
My Winsome Crony

Love and fantasy are not so very different entities, they are very much related , for where there is love there is fantasy and in very fantasy there will always be love. This feel which always brings forth a sensation of being different from others surrounding us , which is nothing but to say, we are a part of a mysterious fantasy world. It's not everyone who gets to experience this. How I wish my life was in a fantasy world just like the beings in my story. This tale is about a colleen who was forsaken by her family, where she gets the eerie feel that she is being watched by someone the entire time but doesn't know, by whom or by what. To say more it's a love story of a werewolf and his queen. A tale of love which stands beyond time, battles, dark spells, betrayal and power longing just for two heart to amalgamate. A love which stands ever more powerful for they were truly loyal and committed, though they fail in life. He was a true wolf for she was his moon. Mellow Reading...

Dream_Catcher_4103 · Fantasie
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21 Chs

Wing - 2

Gaya bid her goodbye to her Alpha and was journeying her way back home with Edna through the woodland. They paused their jaunt for a short rest so that she could feed little Edna, who was smiling like a gentle breeze on seeing Gaya's face. Her heart melted looking at her smile and just then she noticed Edna's hands which had a very peculiar extra finger.

She understood that Edna was rather special in some way and it was a really important duty to protect the beauty herself. She feared about her family whom she was living with, as her son was a famous blacksmith of the village and his wife Anna were the most self-centred creatures in the world. Thoughts started to crowd her as she failed to notice a werewolf surrounding them from behind.

Just as she was about to come out of her world the big wolf attacked Gaya before she could change into her wolf form , this left her with a deep wound on her chest weakening her wolf spirit. She understood it was a rogue as it reeked of filth and blood and was trained in a most dark way. Sudden realisation hit her that the rogue was not after her but after little Edna. She rushed to protect the smiling baby who didn't know the situation she was in but the rogue was quicker and his paws slapped the baby harder which left Gaya frozen on the spot with tears.

A moment later when she recovered she rushed to the spot where she found dead rogue and a mellow Edna. Gaya could vaguely see the shield of the spell which Cia cast on Edna and that had indeed protected her. From that time on she was prepared to stand by her side to protect Edna for the sake of her Alpha. She could not reveal this to her family because they might see her as a threat and had to make a different story. As she picked up the baby to start her journey, Edna kept her hands on Gaya's wound which healed by itself. Little did she know only the wounds in her body was healed but the rogue's dark spirit had wounded her soul adversely.

After this encounter Gaya started to grow more fond of Edna and rushed back to the village leaving behind the dead rogue deep in the woods. They excited the thick trees and reached the meadows where Edna was very much excited to cut the butterflies and towards the village they headed. Edna's beauty was indeed mesmerizing as the sunlight hit her , her hair was glowing like golden waves which complimented the emerald twinkle in her eyes whenever she smiled. The omega was very much eager to know the secret of the sixth finger and atlast they finally reached the village far from the endless mountains.

Gaya finally turned and looked at the endless mountains which were now far from them and the place she once called home . Deep and painful memories of her pack came rushing back to her but that is a different story for another day. She looked at Edna who nodded her head in understanding Gaya's pain which made her realise ,yet another gift of Edna - to read others mind, but that is not possible for a human.

Mind linking and mind reading were the abilities the moon goddess herself granted to the werewolves but due to the bloodshed long ago, she took back her gift as a punishment from each beings. Gaya intended to keep the gift of Edna a secret from everyone including the Alpha himself, for a gift so treasured by the werewolves were not easily given to a human.

And so a new chapter was about to begin in their life but will it be good or bad? Can Edna really read minds like Gaya suspects? What secret does the endless mountains hold? Why did Gaya leave her pack? Who is the rogue which attacked Edna? How did the rogue know about Edna? Travel with me to know more answers.

I am Dream Catcher and I hope you like my work. Mellow Reading...