakra Nature: [Fire Style], [Lightning Style], [Yang Style]

Special Characteristics: [Byakugan], [Gentle Fist Style Taijutsu]


Her attribute limits were not low, but somehow she was not progressing well, despite having high talent.

When I spoke with her, I suggested she do the same type of training exercise that I had recommended to Naruto and other students until Monday.

Now, whether or not she would do that was a different matter. I simply wanted to see if the reason she was not progressing was in the way she trained.

'Thinking about it now, even though her talent is high, my attributes seem better...' I thought: 'Is this because I am a reincarnation?'

Especially my attributes of strength and endurance, which were basically the same as those of an adult.

Even my father had a maximum of 120 strength and 110 endurance.

From what I've observed, the limits also increase with the growth of a child into adulthood. Until what age this occurs, I still do not know, since I have only opened the page of 4 people in total, but if it is as I imagine, around 20 years old is the peak.

That is, at 20 years old, the limits of the attributes should be at a much higher level.

Of course, with this, I started to have doubts. If this is true, does it mean it's not a good idea to increase the attribute limiters now?

However, while reflecting on this, I also considered the following: It does not necessarily mean that by exceeding my limits now, it will prevent my attribute limiters from expanding as I age.

And, I do not wish to limit myself now just because I am afraid that I will interfere with something that could improve naturally.

Another thing also: looking at Yakumo's page, I noticed that her talent has changed from Medium Low to Medium High!

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