
Naruto: A Real Shinobi

Kaos a cook and restaurant owner who would consume all the content he could get his hands on. This escalated from anime, manga, manhwa and finally novels. But never did Kaos thought that he would be transmigrated after a good night's rest after coming back from a late night walk. Waking up to an empty feeling in his stomach, he could only helplessly look up to the starry sky to where a huge monster was wreaking havoc. There was an undeniable crushing pressure Kaos has never felt before suffocating him. With his eyes started to close with a new fear took root in his brain. The horrifying chakra of the now-identified Kyubi was permanently sunk into the civilians that night and to the newly transmigrated Kaos, the fear was undeniable. Thousands of the villagers were traumatised just from the sheer presence of the Kyubi. This late trauma would constantly be reminded from the depths of hell, by a blonde child which would terrify the populace. With Kaos not being an exception... But instead of cowering and letting his fear take over. He would push through and pave a path for a safer future for himself. Others? What a joke. Being selfish is the only way to succeed in this world! But first, I need to flip patties...

Del123 · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Ninjutsu Theory

Looking at the old man in front of me, there was also another person beside him. The teenager with dark brown hair in a ponytail had a horizontal scar across his nose.

The kid walking down and kneeling beside me gives a concerned look.

"Hey, are you okay?"

"I'm fine my senpai and I finished taijutsu training," I respond with an annoyed look. The Hokage who was behind him chuckled at my words while rubbing his goatee.

"Iruka it's alright, we'll bring him with us to the academy. I recognise him." The Hokage said to which the now-identified Iruka nodded.

Observing Iruka's clothes I realise that he didn't have a Chunin flak jacket. This most likely meant that he was still a Genin and a few years away from being an instructor in the academy.

Shinobi were oddly prideful of their flak jacket even when over 10,000 others got them as well.

'Well, it makes sense that he keeps people like Iruka close. He will be influential to most high-level shinobi considering he will in the future teach clan kids and talented kids.'

"Hello Hokage-sama, Iruka-san, my name is Shin Tokura!" I excitedly say doing a bow. Hirzuen seeing my unbridled excitement got an amused smile.

He seemed to have been in deep thought.

I actually for one don't hate Hiruzen that much unlike most of the fandom. His only fault is not directly raising Naruto.

Like he gave Naruto food, an apartment, and two ninjas to personally escort and check on him (This is canon in a flashback, two Chunin/Jounin talk with him every day and asks if he needs anything). Over time they just stopped visiting which could be his older age but wasn't confirmed why. A reason also could have been that Naruto didn't want to be constantly watched.

The only thing missing was giving him his inheritance which is safe to say it's good he didn't. Not only did it expose his identity.

Naruto was not ready for any responsibilities.

While we can't confirm the money amount. Naruto is too young to manage his balance well so it's a bit clouded there. But seeing that man's had dumbbells in his room it's safe to say he doesn't manage things well.


'My boy had dumbbells, scrolls and books in his apartment before the academy.' I thought remembering a flashback from the anime.

Despite popular belief, Naruto never received any physical abuse and little to no mental abuse from the villagers. They all either ignored his existence or gave him a hateful stare.

Nothing more.

Nothing less.

That's why he's seen attention starved instead of being hateful towards others. Naruto was just confused and wanted to have a connection with someone.

I guarantee anyone that the stall owner who threw the mask at Naruto talked to Anbu a few minutes later.

Hiruzen could do nothing for Naruto about the rumour as acting out would expose his identity and confirm the rumours. No one could "actually" confirm that he was the demon vessel, they only had rumours that they believed as they needed something to vent on.

Even Danzo would stop any physical harm to Naruto man. Even if the fandom only knows Danzo is the "villain", he is the reason Konoha is still known as the "Strongest Shinobi Village". Letting the demon vessel hate the place is meant to protect is crazy.

It's confirmed in Itachi's novel that Dazno was the cause for things like civil wars, killing politicians, killing prodigies from other villages and many more have boosted and kept Konoha at the top.

While Hiruzen is still influential.

Other than politics the third Hokage kind of has nothing else going for him.

"We should head to the academy now we are wasting a little bit of time." Iruka coughed out snapping the Hokage out of his musings.

"Yes… We shall go now. Stand still you two this will make our travel faster."

Before I could even react my tired body had a hand on its shoulder and we were going a light speeds. It only took a split second before we arrived at the front gate.

Iruka seeing my tired state got a smile and crouched down.

"Shin come here, I'll give ya a piggyback ride." He says making me stop.

Sometimes a man's dignity must be sacrificed!

Not like I'm an adult anymore…

Thanking the guy I slowly got on his back as the three of us made our way inside the academy. As we walked through the academy quite a few people greeted Hiruzen.

It didn't take long before I saw a familiar door that I was meant to enter at least 8 minutes ago. Being late on the second day of the academy wasn't the plan, but with the Hokage next to me everything should be forgiven.


Hiruzen opening the door attracts the attention of the teacher in front who was talking.

"Just say some stuff like your likes and disl-" Funeno stopping his sentence turns to the side. Entering his sight is the man he recognises as the Hokage and two others next to him. Getting a joyful expression, Funeno sensei nodded at the old man.

Hiruzen taking it as a sign to enter just nods back with a smirk.

"Hello, Funeno I'm here with a certain student today," Hiruzen said scratching his chin. Sensei hearing this got a curious expression and looked over at me. "Shin over here finished some intense taijutsu training and was a bit late so I brought him with me."

