

" sir,this is Mr.jhon Henderson. the cooking master for Mia ."I can only hear half of the words Austin utters.the man and the girl turn around he looks like a bear poked in sleep. I doubt whether this man have heard of sleep in a month. he looks terribly beaten with dark circles and all.but still he have got a peculiar beauty.tan white skin with olive brown hair. long lashes and nose ,orange lips.but

Clair,looks can be deceiving, right! you have not had a good impression about him.okay,so,let's introduce

oho,what was my name dear,yep! jhon Henderson. and what was that buttheads name.....it was something woods....okay...now ..let's adjust with woods. is that the biggest problem now? Clair focus,don't get caught....

he looks at me. more like stares at me. top to bottom. is he checking me out? I can see Austin squeaming like an eel.Mia is a girl,maybe in fifteen or something ,with beautiful girlish features and a purple sundress. I squirm but I regain my posture immediately. " hi ,Mr and ms woods. its a pleasure to meet you. I'm jhon Henderson from my Texas. " he scrutinize me with his calculating lips.man,I used my best boy voice. please,be impressed.

I decide to continue to clear the silence.I can see Mia looking so eager and watching me from my sideglance.so,I resume my talk." Mr.woods, I came here for a vacation, from texas.I should be back in four days. if you think that's okay,I can play as a cooking master on such short notice ."

he doesn't talk a thing.oh....its the buissness man thing...talk less and people think you are dangerous. I really think you are .but I don't want an extra effort to further shake my already shivering knees...god,where have you brought me....?after a long awkward silence he responds.by then I thought I could have been had three attacks.please,god,tell this man to be okay.I just want to o see Austin happy.and never let him think of enquiring about me.I haven't even had a glimpse of Texas of what I could remember in my life.

" okay,Mia wants to teach her some stuff.Austin, take care of this...and follow me to my room. Mr.Henderson,you can start. of you have any questions Austin will be there." I say thank you to that gruff voice. man.....he's one angry young man...why is he angry now.... I haven't even done anything so far....okay...Mr.rude.I also know to show attitude. go to hell.....