
Naruto Hagoromo: Rinnegan no Kami

After all he’s been through, all that he did to save the world, he couldn’t fulfill his promise to bring Sasuke home. As he was welcomed by death from an attack not meant for him, he didn’t expect to ever wake up again…only he did...to a world where his mother was alive...and a world where he wasn't. !AU Elemental Nations. R-Rated. NarutoxKushinaxMore. At least 3000 words per chapter. Posted at least twice a week (though preferably three times if my schedule allows me).

LostSamurai1974 · Anime und Comics
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51 Chs

Chapter 25

Kushina was gripping his cock with her right hand, her expression was one of wonder and amazement as she stared at the huge rod like it was the most incredible thing she'd ever seen. Then, there was that love and adoration in her wide, crystal violet eyes.

Naruto could not hold himself any longer…and all she did was grip him…but…but the sight alone was enough, especially when he was in this wound up state.

Her face was one of surprise as she didn't expect ropes of cum to fly towards her once more, but as she was admiring the cock in front of her, her head had been tilted to the side and thus, the fluids had missed her. She stared at the shower mirror as Naruto's seed landed upon it.

And the reflection made her freeze.

There she was…wide eyed and looking pretty while kneeling in between her son's legs and holding his rod like a prized trophy. The sight made her shudder in all the right and wrong ways.

There had to be boundaries between them, lines that should never be crossed but she reminded herself that this was an act of motherly love and support. This wasn't something her son could control and she was simply just…helping him with it, to ease his pain.

Kushina looked back at the magnificent appendage and could only dream of what it would feel like–

No. Absolutely not.

That was the boundary. Sex can never, ever happen between them.

But this…this didn't count as sex. She was just using her hands. At this moment in time, where they were participating in an act immoral as mother and son, she needed to separate that identity from herself and Naruto. Right now, they weren't mother and son but Naruto and Kushina. Just two people who took comfort in each other in a time of need.

So she gave him his first pump, her mouth involuntarily watering despite her trying to repress any ill thoughts that plagued her mind.

Naruto groaned as that single action sent him to the stars. "Oh, mom…"

"No!" Kushina cut in, making him freeze. "What did I say? Right now, we're Kushina and Naruto, not mother and son. We…we have to separate from our titles when we participate in these…relieving sessions. Understand?"

"Yes, Kushina, I'm sorry," Naruto replied immediately. "It was just a habit."

Kushina would never tell him and never admit it to herself but hearing him say 'mom' as he looked so lost in serenity had, for a moment, made her feel…

…terrifyingly excited.


Kushina gulped as she began to pump him once more. By the fifth jerk, Naruto straightened his back and sucked in air through his mouth.

Then he came again whilst saying her name like a prayer.

The action and sight made her heart skip a beat. The way he said her name, so reverent and full of love, it was unlike anything she'd ever felt before, not even with Minato. There was no doubt in her mind that Naruto's capacity to love far exceeded that of her late husband's, considering the fact that he had very few to give it to in his childhood…and he'd given her so much of it. He was so devoted to being a good son, always considerate of her, and mindful of her needs and wants, even when she wasn't aware of it.

Kushina's mouth involuntarily parted as she caught some of the airborne semen flying in her mouth before she closed her eyes and savoured the taste of it.

It was just so ridiculously good.

She swallowed and could feel the chakra in the fluid empowering her and bringing her ecstasy like no other.

'What in the world is up with his seed?!' she thought.

She was going to be jealous of whoever it was that managed to marry her son. They would have the luxury of doing this every single day of their lives. She would know because lady Mito had lived to a hundred and eighty and had still looked to be in her forties when she died.

Naruto's lust cycle would mean that she needed to do this every time he had no one else to comfort, and…Kushina was secretly glad at that fact. She was thankful that her own lust cycle had stopped after she gave birth, else on the days where her's and Naruto's cycle aligned, there may be no stopping them from jumping each other for real.

'Boundaries, Kushina, boundaries.'

She sensually continued to work her fingers up and down his member, slowing down the pace from a pump and simply just caressing it now. Then she remembered the extra thing she brought with her to this session.

She grabbed the green bottle that she left to the side, opened the cap, and poured the liquid on her palm.

