
Naruto: A Different Power

Born in Ninja World and granted the power of Ope Ope no Fruit, Kawano Naoki tries to utilise it's power every way possible to reach the apex and live freely. AN:- It is a non harem book. chapters ahead on my P@treon.com/Yuki7145

Sato_Yuki_4787 · Anime und Comics
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62 Chs

7 Accompanying


Yakiniku BBQ.

Next to his sister on a sofa sat Naoki, flipping through the menu that was placed on the table in front, at the center of the table a circular gap, a mash for grilling the meat placed in it.

"I guess we got here a little earlier"

Said Naoki casually, while flipping through the menu, his change in constitution after eating the devil fruit had also increased his appetite.

To sumpliment the fast growth of his body, a nutritious diet was necessary so Naoki planning to order nearly everything on the menu today.

This was also the reason behind him taking a break from training today, after another week of continuous training, his body now needed a lot of energy from the food to further increase his physical capabilities.


Agreed Maki with him, if she had known that she had to wait, she wouldn't have gotten ready in a haste and would have taken her time.


After another couple of minutes of waiting, finally a steady sound of footsteps approaching was heard by the siblings, Maki looking up and letting out a relieved breath.

"Oh, you're here already, sorry for the wait Maki"

Three figures appeared before them, the tall man at front seeing Maki apologizing with a look of embarrassment.

He was about 184 cm high, and looked in his early twenties, a handsome face, the konoha headband coiled around his forehead, short unkempt black hair.

"No, it's probably me who arrived too early Kagami Sensei,

Said Maki hurriedly, not wanting to embarrass her Jonin Instructor.

"Haha, you are really polite, come on you two, don't just keep standing, have a seat"

Laughed Kagami appreciately at her manners, though not forgetting the other two figures who arrived with him, motioning them to sit.


Kagami sat on the sofa opposite to Maki and Naoki, one of the other two figure sitting next to him, the last one sitting beside Maki.

"Believe me Sakumo, Isumi, both of you will love this place"

The two who arrived along with Kagami just sat quietly, not saying anything, Kagami trying to start a conversation.

The purpose of today's gathering was for the three to open up to each other as much as possible, making the future teamwork easier and guiding them even easier.

"Is it really better than the restaurants in Uchiha district?"

Spoke the person who sat next to Maki, a hint of curiosity in his tone, at the back of the attire he wore was printed a red and white fan, the emblem of a famous clan in the Ninja World.

Uchiha Isumi, a member of Uchiha Clan whi had just graduated and became a genin.

"Hehe, you'll see when you take the first bite"

Said Kagami with absolute confidence in his tone, kinda looking forward to the reaction of his clansmen.

Just like Isumi, Kagami also had the same emblem on his back, explaining his identity.

"Hmm... let's see"

Kagami's words made Isumi look forward to the food, though the silver haired boy called Sakumo didn't show much reaction, still sitting quietly at his place.

"Ummm...he is?"

"Hello, I'm Kawano Naoki, thanks for taking care of my sister"

Finally Kagami turned his attention to the brown haired kid who sat quietly, looking towards Maki to ask about him, though Naoki introducing himself before she can say anything.

"Well~ didn't expect my sister to be in such a squad"

Thought Naoki inwardly after the introduction, giving both Kagami and Sakumo a surprises look.

Knowing the plot, he was naturally aware of the identity of the two, Kagami Uchiha, one of the students of the late second hokage.

Though he had another identity, he was grandfather of the future Uchiha prodigy, Uchiha Shisui.

Hatake Sakumo also had a great identity, not only will he grow up to be stronger than the sannin, known as white fang of leaf, he'll also be the father of future copy ninja, Hatake Kakashi.

"I'm Kagami Uchiha, Nice to know you, little guy"

"Sakumo Hatake"

"Isumi Uchiha"

To his greeting, Kagami introduced himself back with a smile, though the other two just reporting there names and nodding at Naoki, who nodded back.

"Okay, let's leave the rest of the talk for later, gotta fill our stomachs first hehe"

Kagami finished his words with a small laugh, signaling towards the waiter, who immediately came up to take the order.

Half an hour later,

"This... it's unbelievable"

Shock was all over the face of Kagami, Sakumo, Isumi and even Maki, eyes on the little kid who had eaten thrice the amount they all collectively ate.

Alk four of them were looking toward the stomach of Naoki, wondering where that all food had gone.

"Hmm...so good"

Though Naoki ignored there shocked gazes, closing his eyes and feeling a massive energy flowing through all his body, strengthening his muscles, bones, the improvement worth three days of training at least.

10 Chapters ahead on my P@treon.com/Yuki7145

Soon I will take it to 15 chapters.

Also vote through your powerstones and rank this book high in the ranks, as it will keep me motivated to write more.