
night falling over the pack

Ashland's mind (ugh my head) as I stumble to the door to find nick I see em laying on a small mattress in front of by my bed I make my way to the door and open it slowly so no one can hear it I walk to Nick's room and his room is nice and cold I go in and sit on the end of the bed I close my eyes so I can her the birds out side then I hear something move and I open my eyes and I see nick standing in front of me and he says you should be resting and he grabs my hand and I ask hi if I can stay in here because I like the coldness of the room so he smiles and walks me to his bed and he lays me on the bed and covers me in his blanket which has a wolf howling at a big moon on it .I fall asleep for a bit and by time I wake up I seems to be ten or eleven aclock . l walk over to the door and I look though the crack and I see Nick's mum and em and Nick It looks like they're making something I open the door and everyone looks at me with surprise I ask did I do something wrong or is my hair crazy? but em jumps up and runs to me and hugs me she's smiling so much that I think she going to explode from joy. I ask em what's up and she replies and she said.