
Chapter 14: Three Clan Alliance Defeated!

It's noon and during that time Ritsu ordered the clansmen to clean all the corpses and blood or at least what they could from the compound.

While his clansmen did that he started working on the prisoners that they had captured.

There were few shinobi as the majority of the prisoners were Fuji Clan civilians that went into hiding during the attack.

Though as he operated on them he made a mental note of those who are still extremely loyal to their clan as those would be secretly disposed of later.

While doing so he had Riku and Kaz search for documents and deeds of all the shops the Fuji Clan owned.

Once Riku and Kaz found all related documents through the remaining Fuji clansmen, and searching personally, they found that they own at least a third of the business in Torogawa,

Adding in the shops from the Yua clan, the Karatachi clan now owns a little over half the businesses in Torogawa, which reminded Ritsu of something very important.

He needed to send shinobi to capture or kill the remaining shinobi, and civilians that were still at the Toru Clan, along with those that were at the town.

Not waiting a moment longer, he had Riku and Kaz lead a group of curse seal shinobi, they were to first deal with those at Torogawa first.

Now that the shinobi who possessed the cursed seal fully understood they were under the control of Ritsu, even without Ritsu being nearby, they were now more obedient.

During the fight there were some cursed shinobi who attempted to leave the battlefield however, Ritsu sensed that and activated a part of the seal that gradually increased the pain as they got further and further away.

Along with the fact that some cursed shinobi attempted to hurt or even thought of hurting a Karatachi Clan member, their chakra was disabled, which led them to be killed by Karatachi Clan members or the enemy.

Now that the cursed shinobi understand the consequences he can freely send them on missions, after all he can track them through the seals.

After sending off the shinobi to capture the rest of the Toru Clan, he decided to finally head back to the clan compound and transport the civilians over.

Sighing, Ritsu grabbed the teleportation talisman, and went back to the compound.


"Why are they here!?




A shinobi could be seen running through the forest, he was part of a patrol group at the town of Torogawa.

Their job was to simply maintain order at the shops owned by the Toru Clan.

But as he was rotating shifts with another shinobi he walked a dozens of meters away before hearing a scream.

He quickly turned around, seeing shinobi surrounding his fellow shinobi, he was going to rush and help them, however, he saw more shinobi exit the shop he was guarding.

They held the civilians that were managing the shop, one of them even had blood on them as they came out.

He recognized their uniform, they were shinobi from the Yua Clan, however their uniforms were all tattered as if they had just had a fight.

He quickly decided that he would meet up with other shinobi from his before confronting these shinobi

But the next shop he approached had the same situation, and the next one; however, he had stayed too long causing his eyes to lock onto one of the shinobi.

"There's a rat wandering the town, don't let him get away.

Those words caused the shinobi to run, heading to his clan compound hoping to gather the remaining shinobi that were still at the compound.

He hoped the remaining shinobi at the compound were enough, as their clan head held a meeting just the day prior saying that they were going to attack the Fuji Clan.

He was happy for those rotten bastards who kept raising their prices, and arrogant faces thinking they were above everyone else, were finally going to get what they deserved.

However, it seems that decision might backfire now that the remnants of the Yua Clan were desperately taking over Torogawa.

Although it will cause a hiccup to their plan, once they kill off the Fuji Clan they will be able to deal with these bastards.

Going back to the current moment.

He was running through the forest when he stepped back slightly allowing a kunai to penetrate the trunk of the tree he was on.

Giving a quick look to his assailants as he continued to run he was shocked, they were shinobi from the Fuji Clan.

'Why! Why are they here, they should have been wiped out by now, our forces should be cleaning up their compound but here there are Fuji clan shinobi.

They can't be from the town as those were quickly disposed of by us.'

The Toru shinobi was dodging kunai's thrown at him from time to time.

But just as he was a minute away from reaching the entrance of his compound, he felt all of the sudden very light.

His view kept going down and down until his point of view was on the floor.

'Poison' he thought, 'I'm sure I dodge those kunai's'

In the next second he saw his own headless body going forward a few steps before toppling over onto the ground.

'I see so they've cut my he–' this unnamed shinobi couldn't finish his thought as he embraced the pure land's darkness.


"That was close, if he had screamed or been any closer we would have been in their sensor's range.

Quickly clean up the body and gather everyone from the town."

Riku had just slain the enemy shinobi, he was at the other side of the town when he received a report of a Toru Clan shinobi running from their clutches.

Not wanting to leave the clean up to others he took matters into his own hands, leaving Kaz to deal with the town as he sped up to the fleeing shinobi.

He was right in his decision as he was able to stop the shinobi from approaching the Toru clan.

Even if the shinobi had informed the clan there wouldn't be a turn over as their main force has already been subjugated.

At most there were a couple of shinobi still at the compound however, if everyone were to flee in different directions….

Riku could only imagine the head ache he would have if that were to happen.

It didn't take long for Kaz to deal with the Toru Clan that was situated at the town, just as it didn't take them much time to deal with those still in the Toru Clan compound.

They killed all the shinobi as they were dangerous to have an eye on.

After all, they didn't have any manpower to spare to keep them in their place.

Instead it was better to gather the civilians and have them walk to the Fuji Clan compound.

Of course not before raiding Toru Clan compound, taking every valuable they had.

They were able to strip the compound completely bare because before leaving, Ritsu had entrusted them with two Toru Clan shinobi, they were servants of the Toru Clan's lord, with some combat ability.

The reason they were entrusted with these shinobi was because they knew everything and anything about the Toru Clan, as they spent their entire days with their lord.

They were also shinobi with low loyalty to their clan, and their lord.

As they showed the Cursed subordinate where the materials of worth, money, and deeds of the Toru clan were stored,

they would be spat on by those of their clan and despised, especially by those of high loyalty.


