
Naruko Uzumaki's family in the multiverse.

Naruko and her new family venture into the infinite multiverse. A/N First Fanfic written on Webnovel and second fanfic ever written by me. The first is on Wattpad(tarikari_). Please do enjoy the story and make comments on where I could improve. P.S. The cover is not mine.

Tari_Soala · Anime und Comics
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81 Chs

Naruto 23

Not long after everyone left the tower. Kakashi met up with his students and congratulated them for their success in the second stage and prelims. With a plan set up, he agreed to help both Sasuke and Sakura for the month. While Naruko focused on what she was going to do believing she didn't really need the training. Before they left Naruko warned Kakashi not to pass down his habit of arriving late to them so he doesn't get any broken legs.

With that, the group went their separate ways. They all had their preparation for the one month.

-Day of the Finals-

A month has passed since the end of the Second Exam, with the Chunin Exams Finals now underway. The stadium was filled with people, all eager to watch the matches, along with the Jonin senseis, who will be watching their students, and seeing how much they have progressed.

While down in the arena, the twelve finalists, stood waiting for the matches to start. Among them was Naruko, who was still wearing what she wore for the preliminaries.

Down in the Arena

"Alright you all, same rules as the Preliminaries, if I think that someone is unable to continue, then that's it, no if, and, or buts about it, or I will personally take care of it. Any questions?" asked Genma.

"Yeah, what happened to the last guy?" asked Joey

"Died. Now, will all the participants except for Neji Hyuuga and Naruko Uzumakigo the contestant booth, please." Said Genma.

"You should give up now. Fate has already decreed me the winner and you the loser. You are fated to lay at my feet." Neji said as he continued talking about some fate. Naruko tuned out what he was saying and looked at him getting bores

-A few minutes later-

"So now you understand why your fated to lose" he finished telling his life story only to hear snoring making him look to see Naruko's head slowly bob up and down with a snot bubble inflate and deflate.

Naruko jerked awake yawning as she said "Oh sorry. I hope you got that out of your system. I couldn't help but fall asleep with your life story. Are you done bitching and moaning about life. There are others with worse lives and they are still moving. The world does not revolve around you jeez."

Enraged he charged at Naruko with his Byakugan flared trying to hit her only to grow frustrated as she just dodged and slapped away his hits without moving from her spot

Having enough she stopped his most recent advance and kneed him in the gut before following up with a right hook sending Neji spiraling to the ground causing a cloud of dust to form.

"So much for last year's genin of the year. Though I guess I expected too much oh well" Naruko said as she formed a few kunai and threw it into the cloud of dirt only for them to disperse seeing a spinning ball of chakra block them.

"Foolish! Nothing can get past my kaiten" Neji said only to be interrupted by a stone piercing through his kaiten and leaving a cut across his shoulder. He looked to see Naruko tossing a rock in her hands while others here floating around her.

"Kakaka, this is hilarious. The kaiten was beaten by a rock." Naruko laughed as she tossed the other rocks at Neji at lightspeed who soon got pelted by all of them and fell onto his knee with cuts across his entire body.

Naruko started walking toward him before suddenly appearing in front of him and kicking him in the side sending him into a wall.

"You gonna call the match? What a waste of time." She asked the proctor as she walked back to the booth.

Nodding he said "Winner of the first round Naruko Uzumaki."

Shino vs Gaara with Gaara winning via forfeit.

Sakura vs Sasuke with Sasuke winning via Sakura giving up.

Temari vs Shikamaru same as canon.

Kankuro vs Jon with Kankuro winning.

Jeff vs joey with Jeff winning.

Round 2, Battle 1, Gaara of the Sand vs. Naruko Uzumaki….. Begin!" yelled Genma.

Naruko pocketed her hands and got ready to fight, and Gaara started to pour out his sand from the gourd on his back.

"To start things of…" said Gaara, as he manipulated his sand around a still Naruko, not worried about the danger.

All the sand that approached Naruko was covered up by her darkness and consumed.

"Hmm… So this is your jutsu? To manipulate shadows without any motions or commands is impressive, just like me and my sand." Complemented Gaara.