"Kushina?" Naruto asked and once again his use of her name in that throaty, satisfied voice sent a shiver down her spine. "Is something wrong?"

"It's nothing. I'm just putting a bit of lube to make this feel even better," she responded.

Naruto's cock twitched in excitement and she smiled.

Her now lubed up hands continued their massaging and to Naruto, it was even more intense than before. Her digits felt like they were sliding down an isle of highly sensitive nerve endings.

Even with both her hands on his cock, there were still plenty more for another pair of hands to handle him. He was simply that big…and sometimes it didn't work out too well in his favour–there is such a thing as too big after all. Yet, at this moment, Kushina was expertly rubbing up and down his entire monstrous length.

"Oh Kami," Naruto got out and Kushina blushed at his indirect praise.

He came again…and this time he just happened to keep his eye focused on where it went, though it was still supposed to be closed behind his eyelids.

He stared in shock as Kushina opened up her mouth and stuck her tongue out, wide like she was trying to catch rainwater from the sky.

His climax chained into two, into three, into four as he watched Kushina do her best to catch it all while maining distance between her mouth and his rod. By the end of it, her mouth was literally filled to the brim with cum.

Then she swallowed it.

'Oh dear Kami, have mercy on my soul,' Naruto thought as he saw what's surely the most erotic scene to mankind.

Then, Kushina unexpectedly moaned hard, and her body quivered almost like she was…like she was…

…like she was climaxing herself.

…she was climixing! Naruto realised. She hadn't even touched herself!

He watched in amazement at the myriad of expressions Kushina had to offer as her climax rose, peaked and died back down.

"Goodness, Naruto," She said after the intense feeling was bearable enough to speak, "your seed is literally like magic. Even with the seed-killing seal activated, it's still so potent. We can practically bottle it up and sell it as a miracle potion."

She was right, as she actually felt her already enormous Uzumaki chakra capacity grow after ingesting the miracle fluid. She felt more energetic and lively. Any sore aches and pains, even little as they were to an Uzumaki, had disappeared. She felt like she was evolving into a higher form of herself…

…from drinking cum?!

That was insane.

She resumed her work, this time more passion, more love, more utter adoration in her motions. By Kami, did she love Naruto. Truly nothing even came close to comparing this feeling of intensity. She could only imagine if this whisker-marked boy had showed up in her life when she was but a genin…Minato would've lost…drastically.

Naruto came again and this time…

This time, she an 'O' shape with her thumb and index finger, placed in right at the tip of his cock, right at its entrance, and sealed her lips around those digits, leaving no space for the cum to go other than her mouth whilst still not touching her son's penis with it at the same time. She drank as the fluids entered her, being sure not to waste a single drop.

This…this was the absolute furthest she could go for Naruto without it being inappropriate.

Unknown to her, Naruto saw all of this, clear as day.

The sight of his mother just a hair lengths away from his rod.


He…he couldn't help it.

He pumped his hips just a tiny bit forward, and even though the O shaped orientation of her two digits prevented him from entering her mouth outright, he still felt the slick smooth sensation of her tongue on the tip of his cock…

Just that instant of contact alone…


He was in heaven.

Heaven lasted for five entire minutes as he emptied his balls.

…only for them to refill once again the moment he was done.

This Uzumaki lust thing was both the best and worst thing that ever happened to him.

"Alright, that's enough for now," Kushina said as she tried to hide the tremors of her body once more. She'd come again…actually, she came like three times from that last barrage, all chaining together like never ending euphoric drugs…no the real drug was her son's seed. She sensed no addictive presence within it but the feeling of swallowing it and what it did to her core had been so mind-blowingly good that it may as well have been.

"Take your bath while I clean up. I know it's not over, but we can't stay in the bathroom all night. I prepared your bedroom for this occasion…along with other things," Kushina told him.

Naruto gulped and nodded, feeling like he'd just ran to Kumo and back…and was still rearing to go.

He got up and walked to the bath in shaky legs, and plopped down once he arrived. He glanced back at Kushina and froze as he caught sight of her. She was…cleaning his cum…not with water from the shower head but by literally scooping up every visible drop with her hand and nonchalantly putting it in her mouth, licking her digits clean and moaning with every taste.

