
Naruto: A Real Shinobi

Kaos a cook and restaurant owner who would consume all the content he could get his hands on. This escalated from anime, manga, manhwa and finally novels. But never did Kaos thought that he would be transmigrated after a good night's rest after coming back from a late night walk. Waking up to an empty feeling in his stomach, he could only helplessly look up to the starry sky to where a huge monster was wreaking havoc. There was an undeniable crushing pressure Kaos has never felt before suffocating him. With his eyes started to close with a new fear took root in his brain. The horrifying chakra of the now-identified Kyubi was permanently sunk into the civilians that night and to the newly transmigrated Kaos, the fear was undeniable. Thousands of the villagers were traumatised just from the sheer presence of the Kyubi. This late trauma would constantly be reminded from the depths of hell, by a blonde child which would terrify the populace. With Kaos not being an exception... But instead of cowering and letting his fear take over. He would push through and pave a path for a safer future for himself. Others? What a joke. Being selfish is the only way to succeed in this world! But first, I need to flip patties...

Del123 · Anime und Comics
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18 Chs

Youthful Training!

*Knock* *Knock*

"I'll be right there!" I shout from across the hallway. Grabbing my academy notebook, I head towards the door and put my sandals on. Opening the door my eyes get greeted by an expected visitor.


A man with a green right jumpsuit, a large nose, a strong jawline and black hair in a bowl-style haircut was in front of me.

"Hello, young Shin! It's good to see you awake at this time of the morning, today we will see your youth!" Might Guy says with his eyes setting ablaze.

"I'm all ready sensei!"

'Hopefully, Guren learns the notes I copied down into her personal notebook I gave her.'

After closing the door behind me. Might Guy with a wide smirk put his hand on my shoulders to use the {Body Flicker}.

"Wait not this aga-"

Before I could finish my words, we already were at high speeds on the way to the training grounds. But unlike Asuma, travelling with Might Guy felt way faster.

You'd think that going this fast could hurt us due to the speed. But thankfully chakra protects the whole body.

After a few minutes of blurry vision without being able to do much.

We finally stopped.

"Where da faq?" I say very dizzy.

"Haha, we are at the entrance of Konoha young shin! This is where we will start the youthful warmup!" Might Guy says showing a thumbs up. Still recovering I give the best smile I could and returned the thumbs up.

Turning around I see the entrance of the village for the first time in my life. It's not that I never wanted to come here but the distance was too far.

A few hours of my day to visit this place seems like a waste. Money needs to be made at the restaurant baby!

The entrance of the village was huge with two enormous green doors opened. In all, everything had a Minka Japanese-style design to it.

Outside of the entrance were two people sitting on chairs with a lazy look.

'They must be pretty good sensors even if they are out at the front of the village.' I thought.

Kotetsu and Izumo were their names I believe.

No matter how lazy you think they are, almost all shinobi are nationalists that wouldn't hesitate to sacrifice themselves.

(A/N: Itachi and Kisame entering the village isn't their fault. Itachi was still registered to the village barrier and could enter anywhere besides the entrance of Konoha with Kisame. Not really sure how Kisame didn't get caught tho.)

"Let's head over this way, my young student!"

Listening to the man in green we headed towards a small grounds which we entered through a fence. The place was quite flat with a few customary stumps which led to a forest inside Konoha.

"So what's first on the agenda today sensei?" I ask with an eager look. Might Guy seeing this gets a wide smirk?

"We will start with some dynamic stretches! Young Shin, I do know that you already stretch in most of your warmups, but these will help you with my training.

These stretches let your body warm up and receive intense physical stress better. So doing this will make you more youthful!" He explains to which I nod, soaking in the information. My brain probably can't remember everything so I've resorted to noting down this schedule for these daily trainings.

"Okay, sensei let's start."

After this Might Guy showed me a few stretches we would need. This included walking lunges, leg swings, torso twists, squats and calf raises.

Fvcking calf raises.

"Well first see how much you can do till failure, then your goal will be to improve every day. I do at least 1000 reps for each but that won't work for you.

You will only have a four-hour time limit till the academy so the amount won't work but with your age, you won't need over 500 reps."

