
My Zombie Game

Nate had lost his brother and mother after a brutal fight between his mother and his father. Nate's father killed both Nate's brother and mother, luckily for him, he was able to flee the scene in time before his mother and brother's feat would be extended to himself. Because he was afraid of going to jail for what he did, Nate's father jumped down from a building killing himself. After all, this happened, Nate was left in the world all alone. But soon, Nate found something in him that could keep him moving. And that is playing "Virtual Reality Games". Nate became so talented in playing VR games that he was nicknamed the Game Lord. But Nate had bought the wrong game this time around. Read and see how Nate was transmigrated into another dimension with Earth. This Earth was the same thing as the one he came from. But things are yet to get messy for Nate because in this dimension also, it happened that his father was still alive and he killed his mother and brother again and the worse was that his two school bullies, had transmigrated with him. Of all these problems, the highest one is that Nate all thought it was a game. ******* I would love to see your support as we journey together through the story and also I am planning to build up a fan base starting with Discord: link is below. https://discord.gg/gMXt7Uzu For my Ig https://instagram.com/jeffweikeson?igshid=OGY3MTU3OGY1Mw==  Thank you!!!

J_WN · Fantasie
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411 Chs

An opportunity.

The guards busted into action as they started to fire in all directions where the whitebonez were seen coming.

It was a total of five whitebonez, four were premature ones while one that has four extra arms on his shoulder with four snake tentacles.

Immediately the drones spotted the whitebonez, a quick report was sent back and in no time the whole area became chaotic.

The guards were all taking formation while shooting, while they are being assisted from the watchtower. Even the drones were helping out to clear the zombies.

However, the whitebonez were not just sitting in one place and watching as the guards take action.

They also started to attack causing far more casualties to the guards than them.

Meanwhile, the matured whitebonez with four tentacles seems to sense something before sprinting out for it.

Nate and his horde were kind of in a haste to make a decision. Right now, they have come a long way to the border but are yet to be spotted because of the fight currently going on.

"Shouldn't we be helping them?" Twain asked.

"Are you crazy?! This is the perfect opportunity for us to sneak in and even take one of their vehicles along with us," Sin snapped at him.

He was right, the guards were mainly too focused on the whitebonez while leaving a lot of opportunity for Nate and his horde to sneak in.

"Let's get going, we can only put an end to this if we manage to cross the border and this is our chance," Bull urged them.

As much as they wanted to help, however, they were fully aware that helping will only mean letting go of this opportunity.

"Fine, let's go,"

Just as they were about to move, a figure appeared in from of them.

"Maybe, this fight is inevitable," Lyon lamented as he took the first action to strike the whitebonez that just appeared.

"Quick, Mark, head into the border and secure any of the vehicles, let's deal with this problem fast," Nate instructed.

Lyon was already kicking off against the whitebonez. His hand turned into a claw as he swung it.

The extra short hand on the whitebonez shoulder caught it, before Lyon could do any other thing, his entire body was lifted before being slammed on the ground.

The sheer force of the whitebonez was too strong, strong enough that Lyon's bone cracked from inside.

Regardless, he gnashed his teeth and throw his feet at the whitebonez. Meanwhile, at the same time, Bull has acted also.

He ran towards the whitebonez and throw out his fist. While the whitebonez seem focused on Lyon, Bull was hoping to use this to his advantage.

Before Bull's fist could touch the whitebonez, a tentacles wrapped around his arm. Meanwhile, one of the tentacles has moved forward to bite Bull on his neck.

Luckily for Bull, he is a zombie and somewhat immune to all sorts of poison.

Suddenly, a thread hit the two tentacles, slicing through them. The one that sent this thread was not Nate, rather was Shad.

The latter still has the bone sword, as a matter of fact, he has also upgraded it with an actual crystal back in the base.

In normal circumstances, Shad was not able to project his power out in long range, but with the bone sword, it was now possible.

Slashing once again, two hot threads went out against the tentacles again. Bull was freed and he didn't waste time punching the whitebonez out.

The zombie took the hit while skidding across the floor. However, the whitebonez quickly got up and rushed towards Shad.

Seeing this, the latter stabbed the bone sword on the snow ground and instantly, a couple of ice pillars roses and crossed each other to block the hit.

Seeing this, the whitebonez went on in a circular motion, trying to get to the other side, but it was only then that Lyon used Tony's altered form.

With the sharp lizard tail, lyon swung it at the whitebonez, cutting through the zombie's arm.

Meanwhile, Shad used the hot temperature on the sword and swung it at the Whitebonez also, sending the zombie clashing into multiple trees, knocking them down.

Meanwhile, another whitebonez has just appeared now, although it does not look as scary and mature as the first one, it definitely was still a threat.

"This is bad, if two of the whitebonez were to be in this direction, it will attract the guard's attention, we need to leave now...!" Nate urged.

Twain on the other hand has been shooting down drones to prevent the guards from spotting them, but it was just a matter of time because with two whitebonez in their location, the guards will definitely come looking for them.

The whitebonez quickly acted on arrival. The zombie sprinted towards the closest person to him which is none other than Twain.

[Punch blast]

Suddenly, Sin acted, punching the whitebonez, sending the zombie out of the distance as well.

"Guys let go," Nate said.

"But the other whitebonez is on its last leg, a few more hits will end him," Lyon said.

Tony's form was a lizard and of course, Nate has a DNA of the altered form. Turning into the lizard's form, Lyon has grown out a tail that could slice through anything, even the almighty Titans will be killed if they were to be attacked with the tail.

"Killing it does not matter, if we don't get out now, we will lose this opportunity," Nate warned.

In the end, Lyon has no other choice than to follow Nate. Meanwhile, the whitebonez from before was walking towards them sluggish.

"There they are!!" a guard cried out. However, be he could act, the whitebonez have already leapt over him.

"Quick, let's get out, by the time it finishes that, its strength will be as good as before," Nate warned.

With that, everyone was heading towards Mark's direction where the latter have already prepared the vehicle for them to leave.

Meanwhile, from behind, they could see that the whitebonez was already running towards them.

"Won't it let us go," lyon clenched his fist.

"Everyone, get inside, I will hold them back," Nate instructed before placing his hand on the ground.

Immediately, a void opened as Nate let out five undead beasts from his zombie storage. 'This should at least hold it back till we are out of sight,' Nate thought and soon entered the vehicle and soon, they were off.

Just like that, they have finally passed the border and were now heading into the settlement.


Meanwhile, a few hours later, in a dark cave with a little source of light from the crystals on the wall, a man was inspecting the wounds that have been inflicted on his pets.

'One of you guys was not able to make it back, while you the strongest suffered this amount of damage...who are they and what are such people doing here,' the man wondered.

After a long time of speaking to himself, he eventually lead the whitebonez into a room where one could see people shackled against the wall.

"Have a nice meal first, while I look into this matter," he said while locking the whitebonez inside the room.

As he was leaving, the cry painful cry that was coming out from the room was deafening, however, this man only smirked at this.

'Something fishy is going on,' he thought to himself before leaving the cave.

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