Naruto's breath was choppy as he didn't even bother to hide his gaze on her this time.

Kushina caught on to it and glanced back at him embarrassedly. "I...didn't want to contaminate the floor with your seed."

It was a lame excuse if there ever was one but it made Naruto smile.

"There's no judgement from me, Kushina," Naruto said kindly, "Not after what you did for me."

Kushina smiled back. "Anything for you, Naruto."

They held their gazes for a minute longer before Naruto let out the words that were bouncing around his mind.

"You're so incredibly beautiful, Kushina," He admitted, "I've never been so jealous of my father in my life."

Kushina blushed at his words, and cleared her throat, trying to go back to cleaning herself as a distraction to just…how much those words meant to her.

Another moment passed and Naruto still found his cock painfully erect in the bathwater. He sighed.

Then Kushina spoke up once more, blushing even harder than she did before. It was strange that just a few words had flustered her to this extent while a session of giving him a handjob had left her unfazed…or so he thought.

"Naruto…no, son," she said, fully back into their familial relationship. She had an intensely warm expression on her face, "you have absolutely nothing to be jealous of. My heart is yours now, fully and without question. I have never loved anyone as I have loved you in my entire life."

Her words had left Naruto breathless as he could only watch her rise from her spot after being done washing and moved to join him in the bath. She sat across him, facing him, legs slightly intertwined with his own.

"Mom…" Naruto said after he regained his composure, "you've been so good to me. I've…never had anyone care about me this much before and…make no mistake, I love you even more than you do me."

Kushina's blush hadn't gone away as she beamed at him. "That's impossible. I already love you infinitely much."

"And I love you infinitely plus one," Naruto quipped back.

Kushina only stared at him before she broke down into giggles. "That's–that's not how it works–"

She was cut off as with wide eyes and a suddenly rigid posture, she felt his lips on hers.

She could only sit there and watch as…as her son was kissing her.

It…it should be wrong but…they'd done far more than this just a moment ago right?

A kiss…a kiss is nothing but a conveyance of love. A love that was just familial…right?

It took her a moment to process it all but as she did, she decided to just surrender to the action. She saw no harm in it and…she couldn't lie to herself and say that she didn't enjoy this to an…unhealthy degree. She closed her eyes and fully immersed herself to the sensation. He felt so…warm, his lips so…inviting…

She reciprocated the kiss. It was gentle and sweet, with no tongue. She…she could allow that; it was a platonic kiss, not one would give a lover. She raised her right arm to place a loving hand on his cheek, tracing his adorable whisker marks that made him just so…unique. So handsome. Gods, she loved her son.

She gently sucked and nibbled on his lower lip and surprisingly, she found that he was reciprocating the action on her upper one. He was…good at kissing?

She hadn't seen why it was so from his memories as it hadn't been deemed important enough to his mind to show them. She found that she was…jealous of whoever taught him how to kiss this well. It was her job as his mother to educate him!

So she raised the intensity, moaning in his mouth as she suctioned even harder on his wonderful lips. Her hand rose into his hair, playing with their tresses and massaging his scalp. Naruto's own hand was at the small of her back while the other was holding his leaning body upright. He slowly worked his way up, touching nothing he shouldn't have, and sending electricity through each contact. Before long, it ended up combing through her long red hair.

They parted after a few minutes, breathless as Naruto placed his forehead on hers, looking into her eyes with affection. They were panting.

Kushina smiled, slowly blinking at him, dazed and full of adoration as she hooked both her arms around his neck.

Then…she felt something poke at her stomach.

…There seemed to be more work to do.

She giggled as the mortified blush crept up into Naruto's face once more but it didn't last long as Kushina palmed his erection under the water.

The lack of lubricant and the presence of the water made the sensations all the more different than before. To his surprise, Kushina tilted her head up and kissed him once again, playing and biting his lips occasionally. He really wanted to explore deeper into her mouth but it was…inappropriate in their relationship. Just this much kissing was probably too much already but luckily Kushina allowed it, so he decided not to push any further.

They batted their lips against each other and Kushina continued to work away at his cock.

