
Naruto: Bonds stronger than blood

Three friends are sent into the Narutoverse to mess with the timeline! How will their presence change the story and will they be able to survive this cruel world? ------------------ This is my first attempt at a fanfiction so don't be to harsh on me people haha. I'm always open for critique and hope you all give me some great advices on how to improve myself :) English isn't my nativ language so sorry for any mistake I make along the way and leave a review if you like or hate the story. *I DON'T OWN THE COVER NOR DO I OWN ANY OF THE ELEMENTS IN NARUTO, BLEACH OR ONE PIECE. I ONLY OWN MY OC'S*

NeoXxSLB · Anime und Comics
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25 Chs

Chapter 9: Shout my name!

< following the events of the last chapter >

[Eichi P.O.V.]

Mikoto and I positioned ourselves hidden in the forrest so that we were still able to observe the ongoing battle.

The three made quite the trio I must say. Ryo's ridiculous body coupled with his armament haki was tanking one blow after the other. His wounds were accumulating but they were still far away from being lethal. Sadly his speed was not able to hold up with Kinkaku even with his observation haki on full throttle. He really needed to achieve future sight or fast opponents could make his life difficult.

While Ryo kept Kinkaku's attention on him both Tobirama-sensei and the Raikage were dealing constant damage. Now that they had more space to think and prepare it became easier to fight the monstrosity.

The teamwork between the three was actually a sight to behold, the Raikage and Tobirama-senseis abundant battle experience helped them coordinate their attacks near perfectly.

It was all going well and I was about to tell Mikoto to approach the battle but of course the situation had to become worse because why not?

Kinkaku enraged by the pesky flies hitting him over and over again, hindering him to kill that damn human in front of him, let a shrill cry out and started yet another transformation.

Beneath the red chakra cloak white bones started emerging giving the creature an even more terrifying look.

Now covered by a white exoskeleton Kinkaku's speed and strength had risen to a new level. One that yet again brought despair to the group.

It took but a second after the transformation to sent Ryo crashing through the forrest. When I looked at him I was sure. He wasn't moving.


No no no no no no! He can't be dead, no calm down. He's probably just knocked out.


Another explosion, another cry. Looking back at the battle I was barely able to see Tobirama an the Raikages body flying past me.

=What are you doing just standing there?!=

Kinkakus eyes turned towards me filled with rage. I couldn't move. Why couldn't I move?!

=Because you're weak! A disgrace of a king!=

Kinkaku darted from his position but before I could even react I saw Mikoto jump in front of me.

=Yet again someone will die because of your weakness, Eichi!=

No. Not again. I refuse to let it happen again!

Kinkaku was about to kill Mikoto but suddenly time froze, the world loosing all of it's colour.

=There is only one enemy and there is one of you. So what are you afraid of?=

I could feel a hand on my shoulder, I could feel it, I wasn't alone, I never was.

=Abandon your fear and face him, never give up. Now Eichi! Advance and never stop! If you retreat you will age, be afraid and you'll die. Now, shout out my name!=



[Ryo P.O.V.]

When I opened my eyes I could feel my whole body aching. That damn fake jinchuriki, my whole body hurts.

How long was I out?

But before I could even stand up I felt a terrifying pressure. What was that? When I finally looked up I could see it. Hahaha. I'm done, I'm tired, I have no strength left, just let me sleep.

And like that I lost conscioussnes again.

< before Eichi's awakening >

[Mikoto P.O.V.]

Ryo was swatted away like a fly, his unconscious body thrown like a ragdoll through multiple trees.

What followed were the exhausted Kage's that had no chance without Ryo's aggro pull.

I saw Kinkaku looking at our direction, we have to run!

Looking at Eichi I saw him tremble, he was afraid. He wasn't thinking properly anymore. I just saw Kinkaku disappear in the corner of my eye and instinctively without even realizing it I threw myself in front of him. I was the older brother so it is my duty to protect him right? Hahaha I hope he manages to escape, that would be nice.

I was ready, at least my death would save one of my brothers.

But death never came instead I heard my Eichi's voice behind me.



[Eichi P.O.V.]

A shockwave with me as the center erupted pushing everything in my surroundings away, except for Mikoto.

He looked at me and then at the two swords in my hands. His face changing from shock to understanding and then to happiness.

In my right hand I wielded a long and wide sword, in my left a much smaller version of the right one. Both swords were a deep black.

I could hear Zangetsus voice telling me how to wield it. Telling me its secrets on how to crush and slaughter my opponent.

Kinkaku wasn't moving anymore, he just stood still, observing. Was he afraid? Were his instincts telling him to be cautious? It didn't matter.

The natural energie in the atmosphere started gathering around my right blade. More and more energie gathered in it until Zangetsu was satisfied and then:

{Getsuga Tenshou}

Folowing the path of my sword the energie errupted and consumed everything in its way. Of course I made sure that I wouldn't accidentaly kill anyone else with it.

The attack was too fast for Kinkaku to dodge, he hadn't expected something like that. He took the full attack head on, but when the dust settled he was still alive. Barely.

The Nine-Tails-Chakra had saved him from death but he had transformed back into his human form and was covered in wounds.

'I doubt he'll survive but better be safe than sorry.'

I was about to give him the finishing blow when my swords broke apart, leaving only my original sword behind.

I had no chakra and no energie left, with my last breath I turned to Mikoto and said: "It's up to you now"

And I passed out.

[Mikoto P.O.V]


Eichi's attack was incredible. The ground was sliced open by Eichi's one swing. The mark of his attack had to reach hundreds of meter from here. I hope there were no civillians in that direction...

I looked at Eichi in awe and was about to congratulate him when all of a sudden his swords broke apart. He started falling but not before saying: "It's up to you now"

Up to me? I looked back at Kinkaku and saw him coughing out blood barely alive. He survived that?!

The remaining Nine-Tails-Chakra desperatly trying to heal his wounds.

I knew what I had to do, I took out my kunai and made my way to him.

Was I prepared to kill someone? To end someones life?

When I arrived in front of him my hands started trembling. He was trying to kill us a moment ago so I had every right to the same to him right? Right?

But nobody answered...

I clenched my kunai as hard as I could and closed my eyes. I had to, he nearly killed us, he's someone that has to be killed, for the saftey of Konoha and my friends.

And with that thought my hands went down, the kunai in my hands piercing his head stopping every motion his body was doing.

I had killed someone. For the first time in both my lives I had taken someones life.

When realization struck I became sick, I started throwing up violently, I failed to hold my tears back anylonger.

I was a modern man, I lived my previous life in peace, somehow this world didn't seem that great to me anymore.


[A/N: Hey it's me again with a question to you guys!

So I haven't really introduced any of the parents except for Eichi's and that only briefly as well, so I'm thinking of either killing some off or I'll write "filler" chapters that don't have anything to do with the overall plot but are simply there for me to give my characters more depth. I would call those chapter then something like 10.5 or something depending on the chapter we're on at that time.

Those chapters would not! be included in the chapters per week that I release so no worries there.

Do let me know what you prefer or if you have other suggestions.]