
Mystic Fisher of the Lost Waters

In a world once familiar to humanity, a mysterious and cataclysmic event plunged the Earth into water, unleashing a torrent of strange and terrifying beasts. The sudden and inexplicable phenomenon ravaged the planet. But just as all seemed lost, a strange development occurred. People began to disappear and reappear, transformed and imbued with the power of Mana. This powerful source of energy granted them abilities beyond imagination and brought a glimmer of hope to the bleak and perilous world. They transported to a place known only as the Depths, a location of unknown origins but with the promise of unimaginable power for those who could survive its dangers. Meanwhile, the world was further plunged into chaos by the appearance of spatial rifts and massive chains, adorned with ancient runes and mysterious clocks displaying a countdown of twelve months. The countdown marked the arrival of an event known as the Planetary Drift, an inexplicable occurrence that saw cultivators transported to random planets every twelve months. The event drew together the diverse races of the universe, each vying for power and survival in a realm of ever-shifting landscapes and dangerous foes. For Lucas, a humble fisherman from a life of poverty, the cataclysmic event brought both terror and hope. As the waters rose, forcing him and his family to flee, Lucas would come to discover a destiny far beyond what he could have ever imagined. In this world of danger and magic, he would find himself tested to his limits, facing impossible odds and powerful foes, all in the quest for power, knowledge, and survival. !!NO ARROGANT YOUNG MASTERS!! !!WORLD HOPPING!!

ExpiredRice · Fantasie
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14 Chs

"The Depth Realm"

Lucas felt a strange sense of power coursing through his veins, even though he was weak and exhausted. He couldn't explain the sensation, but he knew it was there. "I feel like i could destroy everything in my path," he thought to himself.

Suddenly, a strange robotic voice echoed in his mind. It called his name, growing louder and more insistent with each passing moment. At first, Lucas thought he was going crazy. But the voice refused to be ignored.

In a moment of weakness, Lucas replied to the voice in his mind. "What?" he asked weakly.

To his surprise, the robotic voice responded. "Say the word system, Lucas. Say it."

Lucas was taken aback. "Oh, the system.. right i forgot. System."

In an instant, the space in front of him shimmered with a bright light. Strange mystic runes appeared, coalescing into a status panel.

[Trial Completed]

- Survive for 1 day

As Lucas read the system message that said [Trial Completed], he suddenly felt like he was drowning, pulled away by some unseen force.

In an instant, he was transported somewhere else. Gasping for air, Lucas realized that his body was no longer frozen, and he clenched his fist with excitement. "I can finally control my body," he muttered to himself. But as he looked around, he was completely taken aback. This was not where he had just been.

He found himself on a land made of coral reef, to be exact he was on the ocean floor with no water where he was standing.

He looked around in confusion, wondering how he could be standing on the ocean floor with no water. The coral reef stretched out in all directions, the colorful formations undulating gently in a nonexistent current.

Lucas cautiously took a step forward, and was surprised to find that the sand on the coral was solid under his feet. He looked down and saw that he was standing on a path made of white sand, winding its way through the coral formations.

Lucas stood on the sandy beach, gazing out at the seemingly endless expanse of sea before him. As he looked into the distance, he couldn't help but feel stunned by the beauty of the world around him.

The sun was just beginning to dip towards the horizon, casting a warm golden light across the water. The wind picked up, carrying with it the salty, tangy scent of the sea, which mingled with the sweet aroma of the strange vegetation that surrounded him.

Towering above him were the coral reef mountains, their jagged peaks reaching towards the sky. Lucas marveled at the sight of them, noticing how the sunlight glinted off the surface of the coral, creating a dazzling display of colors and patterns.

In some places, the dense vegetation was so thick that it was difficult to see more than a few feet ahead. But as Lucas pushed forward, he was rewarded with the sight of weird plants and trees that he had never seen before. Some had leaves that glowed with a soft, ethereal light, while others had twisted, gnarled trunks that seemed to defy gravity.

As he continued on, Lucas stumbled upon a series of big lakes that shimmered with green and blue hues. Strange fishes darted through the water, their scales flashing in the sunlight. And overhead, huge multicolored dragonflies flitted about, their wings beating in a blur of motion.

But it was the sky that truly took Lucas's breath away. It looked like cotton candy, with different colors and shades of pink, purple, and orange, glowing with an energy and vibrancy that he had never seen before. He stood there, transfixed, taking in the stunning beauty of the world around him, grateful for the chance to experience something so magical and wondrous.

Lucas stood there, taking in the stunning beauty of the world around him. As he gazed out at the colorful sky and the strange flora and fauna that surrounded him, he remembered the system that he had stumbled upon earlier.