It didn't take long for him to warn her and release into the bath water…they needed to swap this water out today.

He slumped against her shoulder, loving the way his body moulded on top of hers, laying between her arms and spread legs.

Oh how he wanted to–

–no, no, that was wrong. Wrong on so many levels.

He shuddered as he leant back, going to his original position on the opposite side of the bathtub.

"That was…different," He said, "but also amazing in its own way."

Kushina just gave him a smirk that set his blood on fire. "Oh, I still have much to teach you in our 'lady' sessions, Naruto. Do prepare yourself for the next level, son. Now, let's finish this in your room."


Naruto made his way to his room dressed in a male nightwear yukata for…easier access to his parts. He had his blindfold back on to rest the izanagi seal.

He flopped down backwards on his bed, his rod still ramrod straight and poking out of the yukata like a volcano.

He sighed, thinking that this was extraordinarily strange.

The door to his room creaked open and Naruto stuck his head up.

Kushina smiled at him as she was in her usual nightwear. That damnable red silk nightdress that looked so good on her that it was unfair that he could never see what laid beneath it.

"How are you doing, Naruto?" Kushina asked.

She was still using his name rather than his title so their…sensual encounter hasn't ended yet.

"I'm doing alright but…I'm still so pent up somehow," Naruto responded.

Kushina only nodded. "That's normal for us…look, I have something to tell you."

Naruto raised an eyebrow at her in question.

She smiled and continued. "First of all, we should formally have a code name for these types of sessions, so I know when you need help. Something discreet."

Naruto thought about it, "Hmm…how about…arm problems?"

He gestured to his wrapped up bandaged right arm.

Kushina smiled and nodded. "It'd make sense…considering your junior might as well be another limb for you…"

Naruto blushed at that but…the way she put it like that made him think…

…limb…his dick was like another limb…another…body part…

…a body part that he could manipulate with the Asura path.

Naruto smacked himself in just realising this now. He separated his yukata folds, revealing his giant dick in all its glory.

Kushina was confused, seeing his expression. "Naruto? What are you doing?"

"Uhmm…I wanted to test something out…but I sort of need to measure my dick for reference."

Kushina smirked. "I'll fetch the tape measure for you, but speaking of fetching, the second thing I wanted to talk to you about…"

As she trailed off, Naruto was curious as to what she had to say.

Kushina took a deep breath. "Well, you see, in a situation where your Uzumaki lust is hitting you hard, and for some reason I'm not available to help you, which shouldn't ever be a possibility…it's good to have a second option as insurance."

Naruto's eyes widened. "Y-you mean–"

Kushina nodded, cutting him off. "I invited someone to stay from our party today, and she'd been in the studyroom downstairs this entire time, so he heard none of what we just did in the showers."

Naruto gulped. "Wh–who is it?"

Kushina gave him a smirk. "You'll just have to find out…but while she was informed about your condition, she doesn't know that it's an Uzumaki trait…no one does really considering how private it is and the fact that our clan is diminished. So I told her that this was a unique trait of your clan…the Hagoromo lust, so to speak."

Naruto nodded, understanding. "Hai…I'll refer to it as that in her presence then…whoever she is."

He couldn't help but feel the anticipation rising up within him. His cock was twitching painfully, awaiting release. Had Kushina not just helped him a few moments before, he'd have been in even more discomfort right now.

"Good," Kushina responded. "Now, she'll only be here to watch the process tonight, so she'll know what to do if you ever come to her for help. She agreed to do so already so don't have any reservations in going to her when you need to."

Naruto gave a shaky nod again, taking in a deep, choppy breath.

"I'll go get her now as well as the tape measurer. Stay here." Kushina commanded.

Naruto could only watch as she left, her hips swaying hypnotically. When she was out of sight, Naruto took it upon himself to cover his exposed mast with a blanket, preserving his nudity for…the person who agreed to all of this.

'Just who could be crazy enough to help me masterbate when I need it? Medical conditions or not?'

Then the door opened and Kushina reentered, a foxy grin on her face.

And the person who followed her in was…


…Lady Mikoto Uchiha…

Read 15 chaps ahead on p-atreon!

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