While Riku and Kaz lead the subjugated group and fortunes of the Toru Clan compound, Ritsu was seen being dragged by his mother from his ear.

When Ritsu first came, he was able to quickly draw a formation big enough to teleport all of the Clans and their belongings.

But within moments of finishing the formation he was pulled on his ear by none other than his mother.

Looking at the dark expression on his mother's face he knew he couldn't get out of this, he sighed as he resigned to his fate.

As they arrived to their house he saw his father sitting on his knees facing the wall as, he had his head turned to watch them as they came, however, he quickly turned his head to continue staring at the wall, at the following words from his mother,

"Did I say you could look at me yo-you Bastard!"

Ritsu as well avoided eye contact with his mother.

His ear was spared from the pain as his mother let go of his ear, as she bent down to an eye level to him, as she stared at him smiling.

"So my sweet little boy, papa told me that you were the one who suggested that he got another two wives."

Tamami had said those words in the sweetest voice one could imagine, however, it was frightening as you couldn't feel the anger behind those words.

Ritsu thought and thought but could not come up with a good option to dodge this so he decided to bite the bullet,

"Mother it's necessary for the gre—"

"Ritsu, mama is not happy with those words. Your father and I have been married for twelve years,

He told me that I was the only one he had ever had his eyes on, that there were no other women that captured his attention.

I had refused because it was common knowledge that clan heads could have multiple wives, but your father had adamantly told me that I would be the only wife he would take.

A year later after his incessant attempts to win my love, I grew to have admiration for him, so I agreed as long as I was his only wife.

But now you want him to take on two wives, Ritsu, am I as a mother not good enough for you, is it because I've been paying more attention to your sister?"

Ritsu like any man facing a mad woman who is close to them,

"Mother, you are beautiful.

No matter how many wives my ungrateful father will take, you will be the only mother in my eyes.

I am happy with you, but the reason father is taking in more wives is because it's necessary for the clan's future.

The clan is small, numbering almost a hundred.

The cursed subordinates are almost four times our size, we need to increase the number of clan members.

'Thought that number must have decreased after the casualties in the battle.'

The clan won't accept converting the cursed subordinates and they won't accept us taking in civilians.

The only way we can convince them is to lead by example."

"In that case why don't you get married?"

Ritsu was speechless, 'you don't want father to marry more women so instead you want me to have wives.'

"Mother I'm afraid it won't have the same effect, I'm only seven years old and I don't think any woman would want someone who looks like a child."

Hearing Ritsu's Tamami began to cry, she knew she couldn't marry her son off as he was still too young.

He still had baby fat on his face, his height was short, and his voice was still high pitched.

There was nothing manly about him aside from his advanced maturity.

"Fine I'll allow it except I will have to see if the woman is worthy of my husband's love."

Ritsu hugged his mother as he patted her back as he mentally sighed, 'what a pain.'

After finallying consoling his weeping mother, he was finally able to tell them to gather the clansmen who were still gathering the belonging of the clan to the center of the formation,

"Everyone should be waiting at the center of the formation, currently I am out of 'batteries' so I will have to look for some among the captives. Okay, this shouldn't take more than an hour."

Hearing the word 'battery' the older Karatachi clan shinobi who remained behind in case thing went for the worst.

Shuddered and looked at the cursed subordinates with pity as they recalled the shriveled fate of those who became 'batteries'.

Ritsu quickly teleported back to the Fuji Cl— the new Karatachi Clan Compound and went back to the formation that was linked to the formation he made in the previous Karatachi Clan compound.

When he made it to the formation he saw Kaz along with a group of civilians that had yet to be sealed.

It seemed that he would not have to wait at all

In front of that group are all the cursed shinobi of the Toru Clan and what remains of the Fuji Clan and surrounding the entire group were the cursed subordinates who brought them here as they kept watch over them.

While surrounding the formation was everyone that was currently at the compound clearly waiting to see their family.

When Ritsu had first placed the cursed seals he had found only five of the eight people he needed to act as battery.

Luckily there seemed to be some civilians amongst those that had chakra thus capable of being a battery.

Choosing those with the highest loyalty to the Toru Clan he forcibly separated them from their families, as his cursed subordinates held those families in their place as they tried to prevent Ritsu from taking them away.

He already had the previous five batteries placed within the formation, they had been bound in place of the formation.

Their faces seemed devoid of emotion as they had already accepted their fate after countless hours of struggle to get away from the formation.

Leading the final three batteries to their place and binding them he quickly made his way away from the formation as he flowed his chakra through the formation causing it to activate.

The new captives questioned what the formation was, some filled with curiosity as to what it does.

Those who already knew what the formation was going to do felt pity for those within the formation.

After all who wanted to feel their vitality sucked at a rapid pace which in doing so produces massive amounts of chakra.

Ritsu grinned as he saw the looks on the new captives, especially the amazement and fear at the glowing formation.

The batteries themselves were amazed by the dazzling light however they felt something wrong as their chakra was quickly being sucked dry.

Once their chakra was sucked dry their body started to shrivel as their muscles and fat was quickly turned into chakra.

Once they had lost everything but the minimum amount of muscle and fat they needed to survive they started to age quickly as their vitality was turned into chakra.

Eventually their bodies turned into mummies with long white hair.

The captives felt the scalps go numb, what they had just witnessed was a forbidden jutsu one that required sacrifices.

They were afraid that they were being kept to be the next one.

In the next second the formation hummed as the dazzling light started to fade as white blurs of light sprung to existence before quickly disappearing not before leaving in their place the people and boxes from the other linked formation.

One by one all the items and clansmen were transported over.


This chapter was uploaded because I had more time since there was no school on Monday since it was Martin Luther King Jr. Day. There will still be a chapter on the upcoming Monday.