
Naruto: Clan of Shinobi

My name is Oden Zaraki, of the mighty Zaraki clan! You have probably never seen someone as genius as me before, nor have you seen someone as handsome, nor as mighty as me. So open your eyes and take a look at me! Now close your eyes so you don't get blinded. When people see me they shake in fear, when women see me they fall down in love. When men see me they cry in jealousy! You might think that I'm bragging, but wait until you hear my story, then you'll understand that I'm being humble! Yes I'm the most humble person ever, that's how great I am! here's the Chinese vibe synopsis: "You want to take my clan members into your Root? Fine, but pay with your life first!" You want to Order me around just because you're Hokage? Fine, but pay with your life first!" You want to marry me just because you're pretty? Fine, but first pay with your life... no wait, I'll give a cheaper price, pay with your body! This sale is a one time offer, get it before it's too late!" One of the three founding Clans of Konoha, the Zaraki-Clan has a new, young, genius clan head that won't bend to anyone. How will the events of Naruto World span out when there's a new boss in town? AU -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- No System! No Lemons! No Low-key Hiding! This is an AU/Reincarnation, and there won't be any sexual content on here but it might have matured content because this is a ninja world. -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Oh People of Webnovel! Have you not yet, read my fanfic? Why is it that you're procrastinating with what you know is inevitable? Is it that you're afraid? Afraid of becoming addicted to my fanfic? Well, do not fear anymore, because I'm here to confirm that you will. So it's pointless to fight it! (False advertisement warning) NIKE Just officially came out with a statement for my fanfic, they said "Just read it!" True story bro (But don't be afraid, my fanfic is way better than my synopsis)

Passerby_Venne · Anime und Comics
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59 Chs

Chapter 6: Resolving misunderstandings.

Oden disappeared in a body flicker technique, following Hinata.

He had found her hundreds of meters away from the house, in a secluded small Forrest.

As he had arrived close enough to see her but far enough to not be noticed by her, he saw that she was sitting beneath the tree with her face in her knees crying.

"So she really misunderstood his intentions huh." Oden simply whispered as he walked towards her.

As for Hinata, she overheard servants speaking that her father had a meeting with an important guest.

So out of curiosity she snuck near the meeting and used her Byakugan to see who her father deemed important enough to welcome in such a manner, that even the servants were talking about the guests' arrival.

At first, she was confused as to why the guest looked young enough to almost seem her age and still be treated respectfully by her father, but then she was even more confused by how handsome this boy looked.

She snuck near a window to have a look directly without the Byakugan and that's when she overheard her father.

"...but her attitude is lacking for a ninja. If she stays in the clan my youngest daughter will become the head of the clan instead of her, so it's more beneficial for the clan if she married into your clan." That is what she heard her father say.

Even though her father had become very cold and harsh because of past events, Hinata still believed that his harsh tone and harsh training were with her best interest at heart, so she always tried her best and tried to make her father proud.

But hearing those words was like a hammer right at her fragile little heart, it was like he was confessing that she was only a shogi piece that was meant to be sacrificed for the clan.

She turned away to run away but tears had distorted her sight as she ran into a vase of flowers which fell down. Before she could get caught, she ran to her favorite place secluded from everyone else.

A small Forrest in the Hyuga district that her mother used to take her when she was young, they used to garden here and it had become her place of peace.

As she cried into her knees she suddenly felt someone sitting down beside her, which scared her.

A cute "yeep" sound came from Hinata as Oden sat down beside her. He couldn't help but to chuckle.

She looked up with her puffy eyes that had turned slightly pink from her crying.

"Wow, your dad was right, you're really cute! Oden said with a shocked face.

Hinata's brain didn't follow. At first, the person that her dad had a meeting with followed her, then found her crying, and then... 'He said I'm what? Cute?' She thought as her whole face turned red.

"Ah, N-not at all, it's a m-m-misunderstanding I-I'm not cute at all!!!" She barely stuttered out her words after finally realizing the words he had spoken.

However after saying that, she became slightly worried as his face fell, and looked almost cold.

"Who are you, to tell me who I, Oden Zaraki find cute or not!" He said, some of his arrogance once again slipped out.

"PFFFT Hahahaha" She started laughing, not expecting him to say that of all things.

His face fell even more.

As she realized that she had laughed at him right in the face, she suddenly was horror-stricken.

"I-Im s-sorry!" She said as she lowered her face, hiding it.

Seeing her so shy and afraid, he allowed her to question his superior opinion on what cuteness is, only this time.

"Hmph, good that you understand, since I've said that you're cute, it means that you're cute, anyone that says differently is asking for a beating." He said coldly.

"BUT I'M NOT CUT..." She protested, but as she realized that he didn't seem pleased, she lowered her head again, not speaking.

It became silent for a few seconds without anyone speaking.

"You might be cute... but your brain isn't, you seem like a dummy." Oden finally broke the silence.. but he didn't get the response he wanted.

He hoped that she would argue back like she had when he called her cute, but it seems her confidence levels are so low that when he compliments her, she argues and when he insults her, she silently agrees.

"Do you know why I think you're a dummy...?" He asked in the end, but she didn't even answer, or move for that matter.

so he answered anyways.

"Because you don't understand politics. The Hyuga clan leader was worried about his eldest daughter calling her cute and very talented, but she had a very soft and kind heart... making it impossible for her to fight and compete for the position of the future head of Hyuga..." Oden said as Hinata raised her head looking at him, wondering where he was going with this

"Hiashi-san was deeply worried about his eldest daughter, as she would sooner or later be branded by their curse, he didn't want that for her so he tried finding other ways for her to live freely, of course, that's impossible if the elders don't also agree." He said, as her mouth almost fell in realization

"This outcome was the result he came up with after deep planning and worrying... sadly his daughter just thought that he was selling her off, misunderstanding his love and protection for coldness... sigh Poor old man." Oden said as he stood up, he spoke as if he was speaking to himself, about his understanding of the situation.

"Wait.. is that true?" She asked as he was ready to leave.

"Hmm, yes, why would I lie to my future wife?" He said shamelessly.

"W-W-WIFE?" she turned completely red.

"Yes, I'm Oden Zaraki, Head of the Zaraki clan, never before seen genius, even the heavens and earth witness that I'm the most handsome born to these lands.." He said.

Her jaws finally dropped.

"See you are cute." He said he wiped a tear from her cheek with his thumb before using the flicker technique to puff away.

Hinata stood there frozen, completely red-faced, barely understanding what had happened in the last few minutes.

As Oden arrived back in the meeting room, he found Hiashi sitting as if he had a demon in front of him. He was very respectful.

"Ah, Oden-san, welcome back, how did it go with Hinata?" Hiashi asked as he wanted to know everything but didn't dare to come off as rude in front of the elderly man in front of him.

"Hmm.. probably well... I don't have all day sadly as I have other matters to attend to, I'll agree on the marriage on the condition that our future children belong to the Zaraki name, and that Hinata agrees herself." He said he continued to walk towards the door.

"What if they have Byakugan Instead of the Mugengan?" Hiashi asked.

Oden turned around as his sclera turned black. His aura changed into something really scary.

"You think my genes will become recessive..." Oden rhetorically asked, his tone cold.

Hiashi didn't answer, so in the end Oden's sclera turned back to white as he walked out the door, followed by his old grandfather that stole another cup of tea.