
Naruto: My Harem Academia

This fanfic takes place in My Hero Academia world where Naruto is Transmigrated into and he finds there are two types of people Hero and Villain. But every system is corrupted and this was no different, since any person with powers wanted to be a Hero, not for being the right thing, but for fame, money, recognition, a true hero never expected anything in return, he only did what he believed correct, everything was wrong, children from a young age only want to be like the heroes they admire, only to change in the future and see for their own goals. So what will Naruto do here, will he change the society itself but to do that he has to choose his path and that leads him to two choices.... Villain or hero or will he create a path of his own ? Warning:- Those who are light hearted person please do not read this as there will be dark scenes in the fanfic so please better be prepared before reading the work. UPDATE TIME will be half an hour after server reset. Update schedule will be 1 day per Chapter and there will be bonus chapter as well but they will be according to the Goal. #Goal 300 PS( POWER STONE): 1 BONUS CHAPTER 600 PS : 2 BONUS CHAPTER 1000 PS : 4 BONUS CHAPTER ALSO Advance Chapters will be uploaded on PATREON account so if you want to read them then support me on Patreon. PATREON:- https://www.patreon.com/Skythe Disclaimer:- This is a TL work done by me.

Skythe · Anime und Comics
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125 Chs


"I see..." Surprised, Naruto took a moment to look at the girl. "Why are you at UA?" he asked with a more serious air.

"Because I can use your resources to create my babies!" was the response without thinking from Mei, who was smiling in a big way. "The truth is, being a 'Pro-hero' never caught my attention, but when I had the opportunity to go to the UA workshops and learn from the best, well, the support class is my thing." Saying that, she took her backpack and placed it on the table, taking out various devices or 'babies' that were still in development. "My dream is to create things that change the world, for the better, I hope. Now, several inventions do more harm than good to the world." Shrugging her shoulders, she took another sip of coffee.

"I understand," nodding his head, the blonde took one of the devices. Pressing a button made a hook come out and stick into his ceiling. Frowning, he felt some distaste for this type of thing; he never liked technology, now that it made things too easy for anyone.

"You're not a fan of this stuff, are you?" asked the girl, who took what looked like a metal wristband and, by pressing a button, made it transform into a gauntlet.

"No, but seeing your dedication to this, I can say that I am impressed by what you can do." Leaving the girl's invention, he saw that she began to gather her tools and inventions. "I wish you could keep the secret of this..."

"No problem! My lips are sealed. See you, Naruto-san." Saying goodbye to the teenager, she went through the door. Opening it, she was surprised to see one of the strongest girls in UA, Shiori Todoroki.

"..." Shiori slowly lowered her hand as she was about to hit the door, only to be surprised to see the girl from the support class, if she remembered correctly. Narrowing her eyes dangerously, Mei tensed up and smiled nervously.

"Hello... this is uncomfortable," shrinking as much as she could, the strange girl walked past Todoroki to go down the stairs and leave. Seeing that the pink-haired teenager left, the half-redhead focused her attention inside Uzumaki's apartment. She saw that the shinobi was shirtless and putting some things in a closet.

"Why do I feel weird?" Unsure, the girl felt her cheeks heat up and a pressure on her chest. She had seen the shinobi half-naked before. Why did this affect her so much now? Could it be the puberty that her mother said so much would come? "And why can't I stop looking?" Without losing her typical static expression, the teenager kept her gaze on the shinobi.

"Will you stay at the door all day?" was the question that brought Shiori out of her thoughts. Seeing the distracted girl, the blonde raised an eyebrow. Looking for a jacket, he put it on and sat in the chair at the kitchen table.

"Well... no." Leaving her thoughts, Todoroki entered the apartment to take a seat in front of the shinobi, who offered her a cup of coffee that Hatsume was using. Only now, the cup was refilled with more coffee. Taking it, she kept it between her hands with her typical stoic expression.

"I didn't expect your visit... What's on offer?" asked the blonde, who looked at the girl with curiosity. It was only a few days ago that she fought against her father, and she seemed more attached to him than normal. Since at the academy, she was always present, at lunches and even at class time, it was something... uncomfortable. "Although cute, Itachi's younger sister used to do it." With those thoughts, he waited patiently for the girl to give her explanation of what she was doing here.

"I'm going on a three-day trip to the island-i..." the girl began to speak, looking absently at the cup of coffee. "Since we're close to vacation, the UA gave us a few days off." Passing her finger on the edge of the cup, she looked up to see the blue glow in the shinobi's only visible eye. "I was hoping that if you could... could you come with me?" she asked in a low tone as she looked away again.

Giving a heavy sigh, the blonde closed his eyes for a moment. Opening his eyes again, he looked at the teenager with mixed hair. "Listen… I don't think so."