Softly muttering the word "system," he watched as a panel materialized in front of him, displaying his information.

The first thing he noticed was his name, displayed prominently in bold letters: Lucas.

[Name: Lucas ♂]

Beneath that, he saw that his race was listed as human, and that he didn't have any discernible bloodline.

[Race: Human]

[Bloodline: None]

But it was the next line that caught his attention: his element was listed as ice. Lucas furrowed his brow in confusion, wondering how that could be possible. He had never felt any kind of affinity for ice or cold temperatures before. Probally beacause of the transformationn. He thought after a while.

[Element: Ice]

As he scrolled down the panel, he saw that he had a unique ability called "Christmas Fantasy," as well as a unique soul item called "Candy Cane."

[Unique Ability: Christmas Fantasy]

[Unique Soul Item: Candy Cane]

His core and soul ranks were both listed as early dormant, which he assumed had something to do with his power rank, like from the games and novels.

[Core Rank: Early Dormant]

[Soul Rank: Early Dormant]

But it was the list of titles that intrigued him the most. He saw that he had been granted the titles of {Irregular}, {Iceborn}, {Iceheart}, {Frozen Soul}, {Winter's Wrath}, and {Winter's Embrace}. Each title seemed to hint at some kind of unique ability or trait that he possessed.

[Titles: {Irregular} {Iceborn} {Iceheart} {Frozen Soul} {Winter's Wrath} {Winter's Embrace}

Feeling a surge of excitement and curiosity, Lucas eagerly tapped the names of his titles, hoping to learn more about the unique abilities and traits that they represented.

As he clicked on each one, a brief description popped up, giving him a tantalizing glimpse into his potential for power and ability.

{Irregular} - A title bestowed upon those who possess unique or unusual abilities, traits, or characteristics. This title is often associated with great potential for growth and advancement.

{Iceborn} - A title granted to those who are born with a strong affinity for ice and cold temperatures. Those who hold this title often possess great control over ice and snow, and are able to manipulate them to their advantage.

{Iceheart} - A title given to those whose hearts are as cold and unyielding as ice. Those who hold this title are known for their unshakeable determination and unwavering resolve, even in the face of adversity.

{Frozen Soul} - A title granted to those who possess a soul that is as cold and unyielding as the frozen tundra. Those who hold this title are said to possess a great resilience and strength of will, even in the face of great hardship or tragedy.

{Winter's Wrath} - A title bestowed upon those who are able to harness the full power of winter and ice. Those who hold this title are known for their ability to conjure powerful blizzards and icy storms, as well as for their unparalleled mastery of ice magic.

{Winter's Embrace} - A title given to those who are able to find warmth and comfort in even the coldest of environments. Those who hold this title are known for their ability to endure extreme cold temperatures without suffering any ill effects, as well as for their deep connection to the natural world.

As Lucas read through the descriptions, he felt a thrill of excitement and anticipation building within him.

Lucas, still bubbling with excitement, quickly tapped on the name of his unique ability, Christmas Fantasy. As he read through the description, his eyes widened with wonder and amazement.

"Everything I turn into ice becomes my servant?" he murmured to himself in disbelief. "That's incredible!" (The servants acts like robots..)

The minor skills attached to the unique ability only added to his excitement. The fact that he would heal and absorb cold mana faster in cold environments, and that his attacks would become even colder, only served to fuel his desire to explore this strange and magical world.

As he read through the restrictions and information, Lucas realized that his power was not unlimited. The fact that his normal servants only had 20% of his original strength, and that they would die forever if they were killed, was a sobering thought.

But the idea that he could assign two servants to permanently live with him every rank, and that they would have 80% of his strength, was a tantalizing prospect.

He could already feel his mind racing with possibilities and strategies, and he knew that he was only scratching the surface of his true potential. But for now, he was content to bask in the thrill of discovery, and to revel in the endless wonders of this fantastical world.

Lucas could hardly contain his anticipation as he turned his attention to his Unique Soul Item, the Candy Cane. As he gazed upon the black and blue crystal shaped candy cane, he felt a surge of energy coursing through his veins.

He quickly scanned through the list of weapons that the Candy Cane could transform into, his eyes lingering on the Fishing Rod, Sniper, and Rapier.

"The Fishing Rod could be useful," he thought to himself, his mind already conjuring up images of him easily reeling in massive fish with the help of the rod's unique ability. "And the Sniper and Rapier could definitely come in handy in a fight."

But it was the Candy Cane's core ability that truly caught his attention. The fact that anything he hooked with the rod would become 20 times lighter was a game-changer, one that he knew could help him in countless situations.

"Imagine being able to lift heavy boulders or move massive objects with ease," he mused, his excitement growing with every passing moment. "This could really come in handy."