
My World Anew

A world unlike any other filled with endless possibility. One day a God descended from the sky and changed the concept of reality for every single human. What happens when the world is thrown into utter chaos and the reality of the human race is laid bare... what path will they choose as they advance towards the cosmos?. ******* A young man named Timeless, born under unfortunate circumstances, embarks on a journey into the realm of the divine in an effort to alter his predetermined fate. Despite facing numerous challenges and difficulties along the way, he remains determined to overcome them and ultimately rewrite his destiny. This coming-of-age tale explores the themes of fate, determination, and the power of perseverance in the face of adversity ******** Feel free to drop a review, no matter how harsh it is, it will further help me to improve. For Tips and advice, also for chats and discussions use the link below to join my server. https://discord.gg/99a4VKZjgF

Darkness_Descends · Fantasie
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58 Chs

An unexpected event

3 days had passed since Timeless went hunting for a suitable beast to boost his stats, along the way he met some creatures at the Elite soldier stage but managed to slip past them without being spotted, his destination jagger swamp, home to the mud frog a Mortal rank creature known to give strength stats since he was lacking greatly in that department. It's impossible to gain more than 3 stats points from any beast in the first domain that's why gaining stats was hard as you can't spam one particular beast till you max your stats which would have been wonderful.

Getting to his destination after a day of walking, he spent the remaining two days observing the mud frog and trying to come up with suitable methods to hunt it. One of such method Involved using his beast core as bait. although this particular beast core has some wind essence in it and the mud frog was known to escape through the mud which means it had an earth essence, he thought nothing of it as all he required was to catch them.

Mortal rank beast wasn't that hard to kill anyways if you're strong enough, especially for the current him that's only lacking strength but the others were at a decent level not having enough strength doesn't mean one can't kill a beast it's all about how you utilize your brain as the mortal rank beast ain't that intelligent so that's where humans greatest advantage over these beasts are. The beast core was beneficial to the mud frog regardless of it being a wind essence but would be a lot more attractive to wind-type creatures.

Using his surrounding to his advantage he made a makeshift glove using leaves and some tree vines to enable him to hold the mud frog as they tend to be slippery, he intended to crush the frog with his hands after catching it.

First, he needed to set up a trap for them else it would be difficult to capture them so he proceeded to build a crude trap, a hole in the ground covered by leaves which were then camouflaged by mud and dirt so as not to arouse suspicion from the beast inside the hole the beast core was placed along with a net made from tree vines strong enough to hold the beast. although life in the sanctuary was cruel with the constant training and learning of various survival skills he was glad that it was coming in handy at the moment.

Feeling satisfied with the trap he built he proceeded to hide from sight while observing and surely soon enough a mud frog came out of its safety zone unto the dry land heading in the direction of the trap, seeing as his plan was close to success he felt elated and held his breath while watching intently but something unexpected happened, he saw another creature approaching the trap one not native to the jagger swamp but still by the looks of it it was still a mortal beast but the mud frog abandoned any interest it had earlier and ran back to the safety of it's mud much to Timeless regret.

The new creature approaching the trap was out of Timeless expectation but he soon put that behind him, maybe it was a creature that was drawn here because it felt the wind essence if so then he should be thankful that it was still of the mortal realm.

Still lying in wait the moment he was waiting for arrived as the cat-like creature stood on the trap but he soon noticed something amiss as the land it was standing on felt soft but it was too late as the creature fell into the trap and was tied up by the vines he set in place. Feeling elated Timeless rush towards his catch with a massive grin on his face as he stood at the edge of the hole watching the panicked creature struggle.

Pulling the creature out of the hole, he dragged it to a safe distance while looking at it with a sinister smile on his face, still feeling extremely happy that his trap worked. He was planning on ending the creature's life when something flew from the beast into his forehead and then he heard the system's voice.

"Slave contract detected, awaiting confirmation from host".

Timeless was left speechless at this unexpected turn of events, "a slave contract what does that even mean?" he wondered to himself while looking back at the creature who still had a frightened look on its face he decided to accept the contract but he felt immense pain all over his body and then the system voice sounded again.

"Contract failed unable to detect any usable soul energy from host". Stunned at this he felt as if he just heard the worst joke ever, he had 20 soul energy at the moment and the system said unable to detect? "wtf is this bullshit".

There is an underlying power, energy, essence, or consciousness that births, energizes, and sustains all of creation and the universe in its many manifested forms and appearances, and it is to this underlying power everything returns. Soul energy can be defined as a way to improve the spiritual aspect of a human the more we have the more we can perceive the world and it's also the soul energy that determines the amount of Beast soul one can have.

Seeing as the system said he had no soul energy he had every reason to be angry, looking at the beast in front of him he sighed before proceeding to land a series of punches on it until he heard the system voice again.

"Killed Mortal ranked creature demon panther, gained 2 stats point, Beast soul of demon panther gained".

Feeling both happy and sad at this outcome, he could do nothing at the moment but check his stats.

* Name: Timeless

* Rank: Mortal

* Gene evolution: Unknown

* Speed: 15

* Strength: 6

* Constitution: 20

* Soul energy: 20

* Beast soul: Demon claws (Mortal rank gauntlet)

* Skills: Weakness finder, Skyslicer (Mythic rank)

Moral ranked beast soul could be said to require almost no soul energy, maybe because it was weak and couldn't repair itself not even a little bit so soul energy wasn't required at the moment he could get mortal ranked beast souls but he wasn't sure if he would be getting any the further he progresses as his soul energy seems to be considered void by the system for reasons unknown.

Summoning the beast's soul it appeared on his hands in the form of a black-shaped gaunlet with two sharp claw fangs, although not what he expected, a weapon is a weapon regardless.

Standing up he walked back to the swamp with the intention to continue with his initial plan of hunting the mud frog, After 2 days of hunting this way, and after successfully getting the maximum number of points available from the mud frog he brought out his map and looked but decided to discontinue his hunt for the moment and head back to camp.