I can barely keep my knees together with out shivering after he left.oof...that man has an aura of power oozing out from each of the pores of his body. even after he turned around the sidewalk I can still see his perfectly ironed black suit with out a single crease.man...he looks creepy...I can feel my heartbeat getting back to normal by now .how can ahl human be this intimidating...? man...I'm off my rocker when he is around.
I felt Austin's hand on my shoulder.Clair are you all right? he asked in a hushed voice.oh....I'm okay." you have been staring at him.I have been calling you. you have been zoned out."oh...I'm sorry. maybe its this place that makes me this strange.I replied. but I knew in my heart its not this place nor this dress that makes me creepy its that guy with all this power around me.I saw Mia looking surprised by our whispers. I poked Austin to look at her."ha....Mia darling, here is Mr.jhon.he's a very good cook.you can get started now.I have to get going or else your brother is going to eat me alive.if anything just call me....okay."he winked at me and went the way Mr.wood went.
" hi,ms.wood" I said awkwardly waving my hand in the air.oh,god...please let this sweet girl be convinced that I'm truly a man,a cooking master and what not." hi,jhon.just call me Mia...im sorry for my brother. he is not really good with conversations and things other than buissness. he had to handle many things in life so young.so..I hope you dont mind that..." she closed with a smile.she looks so beautiful when she smiles.how could she have a such a rude brother..." okay,Mia it is.dear,I dont mind. and its just for a day.let's bake something terrible. come on...."I have been wondering in my mind, what he endured in his life to become such closed off.
we began with chocolate chip pancakes.she was a very good student.we talked of many things.there was many butterflies flying near the garden.it was really fun to work with her.she had read many books.surprisingly, I had also known about those books.we began to work on roasted turkey and minced beef. somewhere in the middle.Mia stopped me." jhon,you know what.you are truly awesome to work with.you are not like typical boys who doesn't like anything regarding books and stuff.they just push it off saying all that's girl stuff. you are not like them.you dont look too old too.how old are you?"I was dumbfound is not correct. I was flabbergasted. man....how the hell do I know how old I am...." Mia,thank you for your compliment.I have not really worked private
cooking lessons before. I'm also a cooking student.Austin couldn't get anyone better on such short notice. " I think I will stick to the truth as far as possible. " jhon,why do you say so? there were many big chefs here before you.before noon I handed their ass back in a baking owen. my brother would be wondering currently why it is taking me so much time .but I truly like you.its very nice to talk to you.yet ,you haven't answered my question how old are you? "
". Mia,you have been seeing me for sometime now. guess,how old do I look." she considered for a minute. " mm....you look like you are eighteen to twenty. " god,this girl has got some eyes.Lizzie told the same about me.I decided to play it safe." you are quite a guesser,mia.I'm nineteen. " how come you are this good in cooking in this age? god...this girl has a habit of quostioning.mm... my mom is a good cook.
okay,I dont want to tell anymore truth.so," Mia ,its getting late.why don't we finish with a desert. we can still make an apple pudding with frostings. "