With wide eyes, I realise that I'll need to do that amount of training when I'm older. Now I know the grind is tough and gruelling but 1000+ calf raises sounds like torture.

'I might have to reconsi-'

"Start with squats! Let your youth shine, here let me do it with you!" Might Guy encouraged to which I complied with a determined look?

Getting into position I proceed to complete squats without any breaks. Next to me was Guy who was matching my movement looking at me with stars in his eyes.

"You're doing great young Shin!" He encourages.


Feeling my legs starting to go weak around the 60+ mark. My body could only start to push itself a little more before I collapsed onto the floor.

"64!" I huff out with shaking legs.


Hitting the floor my body could finally rest and take a short break. My legs were shaking like never before, it was never this bad when I trained myself.

Of course, though I've experienced worse shaking at the gym on Earth for leg days. Found leg day fun but not the results after a few days.

"Your youth is amazing Shin! Not only do you perfectly keep your form, you don't half try any of your reps! Don't worry young man I'll track down your results myself." Might Guy says doing a pose flexing his biceps.

After this, I proceeded to do the rest of the warm-ups after a decent amount of breaks in between. With them all done it was now up to the next part.

"So what now?" I ask looking at my legs. While my body may be sore from all the exercise the initial exercise, circulating chakra through my body lets me recover quicker.

It's able to naturally fix the tears in my muscles I presume faster than usual. While medical ninjutsu would be the fastest, this is quick for natural regeneration.

"We will do a light tracking assignment which counts as a jog! For this warm-up, you'll show me your youth with how well you can multi-task!"

He goes on to explain the basic rules of this exercise and its use. Basically, it's Might Guy traveling through trees above and I need to track and chase him.

Intense thinking while jogging will apparently loosen and warm up my body even more. Which will effectively capitalise on my first few warmups. This made sense to me at least but Might Guy could be wrong.

For the exercise, I don't exactly need to catch him but in the future, that will certainly be an objective. Making our way to the forest section of the grounds, Might Guy gave the signal and I gave chase.

This will be a bit difficult as I'll need to navigate through the unfamiliar place while giving chase.

'He's jumping between trees so cleanly.' I thought looking at his smooth movements as he practically glided mid-air.

As I ran through the forest, I was forced to quickly look in front and then to Might Guy's last location. This was very annoying and irritated me.

Considering his getup is a green tight body suit in the middle of the day anyone would think it would help me (It's not a dense forest). But that just isn't the case as what he wears didn't matter, I just don't fully see him as he dashes.

"God dammit…" I mutter.

Running after the man himself I had to constantly make split-second decisions. After running towards a tree would soon jump.

But because of my slow reaction time and footwork, he was getting farther away.

'I need to switch it up.' I thought to myself seeing the distance. Going full speed ahead I close the gap but suddenly my foot hit something.

"Oh shi-"


My foot getting stuck on a root makes me trip over and smack my face right into the floor. With dirt all over said face I persisted and stood up again.

Guy stopped due to expecting something like this. Waited for me to get up and showed me his signature smirk with a thumbs up.

Getting a determined look I sprint again but with a new goal in mind.

'While running I will see where Might Guy is, scan surroundings and then use the corner of my vision to avoid trees.'

This would be used in the order I thought of.

After these thoughts, an hour passed as Might Guy finally stopped which let me catch up. At this point, I was already huffing and puffing and my face was extremely red.

"You did such an amazing job young Shin! Your youth surpassed my own at your age!" Might Guy complimented to which I smile.

"Thanks, sensei, this exercise will help me a lot in the future." I sincerely say while panting on the ground. Might Guy with tears in his eyes summons a water bottle from a random scroll and hands it to me.

Taking the bottle with a grateful look I chug it down.

The tracking exercise was extremely eye-opening to how shinobi operate.

While not all-terrain are forests, the amount of observation, reaction time and body control you need are no joke. And these are the exact thing this drill trains.

Over time I was able to catch up to Might Guy but every time he saw this his pace would increase. In addition, Might Guy sometimes goes the opposite direction or plays mind games by hiding in a tree for a few seconds.

