

The year is 2018 and Geisenburg Empire is currently at civil war. A rebel group inside Geisenburg has been formed and is led by none other than the great great grandson of an elf dictator from Limheim Domain who slaughtered 14 million beastmen back in 1941. Adrian, a boy born from nobility is gifted by an ability he calls a "curse". This ability is still unknown but his father fears it, so he puts him in way too much training as a child. Though weak in magic and fighting, his wits and intelligence are his best partners. Adrian would then train, and get accepted to the prestigious school known as Mahika Academy. There, he continues to train. Will he ever be able to master his curse? Will he be able to control his magic? Let us all find out.

Natsuki_Kurosawa · Fantasie
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12 Chs

Chapter 1: The Boy

Adrian's POV

I tried to open my eyes yet all I can see is this void. An endless void with a dim light. "It's that dream again." I told myself. I kept walking and walking until I saw someone facing the other direction, sitting on a white chair. I walk towards him yet, he keeps getting farther and farther. I ran to approach him yet I can't. Until I slipped and fell. When I look my head up I saw him, but his face was blinded

by light

"We shall meet again."

His last words before walking, leaving me alone "Wait! I wanna know! What's my family's secret!? Please, tell me! You're the only one who knows!" I screamed at him before waking up, I felt sweats coming down my body. I quickly get up and had my face washed up.

My aunt knocks on my door and told me that breakfast is ready" Adrian, breakfast is ready, c'mon now. " she told me "Yes auntie, you go on ahead, I'll go wash myself." I answered her before going to the bathroom to cleanse myself "That dream again... My family told me that someday I'll receive the curse."

After that, I put on some clothes, went outside my room and entered our dining room "Hey auntie, I wanna know, what does our eye curse really mean? Like... Why does it exist? Why is it in our blood? I just can't understand-" auntie then told me "Adrian we've talked about this!" auntie is worried about me "I know but... I just can't ok! It's hard for me it's like hunting me I just... I'm sorry I lost appetite." I stand up and fix myself "Atleast eat something like bread." I thanked auntie for what she told me. I picked up the bread and went outside. I looked through all shops and stores around me and it seems most of them are already open.

I went to find the resto that my family owns around the city. Once I found it I went inside to be greeted by the manager, Leo "Hey, Adrian, how are you?" he asked me. I told him that I was fine and sat down at the counter "The usual?" he looked at me and asked "The usual." I replied to him.

Once my food is done, he place it in front of me and I ate it. While I'm eating, we heard at the news that Asakumo has finally opened their borders "As for today's news, Asakumo has finally opened their borders to everyone 2 weeks ago. People have been flying there and seeing the beautiful sites and other attractions. It has been 75 years since World War 2 has ended and Asakumo closing it's borders."

We listened to the news as I eat my breakfast

"Hey, have you thought about going to Mahika Academy? I heard they're accepting enrollees now." Leo asked me. I told him I'm not strong enough. That if I enter I'll only embarrass my family. He told me that it's ok. That even if I'm not strong my family will still love me and I just don't know about it. "Thanks, Leo." I thanked him as the bells above the door rang  meaning there's a customer.

"Hello ma'am! Welcome to Café de Luna! What can I get for you?" Leo welcomed the customer with an energetic voice "Hello, can I get your breakfast meal?" she ordered. Leo proceeds to make the breakfast meal and she sat down beside me. Not trying to be awkward I kept eating, trying not to make eye contact.

Which is something that didn't quite happened.

I slowly looked at her and saw her uniform. She's from the academy. And her having a 5 star badge on her chest meaning she's from high ranking nobility is spectacular and also confusing since not much from a higher nobility comes to this café. "Y-yes can I help you?" she looked at me and I shook my head no. She then smiled at me and waited for her food.

Leo placed her food as soon as I was done eating mine. I told Leo I'll pay him later and I went off.

Back to my aunt's house, I went up my room and picked up my equipment to start training. auntie saw me hurrying back down "Hm? Where are you going?" she asked me as she crossers her arms and tilts her head "Oh I'm going to the forest to train myself." I told her while I put on my armor and weapon "Oh, well you should take some of our guards just to be safe ok?" I told her yes "Be careful out there Andy." she smiled to me as she left off.

"Thanks auntie."

I went outside our house and walked towards the gate "Yo! Adrian! Going training again?" one of the guard asked "Yeah, I'm going to the forest today." one of the guards asked to come "Nah, it's alright. I'll be fine. Anyways see you guys later!" I then ran off as they closed the gate.

"Today's the day I'll become strong!"

Some hours later.

"AGH! HELP ME!!! SOMEONE PLEASE!!" I screamed as while being chased by goblins "Please! Someone! Help! I don't wanna die yet!" I screamed for help yet there was none. I turned around and still saw them chasing after me. "Oh god, please help me! I should've brought the guards with me!" I told myself as I kept running.

Once I saw light I thought I'm saved but "Light! I'm saved!" it was a dead end "...." I was speachless for it was a giant rock blocking my way. I turned around and saw them approaching me fast. I decided to take out my knife and tried to climb up. I did climb up, it was hard yes but I did. Although I'm not high enough. They shot an arrow right almost to my head. It shocked me so I lost my grip.

I took my sword out midair and stabbed a goblin. "AAHHH!!!!! DIE DIE!!!!" blood was splattered. This scared the goblins but eventually was even more pumped to kill me. I looked at them and saw them getting closer and closer. I put my sword in front of me and started swaying it. They trapped me until I hit the rock wall with no way to escape anymore.

"Don't kill me! Please!" I begged them yet they only laughed "KEKEKE! KEKEKEKEE!!". My tears are falling down and thought about my family. I flighted back and killed about 5 of them.

I heard a giant footstep coming in and something hit me from my stomach and sent me back flying to the rock wall "Ough!" I coughed out blood and opened eyes, with what surprised me made me laugh "... Haha... Hahaha!! Hahahaha!!!!" a hob-goblin. A sub species of the goblins. It's a giant about the height of 2 people.

Goblins kept firing arrows at me as I cover myself with my arms and legs. When I looked above and saw the hob-goblin near me about to smash me with it's giant bat I froze and cried. I then screamed with all my lungs "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

-To be continued