"Yeah sure, let's do this." Said Naruko. She then ran up to Gaara, forming two katanas in her hands and attempting a slash at Gaara. Only for the swords to be caught and break. She pulled her hand back and rushed forward with her other hand and made a stabbing motion. She cut through the sand as her hands were about to get to Gaara only oy be grabbed and crushed by some sand.

She jumped back and regrew the limb while laughing slightly. "You know I kinda like the older arm better. Oh well, I'm just going to have to break it in." She jumped back in with her hand engulfed in darkness and suddenly warping right in front of him and piercing through his armor of sand leaving a gash on his person.

"GAAAAAHHHHHH!" Gaara yelled out in pain.

"Hmmm, what's this. Are you not used to getting hurt? Pathetic and here I thought you were worthy of my time. How am I supposed to whale on you if you can't take a hit properly."

"AARRRGGGG! It hurts! Mother! It hurts!" he yelled. Gaara then covered up the wound with sand, containing the blood that was coming out of it.

"I'm coming for you now, Naruko!" he yelled and sand rushed at Naruko.

Arms formed from the sand and tried to grab at Naruko, but she dodge them and cut them both in half with swipes from her hands. She then dodge a pillar of sand coming for her as she jumped backward.

All the sand that was in the area was cut up and disfigured as darkness cut it all up. Gaara made a protective cocoon of sand to block the attack, but the darkness was strong enough to cut the cocoon open and slash Gaara at his shoulder, causing more pain.

"Ahhhhhh! How! How are you doing this!" yelled a pained Gaara.

"You are too weak." Naruko said as she appeared right in front of Gaara and kicked him in the face, sending him flying into the air before she suddenly teleported ahead of him in the air and performed an elbow drop to his back. A snap was heard across the stadium as Gaara's spine was immediately crushed by the force of her attack sending him back to the ground and forming a small crater.

Kage Booth

In the Kage Booth, the Kazekage who is Orochimaru was in disguise and was worried that his invasion was going to fail with Gaara on the floor. Left with no choice he started the invasion.

Orochimaru sent the signal to Kabuto, who was masked in the stands as an ANBU guard.

Kabuto started going through hand seals and whispered, " Temple of Nirvana."

Feathers started to fall from the sky. People started to get dizzy before falling asleep, the effect of the Genjutsu. The ninjas noticed the Genjutsu placed on them and instantly freed themselves from it. From over the stadium walls were Oto and Suna ninjas, large in numbers. The Konoha ninjas instantly readied their selves to defend their home from the invading ninjas.

-Back with Naruko and Gaara-

"No! I won't lose! I have mother with me! Together we will kill you!" said Gaara as he started to gather sand on his body, covering him whole. The sand started to gain curse marks all over it, and Gaara opened his eyes to reveal a yellow, demonic eye, with a shuriken-like shape as the pupil.

"How do you like me now, Uzumaki! Sand Shuriken!" yelled the Shukaku-possessed Gaara as he was about to launch shuriken made from sand towards Naruko only to be knocked aside by a foot to the face.

"Sorry for taking so long master. Shall I take of this rodent for you?" The voice of Shinobu came as she walked over to her master.

"Where are Alucard and Kaede?" Naruko asked.

"They are helping I believe, well Kaede is. Alucard might just be doing what she feels like doing. Shall I fight the tailed beast or would you want to try your hand at it?" Shinobu asked.

"I would like to have a fight at Shukaku, look for Gramps. Orochimaru is probably fighting with him. Best of luck Shinobu." Naruko said as she flew towards where Shukaku was.

Naruko soon saw Shukaku in his full size rampaging around Konoha as the invasion was going on. She started to increase her power to get the tailed beast's attention with Shukaku looking back and staring at her.

"Fight me. If you're ready to die." Naruko stated menacingly as she waited for the tailed beast to attack her.

Shukakau jumped forward with his fist approaching her. Naruko patiently waiting soon dodged by flying higher away from its fist. However before anyone of them could continue their attacks, Sasuke ran in with a sword in his hand that was coated with lightning chakra and cut through Shukaku's tail causing the tailed beast to roar in anger and pain. The tail that was cut immediately dispersed into sand and blew in the wind.

Just as Sasuke was about to dash back into the fight he was interrupted by Naruko. "No Sasuke, Shukaku is mine to handle. ALONE!" This caused him to stop running and look at her in confusion but her listened and backed off. She slowly dropped back to the ground.

