
shadow time

I'm walking and now I'm flying yay!, this is awesome. I land on something wet, a cool chill runs down my spine. I look down and it's water, I'm literally standing on water woah this is so.. unbelievable.

I hear a faint voice calling out"Hazel, hazel". the voice becomes louder and louder. I forcefully open my eyes, I stretch a bit and yawn.

I freeze and look around, the whole class is staring at me, some carry shock expressions while others are trying to hold in laughter but failing miserably. I look forward to meet the teacher glaring at me. "so.. I'm guessing you had a great time sleeping in my class eh?". he points to the door, "detention!!" he says with a cold and stern voice.

detention, on my first day. I walk wearily out of the class. After walking around the school for what seemed like forever I stand in front of a door boldly written 'DETENTION'.

I open the door to an empty class with an old man behind the teachers desk. I can't believe they actually pay someone to sit and do nothing. I walk in and sit in one of the desks. "good day sir". I got no reply, sigh.

According to the wall clock, it's been an hour, an hour of complete boredom. the door creeks open and the senior from before steps In.

his eyes widens as he sees me. probably shocked.

he takes his sit right next to me. "hi I'm Conner and you are", he pause "hazel". he nods.

"first time in detention huh?!", I nod. I think he is tryna start up a conversation or something. "so... what're you in for", he asks. "I... was caught sleeping", I slyly say. he nods"happens to the best of us".

silence fills up the room till it's stuffy and it's not even the good kind of silence, it's an awkwardly dead silence.

"the new VR game has been released" Conner broke the silence. "really, tell me all about it". I'll just try to follow up since he's been the one putting effort.

"I hear the game simulation and graphics is really good and it kind of feels real. you can be anyone you want to be, it's like living a new life". wait.. a new life?, one I can be anyone I want to without been told or ordered around. "a double life and the fun part is that in the game, the points actually give you money in real life". he looked like he's gonna explode with excitement.

"shhhhhhh", the old guy howled. "woah it sounds really amazing. what's it called". i ask. "shadow time".