
Naruto : Hidden Cloud

A scheming man rising to the top of the Ninja world. Exploring the potential of a village besides the hidden leaf, a fresh new take on the world of Naruto. Patréon if you want to support www.patréon.com/ImagineMaker

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132 Chs

Ninja type

Sato closely looked at his ninja info card.

It was one of the most comprehensive lists he had ever seen.


Name - Sato Nii

Ninja rank - Unranked


Age - 4

Chakra - Young Civilian

Chakra affinity - Fire

Chakra control - Genin

Ninjutsu - Pending

Taijustu - Genin

Genjutsu - Pending

Nintaijutsu - Pending

Konbijutsu - Pending

Bukijutsu - Civilian

Kenjutsu - Civilian

Shurikenjutsu - Civilian

Fuinjutsu - Pending

Juinjutsu - Pending

Jujutsu - Pending

Kinjutsu - Pending

Senjutsu - Unavailable

Dojutsu - Unavailable

Mission - Pending


Sato's chin dropped to ground in shock after reading everything.

"Sister, what are all these types of jutsus?"

He didn't know half of those even existed, and what did she mean by putting all that on his card.

Were her expectations so high form him or something?!

"Oh that, don't worry about those for now."

"They are for my reference."

Yugito took back the card from Sato's hand and began scribbling once more.

She spoke as she wrote.

"The only thing you should pay attention to is Ninjutsu, Taijustu and Genjutsu."

Sato breathed a sigh of relief.

These many types of justus really opened his eyes, Yugito was pretty knowledgeable.

She even knows about Senjutsu, although that wasn't a big surprise, Jiraya openly used sage mode in the battlefield, her not knowing about it would be weird.

With this card he comprehensively understood his information.

Now he was curious about another thing.

"By the way sister, where is your information card?"

"I want to see the difference between our levels."

Sato smiled while asking for her Ninja info card, it would be great to know how strong she was.

Yugito was taken aback but smiled back.

"You want to see mine? Sure, I'll get it for you."


With that said, Yugito vanished using body flicker, she went into the house, unsealed her stuff, took the information card out, and resealed everything.


Teleporting out again, she gave the card to Sato.

Name - Yugito Nii

Ninja rank - Jonin

Ninja ID - CL5322

Age - 16

Chakra - S class

Chakra affinity - Fire

Chakra control - Jonin

Ninjutsu - Fire style ( +85 )

Taijustu - Elite Jonin

Genjutsu - S class (resistance)

Nintaijutsu - Tailed beast mode

Konbijutsu - Human beast mode

Bukijutsu - Jonin

Kenjutsu - Jonin

Shurikenjutsu - Jonin

Fuinjutsu - S class ( 1 )

Juinjutsu - Pending

Jujutsu - Pending

Kinjutsu - Cat sleep technique

Senjutsu - Unavailable

Dojutsu - Unavailable

Mission - 190 D-rank, 185 C-rank, 326 B-rank, 215 A-rank, 30 S-rank


Sato looked wide eyed at this and sighed.

She was only 16 years old and already so good, she fought in an all out world war, survived and made a name for herself, all the while remaining alive.

"You are a tough ninja sister, I expected nothing less from you."

This sincere praise from Sato made Yugito feel proud.

Sato's opinion mattered to her a lot more than others, she can ignore other's praises but Sato's was very important.

"Of course! I am the best!"

Yugito proudly raised her head, looking at her pretending to be so proud made Sato laugh.

Yugito happily laughed along, both the siblings ended their training on a happy note.

After cleaning up once more and getting Sato treated by a medical ninja, the day was almost over.

It was night time now, Sato, Yugito and Karui were sitting around the dining table, eating the meals prepared by Yugito.

They ate while she spoke about today's findings.

"Sato, now that we know your strengths and weaknesses, we can focus on those."

"For starters, you have good chakra control, most genin can only do as much as you can."

"Although your chakra amount itself isn't much, but this is what makes your control so good."

Sato nodded silently, he knew this was why Sakura had better chakra control, lower chakra reserves makes it easier to control.

Certainly, he will have more than her pitiful amount, she was below average even for an academy student, he was at least average.

Yugito continued after eating a bite of fish.

"Excercise your control more often, or it might decrease when your chakra amount goes up."

"Keep practicing and your chakra control will be one of the best in the village."

Yugito explained patiently while Karui curiously listened on the side.

She was learning more about her boss, this was how she could help him later on.

"Your second foucus should be your fighting ability, you are a fast learner and good at strategizing."

"Most genins aren't as good as you in the field, they might have a better form but you can beat them anyday."

Taking a sip of milk, Yugito waved her finger.

"So I have put both your taijustu and chakra control at genin level."

"Your strength might not match up to a genin right now but you already have the skills."

"From now on, Taijustu and Chakra control will be your main skills."


Sipping some more milk Yugito spoke with a teasing voice.

"Your ability to use weapons on the other hand is just okay~ You are at the level of most civilian adults."

"It's not much, but it's way better than a kid holding a weapon and swinging it around randomly."

"Weapon handling will be your support skill, I will teach you tanto, shuriken and senbon."

"This will be your secondary foucus."

Finishing her glass of milk Yugito kept it down and bit into her fish again.

"You don't have enough chakra to try genjutsu and ninjutsu now, so we don't know about your abilities in that front."

"But whatever they might be, they will only enhance your fighting style more."

Sato seriously nodded before concluding Yugito.

"So a close combat ninja who uses weapons to fight and ninjutsu to support."

Yugito smiled in agreement.

"Yes, this shouldn't be a problem, our village specialises in close combat with tantos."

"Raikage sama is one of the best taijustu users in the world, while Killer B has invented his own 8 sword style."

"Well, it's actually 7 sword style, but eight tails sometimes creates an extra chakra sword for him."

Yugito casually commented on her fellow jinchuriki.

Karui was pretty impressed after hearing this, while Sato already knew about this.

Killer B's 7 sword style was good, but only he could use it effectively.

The dude has gone full tailed beast mode so many times he instinctively remembers how to control eight limbs at once.

His tailed beast after all is the eight tails, the octupus bull, he had an inherent advantage in that regard.

Advanced chapters ahead on patréon