Hearing the man's praise I got a little confused but just rocked with it. Sensei who heard this got an understanding look and pointed towards the back of the class.

"Go take a seat now Shin we are going to do introductions for everyone here."

Nodding at his words walked on the steps in the middle of the room and sat next to Itachi who gave me a wave. After taking a seat sensei introduced the Hokage and explained what we would be doing this morning.

Not before politely greeting the president of the village of course.

A basic introduction to tell everyone our names and basic information would be happening. Looking at Hiruzen he got an eager look hearing Funeno sensei. It seems like his purpose today was to get some basic introduction to everyone this year. The introductions would start on the second day because on the first the Hokage would introduce himself to everyone.

Most likely that Hiruzen does this every year to get a scope of who has potential, most likely people like Itachi would be weeded out because of his dreams.

With Funeno starting the introductions at the start, it took a little while till it was my turn.

"-strong like my dad..."

Hearing the guy next to me finish his introduction, it was finally my turn. After my classmate sat down, I stood up with a confident look.

"My name is Shin Tokura. My dislikes are crowded places. My likes are cooking, training and my senpai Might Guy. A goal I have is to become the personal guard of the Hokage. My dream is to have a family and become a run-on sight shinobi!" I happily state gaining some snorts and mocking laughs from classmates. Ignoring them I keep a smile on my face making them shut up.

Hiruzen who heard this had an interested look already knowing what I was aiming for just with the last bits added. Funeno sensei gaining a huge smirk tells Itachi to go next.

Taking a seat, Itachi proceeds to stand up and do his part.

"My name is Itachi Uchiha. My dislikes are… war…" he says trailing off at the end. Realising that he was getting distracted I tap his shoulder.

"Oi reality back to genius."

Itachi flinches and gets snapped out of his daydream. He got a thankful smile and went back to his intro.

"My likes are my baby brother, my parents, my senpai Shisui and shurikenjutsu. My dream is to become a shinobi strong enough to stop wars."

These words got a few girls squealing which got a raised eyebrow from me. All the other boys had jealous looks which made me question lots of things.

Mans just said his dreams relax bruh.

"Thank you for the introduction Itachi! That's the final one today and we'll start classes." Funeno sensei said. Right after this Hiruzen who was next to him said his goodbyes which got a lot of reactions.

Surprisingly no one really cared too much about the Hokage.

Maybe they don't know his importance yet but the guy kind of just killed some time with Iruka here.

A few hours passed and we were up to the ninjutsu course at the academy. It was nearing the end of the academy day and we finished all the other subjects.

For the ninjutsu class, we would be subjected to a lot of theoretical stuff.

Unlike what's shown in the anime we were an array of different ninjutsu like {Water Style: Water Bomb Jutsu} and {Earth Release: Practise Brick Technique". Now it's weird that no one in the anime is seen using these ninjutsu but I suppose defensive techniques aren't that "cool".

(A/N: Itachi literally does a test on hand signs for different ninjutsu in the middle of class. So academy students do know they just don't perform it? Too difficult? No Chakra? Not really sure. The simple explanation though is that defensive ninjutsu isn't cool ig as that's the only type shown in Academy in anime.)

Right now we wouldn't get into any practical stuff but I'm going to be making some theories. I will test this out in a few weeks but this mainly includes ways to improve the chances of doing a ninjutsu.

'These are the notes I've got with Itachi's input.' I thought looking at my notebook.


•Keep calm and take deep breaths

•Imagine how you will perform the ninjutsu with clarity

•Take your time to perfectly mould your chakra and don't rush the hand signs, take your time

•Also imagine how your chakra will flow in or out of your body like a strand

•Practise will improve control over the Jutsu


These were the basics that I would be using so hopefully they help. The first one derived from Sakura as her advice was able to help Naruto and Sasuke.

So it looks pretty valid.

While imagining how to perform the ninjutsu and how it flows is the second most important one. Itachi says after watching his dad he just had to do hand signs and imagine a huge fireball.

'Was probably because his chakra amount not limiting him.' I thought a little jealous.

The last part which was taking my time to perfectly do hand signs which were the hardest for some academy students. A misconception even told by the teachers to fix is that you need to do your hand signs fast before a jutsu.

For some reason, I've seen this goes through every kid's head and even in the older years as they forget the advice. You just need to take your time and do it slowly.

Doing a hand sign wrong according to Funeno sensei will not fully mould the chakra you want.

"Yo, whats the hand signs for {Water Style: Water Bomb Jutsu}?"

Itachi was next to me went to a page on his notes and handed them to me.

"It's should be around the first page here." He said pointing to his notes which highlighted "NINJUTSU". Itachi was already able to write the hand-seals for over eight ninjutsu shown to us by the academy.

We had both made the agreement to study as hard as we could so focusing on training would be easier.

But I already know he'll make a {Shadow Clone} in a couple of months to sub in for himself. So I need to catch up in ninjutsu prowess and reserves to ask for the hand signs.

After a few hours the lesson finally ended and I would be in my way home.

"See ya tommorow Itachi!" I shout waving at him. Itschi who had his mother who I presume was holding Sasuke got stars in her eyes.

"You already made friend!" Mikoto asked excited rocking baby Sasuke around.

"Mommm-" Itachi groaned out knowing I did this on purpose. Giving him a smug grin the guy pouts feeling betrayed.