The difficulty stayed the same throughout most of this. Of course, I tripped over a few rocks, roots and other things somewhat often.

"We have three more hours until the Acadamy at 10:00 Young Shin. Let's take a break for half an hour as your body needs to recuperate, don't forget to circulate your chakra!" Guy enthusiastically says.

"Alright! Let's go get some lemonade as a treat! Not before cleaning up my face…" I respond which got a positive response from sensei.

(A/N: The tracking exercise I made is probably my favourite exercise due to what it trains. Reaction time, observation due to surroundings and tracking a speeding Might Guy and body control as said in the chapter. It also trains stamina due to the long tiring duration of the chase keeping at a constant pace. In all this exercise has everything a shinobi needs to train in a mission.)

"Young Shin I feel so refreshed! Now that the break is over we just show our youth!" Might Guy says with fire in his eyes.

'How many times has this guy said young and youth bro.' I thought amused listening to sensei. Walking next to Might Guy, we were back to the edge of the village at the grounds.

"Hey, sensei what's next now?" I ask feeling my body scream at me to stop. At this point in time, my body was extremely sore.

If I was a normal person I suppose sitting down and resting for the rest of the day would be valid. But circulating chakra can fasten the recovery process while not by much, it gets you by somehow.

Even then must show Might Guy that I'm committed to getting stronger for my "rival".

With an enthusiastic look, Might Guy looked at me with a smug look which made one of my eyebrows raise.

"You will be learning my personal taijutsu style! It's called {Strong Fist}! After watching how much youth you have I couldn't pass it up!" Sensei says rubbing his chin. Seeing the shine of his spotless white teeth I awkwardly smile.

Might Guy went on to explain how the fighting style works and how this time is meant to be set for sparring. But that won't happen in a few months. I need to learn the {Strong Fist} katas first.

"The scroll should be here!"

Sensei putting his hand on his belt looks around for a bit before getting a pale face.

'Don't tell me he forgot it.' I thought ready for the punchline.

"I forgot it at home!" Might Guy cries out? Seeing the man's reaction I couldn't help but laugh at the situation. "Hey it's not that funny this is a serious problem!"

He insists which made me cackle even.

"How do you forget a personal taijutsu technique scroll sensei haha!"

The taijutsu specialist watching me just started to laugh seeing the ridiculousness of the situation.

"If we can't practise that then let's get to the next training exercise young Shin!" Might Guy said with stars in his eyes. Getting a bad feeling about this, a shiver goes down my spine.

"That's everything for this morning young Shin! I'm looking forward to seeing you youth tomorrow!"

"I'm also looking forward to training with sensei again," I respond with an exhausted look which gets a thumbs up from the man himself. Guy just dropped me back to my house.

A few hours passed since Might Guy freaked out from forgetting his scroll. But he figured that it was at home which made me sweat a little.

Mans just kept a secret scroll like that on the kitchen table, like bro?

The training that occurred afterwards was some speed drills which made sense. While the style is called {Power Fist}, speed plays a major role.

My body age is limiting me a lot in pure strength. So from what Guy told me kids my age can't do weight training till I'm eight seeing my constitution. Usually 10 years olds can start but my physique is a bit bigger.

"I'll see you later young Shin! Good luck at the academy, by the way, it's 8:57!" He happily informs me and my face gets a pale look.

"The academy starts at 9-"

Before I could finish Might Guy used the {Body Flicker} and disappeared.

"God dammit!" I shout sprinting towards the academy. With my notebook in hand, my shaky body ended up falling quite a lot on the way there.

It took ten minutes to get to the academy so I would definitely be late. Might Guy could of at least helped me get there.

It's only the second day and my gonna be perfect track record is tarnished!


While falling for the eighth time and getting a few amused looks from people walking by. I feel a tap on my shoulders.

"Are you heading to the academy young man?" A hoarse voice says to which I got up. Taking a look at the guy he looked familiar.

Too familiar…

'White cloak, red and white hat, old man… That's Hiruzen probably? Oh shit, it is.'

(A/N: Give me some suggestions for chakra control training which isn't more complicated than sorting out coloured sand but harder than water walking please 🙏)