
My Winsome Crony

Love and fantasy are not so very different entities, they are very much related , for where there is love there is fantasy and in very fantasy there will always be love. This feel which always brings forth a sensation of being different from others surrounding us , which is nothing but to say, we are a part of a mysterious fantasy world. It's not everyone who gets to experience this. How I wish my life was in a fantasy world just like the beings in my story. This tale is about a colleen who was forsaken by her family, where she gets the eerie feel that she is being watched by someone the entire time but doesn't know, by whom or by what. To say more it's a love story of a werewolf and his queen. A tale of love which stands beyond time, battles, dark spells, betrayal and power longing just for two heart to amalgamate. A love which stands ever more powerful for they were truly loyal and committed, though they fail in life. He was a true wolf for she was his moon. Mellow Reading...

Dream_Catcher_4103 · Fantasie
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21 Chs

Wing - 16

Eric , Diego and Jacob were shocked to see the huge big wolf sitting to Edna. The trio started howling and this made others from the pack to join them.

The entire pack now gathered around Edna and was shocked to see the big wolf bowing to the unknown girl , for the huge wolf was none other than Jack, the mighty wolf of their Alpha James.

Before Edna could realise the entire pack submitted to her , as their Alpha was already doing it. "Please stop it ! You must have mistaken me for someone else.... I am Edna" she said. Before she realised James shifted to his counterpart and said "You are not Edna.... you are our ELLA..... "

That name brought a beam of electricity to pass through Edward and Edna ..... or should we call her Ella???????

" Our Ella ???" asked many confused for they felt what connection could there be between a mere human and a mighty werewolf. Many even felt annoyed and thought their Alpha had completely lost it.

"She is one amongst us..... Can't you rejoice for she has finally joined us again" said James. "Sorry Alpha..... we do not understand..... what connection a human has with us" said someone from the crowd.

James was loosing his stand but who should come to the rescue but his friend the food witch Cia. There came a beam of light and followed by Cia sounding very happy saying "Me dear you're finally here!"

"How come you both talk so much about her but we do not know who she is...." asked another one from the crowd. "Are we missing something here.... Cia " asked Edward.

"James.... I think it's time for everyone to know the truth... Let's not wait anymore..." said Cia to which James too agreed.

"Edna... " called Cia. "Listen to me carefully and so does everybody. You Edna are a soul keeper and Edward you are the soul seeker" she said.

"You can't live without each other for a part of Edward dwells within you Edna. You have been seeing Edward all your life as you were connected to him as his soul keeper " she said which made Edna gasp in suprise.

"Edward.... the missing piece of your life will only be complete with Edna..." Cia said which Edward couldn't understand.

"But..... I am a human how can I carry his soul" asked Edna. "The sixth finger in your hand.... Were you born with it?" asked Cia. "Of course..... it's a part of my body what a silly question?" said Edna.

"Of course it's a part of your body which doesn't belong to you but to Edward..." said Cia and completed it by saying "Is it true that you're missing a finger ?????? Edward.... "

Edward was completely shocked as realisation started hitting him. No wonder he left his mate bond stronger and he also understood why he felt so alive around her in a short time.

But still one person couldn't connect to anything and she stood still in spite of being the main attraction to the current scenario.

"Edna .... you may be born as a mere human but you are still a werewolf..... for a part of your soul is still preserved deep in the dark and it has to be revived..." said Cia.

"Me ???? a werewolf???? but that's not possible... it's so confusing.... you are mistaken" said Edna. "James... tell them now...." she said.

"I am sorry that I kept it from you all for so long.... It's time the truth only myself and Cia knew should be brought out... We want our Ella back... " said James with teary eyes.

But none noticed that a big brown wolf was watching everything from a distance with keen red eyes.

Who is this brown wolf? Why was he evedropping? What secret is James going to reveal? Where is the Ella's soul? Why is it in the dark? Who's kept it in the dark? Why was Edna attached to Edward's finger?

Travel with me to know more answers. I am Dream Catcher and I hope you like my work. Mellow Reading...