"Naruko, it has a weakness." Sasuke said to her getting Naruko to look at him.

"I know." Naruko replied as she briefly looked back at Sasuke. 'he is using Gaara's body as a medium to appear and interact. I just need to get Gaara out of it and that's when I can seal it back into his body properly.' she thought while looking at the Tailed Beast.

Naruko immediately took the sky only to get hit by a backhand from Shukaku sending her to fly back with a grunt.

"Struck a nerve?" she said with a smile just in time to bring up her hand and stop a punch from Shukaku.

"You call that a punch? You'll have to do better than that" she replied before pushing the fist away from her with a bit of effort.

"YOU BITCH. I'LL FUCKIN KILL YOU" Shukaku roared in anger as Naruko floated with a smile on her face.

"Don't quit now. We've just started." She replied to the Shukaku as he shouted out more profanities with promises of death.

Shukaku raised his back and threw a punch with added momentum crashing into Naruko as she caught the punch while slowly screaming out in pain. The force of the punch destroys the constructs behind them due to the shockwaves created.

"Hrnnng, I-I thin-nk it's working." Naruko replied with a hoarse voice as she struggled to push back Shukaku's fist. However, before she could fully push it back his other fist hits her sending her flying back but she stops her descent.


"That's it. Keep roaring." Naruko said as she softly landed on the ground with her clothes ripped and regenerating. "I'm still STANDING!" she screamed out with a smile further angering the Tailed beast.

Shukaka falling for her trap sends a couple of fists made of sand towards her before also attempting to punch her.

"Come on!" Naruko says as she looks at the fists approaching, her hair fluttering in the wind. With a smile. As Shukaku's punches indent into the floor Naruko skilfully dodged while flying closer to him with her holding her hand back coated in darkness preparing her final attack.

"DARKNESS DRAGON FIRRREEE!" Naruko exclaims as she flies through Shukaku's head while coated in the silhouette of a dark dragon. On her way out the other side, she picked up the unconscious Gaara and hoist him on her shoulder before exiting Shukaku. The dragon however wrapped around Shukaku's form and carried the tailed beast into the air and finally detonating causing the sky to clear up. In the sky was Naruko with Gaara on her shoulder and her hand hoisted up in the air and a smile on her face.

She had finally done it. She defeated a Tailed Beast. There was little chance of surviving that attack.

She slowly descended to the ground, but as she was about to drop on a knee. Sasuke was there to hold her up. Before they could finish something dropped from the sky to the ground and it was Shikaku. With a few seconds of work, she properly sealed the tailed beast back into the sleeping Gaara.

"Woah, my everything hurts." Naruko said with a slight smile while resting on Sasuke.

Naruko put Gaara on the ground safely, Sasuke right beside her. Soon both Temari and Kankuro appeared beside Gaara in a defensive matter, ready to defend their younger brother.

"Calm yourselves," Sasuke said to the siblings, "We aren't going to attack." Making them loosen their stances.

"Temari, Kankuro, stand down. I quit" said Gaara in a low voice as he awoke from the very first good sleep he's had in a while.

"Yeah, like Sasuke said. I have no reason to fight anymore. I am surprisingly tired, so you are free to go. Take care of your brother and make sure he gets some sleep. He looks like he needs it." Said Naruko. They nodded and grabbed Gaara and left the area.

"Sasuke." Naruko said gaining Sasuke's attention.

"Hmm?" he asked

"Thanks for coming in and helping and also catching me at the end." she said with a smile as she fell back first on the floor. Today she had beaten a tailed beast.

"Oh that. You are welcome. That's what teammates are for, always there to pull each other up in troubles." He said as he fell on his butt and sat down for a while.

"I hope the old man is ok? Nah, Shinobu is with him. He'll be fine? But I'll go check anyway." Naruko said as she finished healing everything on her including her state of dress.

"Sasuke, go help anyone that needs help. I have some things to do and maybe later we can have our fight." Naruko said as she stood up and shadow traveled to the stadium.

"Wow, to fight and beat a tailed beast by yourself Naruko. You really are something else Naruko." Sasuke said with a grin as he went to provide help.