"I understand," interrupting the Uzumaki, Todoroki stood up from the chair to head to the door. "It was just a stupid idea, but I see that you don't have free time. I'm sorry for wasting your time." Giving a final bow, excusing herself, she went to the door and left to go down the stairs again.

"Again?" The blonde had to sigh since the same thing was happening. The time that girl invited him to visit her mother. Sighing, he passed his hand over his face.

"If you don't go after her, I'll kick your ass myself," was the comment of the owner of the building who had just come down the stairs. It wasn't difficult for her to hear the entire conversation, but the female voice she heard she recognized as the one time her tenant came out to accompany her.


In the grand Yaoyorozu mansion, a particular scene unfolded, where the sole heiress of the esteemed company was seated on her bed, donning a long white silk nightgown. The girl appeared to have recently awakened, her hair loose and disheveled. Rising from the bed, she walked to her desk, adorned with a large whiteboard featuring various clippings and threads connecting different pieces of information.

"…" Deep in thought, she picked up a clipping she had taken out a few days ago, detailing the appearance or return of a recognized villain known as 'Ronin,' involved in robbery and first-degree murder. On another section of the board was a photograph of Uzumaki Naruto, taken after the 'Toho' construction incident where the owner's daughter was injured. Clearly, Naruto and 'Ronin' were not related, or at least that's how it seemed.

"Daughter, you must have breakfast," Majime's words interrupted her thoughts as she entered the room, pulling the young Yaoyorozu out of her contemplation.

"I'm sorry, Oka-san... I just couldn't sleep well," the girl apologized, rubbing the bridge of her nose tiredly. In silence, the teenager observed as her mother approached her blackboard and took one of Naruto's photographs, studying it for a moment.

"What do you want to know?" Majime calmly inquired, causing Momo to tense, yet she held her ground.

"There are many things that don't add up... and I just want to understand what's happening around me," the black-haired girl expressed, gazing at the blackboard like her mother. "Don't we know anything about Naruto? Where was he born? Does he have a family? And his peculiarities... don't they seem strange to you?" she asked, looking at her mother, hoping for some answers.

"He is a 16-year-old young man who has wandered aimlessly, looking for a goal. He has no home, no family... perhaps your Class-A is the little he has," Majime softly spoke, stroking her daughter's hair. Still skeptical, she frowned, realizing she should say more. "I saw that boy after the fight against Nomu... he was destroyed." Adopting a more serious tone, she separated from her firstborn to cross her arms. "When I took him out of prison, only two days had passed... he rearranged his left arm and stitched several of the wounds he had. Then, through the security cameras that we installed in his apartment, I noticed that his wounds healed completely in just two weeks, five times faster than any ordinary human..."

"That means he has a third quirk," the younger black-haired girl questioned in amazement. At her mother's explanation, she shrugged.

"My hypothesis is that he has two quirks. One of them is to manipulate electricity, projecting attacks in the form of lightning or bending it to form more complex attacks. However, his second quirk..." she sighed, rubbing her chin while looking at the photographs of the shinobi, "is to be better in every way."

"Better?" Momo asked, confused, and she saw her mother just smile comfortingly.

"My girl, decades ago, long before quirks existed, people were obsessed with reaching the pinnacle of evolution. These projects were known by most as 'the super soldier,' a person who is stronger, faster, and better than the others," she began her explanation slowly, recalling that even her vice grandfather might have been involved in that project.

"So... what happened to that?" Momo inquired, curious to hear something like that for the first time.

"When quirks appeared, that project was shelved... or so it was thought. A more atrocious idea came to light: what if we could grant powers to another person? What if someone could have more than one quirk?" she asked uneasily, knowing that this topic was perhaps too sensitive.

"Do you think Naruto-san... was used as an experiment?" An awkward silence settled between the two black-haired women due to the teenager's question. Luckily, her mother only smiled comfortingly.

"I don't know, my girl, but that's why I ask you to forget this... and instead go enjoy your youth," Majime said, taking her daughter by the shoulder, leading her to the bathroom in the room. "And why don't you invite Naruto-chan to accompany you to the island-i? Maybe the two of you can get to know each other a little more? And if you don't... well, I'm still a young and beautiful woman." Giving a wink, she smiled mockingly, earning her daughter's irritation.

"Oka-san, that's not funny!" Entering the bathroom, the black-haired girl closed the door, leaving the older Yaoyorozu alone in the room.

"…" Losing her smile, the black-haired woman walked to leave the room, but not before taking one last look at the blackboard. Frowning, she felt remorse for having lied to her daughter, as she didn't even know all the quirks that Uzumaki possessed. Nonetheless, that was the least relevant. "Everyone has their own secrets, and I prefer that Naruto's remain in the dark." With those thoughts, Majime descended the stairs to go to the grand hall for breakfast.