
Naruto: A New Kiba

[I DON'T OWN ANY OF THE NARUTO CHARACTERS, THEY BELONG TO MASASHI KISHIMOTO] Ryan was a young man who was hit by a truck and made it to Naruto as Kiba. He'll change to future of Naruto, starting with the loser who thought he could be Hokage while Naruto existed.

Cookie_Mako · Anime und Comics
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2 Chs

Kiba Inuzuka

"WHAT!?" A young boy shouted as he looked in the mirror. Reflected in the mirror was a face he knew very well, it was the face of Kiba Inuzuka.

"Why am I Kiba!" He shouted, in actuality his name was David, a young man from earth.

"Stop shouting before you wake your family up!" A voice shouted at David.

David jumped at the unexpected response to his yelling. He looked around a little panicked, he noticed no one. "Look in the mirror you idiot." The voice spoke again, but this time not yelling.

David looked in the mirror as the voice told, but this time instead of seeing his reflection he saw a white figure looking back at him.

"What's up dude." The voice said nonchalantly while throwing up the peace sign.

"It's you!" David exclaimed, albeit quietly this time as not to wake up the others in the house.

"Why am I in Kiba's body?" He asked while calming himself down.

"Because you wanted to be reincarnated here remember?" The figure asked scratching his chin questioningly.

"I wanted my own bod-" David was saying but was interrupted. "Not possible." The figure replied abruptly. "If you did, you wouldn't be able to use chakra at all, as your body doesn't contain a chakra network." The figure said as it shook its head disapproving of David's suggestion.

"Nope, just deal with it." The figure said as he stopped shaking his head and looked David in the eyes. The figure continued "But, I did make some modifications to his body to make it more convenient for you." The figure said with a grin.

"Modifications? What are they?" David asked with a sparkle of interest in his eyes, throwing his prior disappointment to the wind.

"You have more chakra than the old Kiba, I mean Uzumaki clan levels of chakra!" The figure exclaimed in excitement.

"I also made it so that you and Akamaru share a chakra pool. Before you ask, Akamaru also has Uzumaki levels of chakra!" The figure exclaimed again.

"I guess that's a pretty good power up." David said a little disappointed, he thought he was going to get infinite chakra and perfect chakra control, like every other generic protagonist.

"I almost forgot, you're also able to be proficient in all five chakra natures, so train hard to be able to use them all!" The figure exclaimed.

"That's all dude. Have fun and grow powerful! You're my entertainment for now!" The figure exclaimed as he slowly vanished from the mirror.

David stared into the mirror absent-mindedly, he knew he would be reincarnated here based on his previous conversations with the entity, but he didn't know it would be as Kiba.

"Looks like I'm Kiba now, at least I have a few perks to help me." David sighed as he left the bathroom and walked to his bedroom.

David opened the door to his bedroom and stood silently in the doorway.

"This is a lot to take in, I'll sleep now and think about it all in the morning." David said to himself as he walked into his room, climbed into his bed, and fell asleep.

To Be Continued...


Author's Note


There's something important at the bottom so skip the next paragraph if you're not interested in it.

Hey guys, long time no see, huh. You guys are probably wondering why I'm writing so many different stories at once and not uploading any of them. Fun Fact: I'm currently writing 5 Fics, and plan on writing more. It'll take a while for me to make an upload schedule because I'm really busy with other things currently. (I thought graduating would give me more free time...it didn't)

I have a quick question for everyone. How should I make Akamaru's dialogue? Because, Kiba can understand Akamaru. I'll give you a few examples and you'll comment on the one you like more, and if you have a third option comment on the paragraph that says 'Other Opinions'.

"Arf! Arf! What are we doing today Kiba!" Akamaru barked while wagging his tail.(Writing this made me cringe. Its a combined dialogue of barking, but with words because Kiba can understand what he says.)

"What are we doing today Kiba!" Akamaru barked with a wag of his tail. (This is regular people dialogue, but to everyone else it's just barks.)

Other Opinions (if you guys have any better ideas, let me know)